Jew Central

please enlighten me on what (((they))) have done.

i was just recently redpilled and i dont want to come off as a faggot who doesnt know shit in discussion. all i know is the general "(((they))) control banks" and suc.

Other urls found in this thread:


>short version
>longer version

Look into any of these and there will always be verifiable evidence that there's an obscenely high number of Jews lurking in the background. This pertains especially to Communism, multiculturalism, anti-Christianity, the Federal Reserve, media control, anti-guns, open borders

The Holocaust is a pretty good place to start; several goodies
>No mention of death camps in Patton or Churchill's memoirs
>Elie Wiesel's book Night, is an admitted falsehood
>Illegal to discuss Holocaust denial in 14 Countries (Some punish with prison time)
>Takes ~40 minutes to cremate a body, ~8 years of war, 11 million total dead, only 3 ((official)) crematories
>all those pictures of emaciated victims, dont talk about how the US and UK were bombing supply lines constantly
I mean, why would anyone lie about this, its not like Germany has paid several BILLION dollars to PRIVATE Jewish individuals

read master and margarita + might is right + Revelations 3 + research school of frankfurt. Moses Hess created national socialism.

oh you have no idea how far this rabbit hole goes down.

Watch these to understand the past, each video has a different theme:

Watch Jordan Peterson explain the present:














If you just push all these without a context people won't see the whole narrative. They will try to disassemble your rethoric in defense mode. Rather try to tell a story which people can relate to.




read up on the frankfurt school and what happened to russia before the bolsheviks

Every bad thing (((they))) have been accused of.
All but the plague oddly enough.

also armenian genocide




Evidence of the Holocaust include:

- 1 steam chamber (IMT XXXII 153-158, III 567);
- 1 electrical chamber (IMT VII 576-577, XII 369);
- 1 German atomic bomb (for instant cremation work at Auschwitz) (IMT XVI 529);
- 1 tree (used as murder weapon) (IMT VII 582);
- 1 portable oven (IMT VII 586);
- 1 pedal-driven brain bashing machine (IMT VII 376-377);
- 1 bone-grinding machine (IMT VII 439, 549-550, 446, 593);
- 1 spanking machine (IMT VI 213);
- 1 lampshade of human skin (IMT XXXII 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, 269);
- 1 pocket book and 1 pair of driving gloves, all of human skin (IMT XXX 352, 355);
- 1 pornographic picture painted on canvas of human skin (IMT XXX 469);
- 1 book bound in human skin (IMT VI 331);
- 1 saddle, 1 pair of riding breeches, 1 glove, 1 house slipper, 1 ladies' handbag, all of human skin (IMT V 171);
- 1 torture box (disguised as an ordinary wardrobe) (IMT XVI 561, 546, 556-557);
- 1 chair stuffed with human hair (IMT XIX 506);
- 1 mattress stuffed with human hair (IMT I, 252);
- 1 pair of human hair socks (IMT XXXIX 552-553, XX 353);
- 1 jar of human soap (IMT VII 597-601);
- 1 piece of tanned human skin (IMT VII 600);
- 1 gas van (IMT VII 571);
- 1 door mat made of human hair (NMT V 1119-1152, Trial of Oswald Pohl).

We know these objects existed, because they were "proven" at Nuremberg by means of "official documents" and "sworn statements".



What have they not done, literally. What have they not fucked up and infected? All this racebaiting on all sides everywhere, nuclear meltdowns into oceans of plastic. The fucking slave trade, which is blamed on gentiles as they slink away to genocide another sandnigger colony, which isn't all bad, but where is our cheap gas? Where is our rebate on taxdollars spent invading and subsidizing this crap? And when is it our turn to face the schonzpremacists in open battle.

Saudi is buying up Arizona. Where do all these Isis trainers and Mossad ass stabbers plan on retiring? You think they will treat us better than their last neighbors?


It's epic how fast the red pills fly in threads about (((them))) on Sup Forums


If only there was an imageboard where I could post five images at a time..........
then I really might have a chance to learn about (((their))) ways.

(am op)

holy shit how the fuck do they get away with doing all of this and then still being seen as a targetted people and having people sympathize with them. if you even try and say this shit off Sup Forums you would get clocked


Indeed. Knowing is half the battle.



In case you don't get it yet, This is a global ethnic genocide of all indigenous groups by ratfaced khazars who breed out "unpure" bloodlines. Ratfaced Saudis are ratfaced kikels are ratfaced Vichy are ratfaced guidos are ratfaced bolsheviks. They run the mobs, the cults, the media, the banks. They have weird oversized features due to generations of inbreeding. Phrenology is real and only kikes are allowed to write articles about physical traits being linked to behavioral traits, anyone outside the tribe is backballed for suggesting such a simple conceot of animal heraldry can be applied to human animals.

Why is it called gentrification when kikes buy up the ghetto and sell it to hipster halfkike mischlings? Because blondes are dumb and gingers are soulless ha ha ha. And everyone chuckles nervously at the rat holding the gun.







how do they not only cover up their tracks so well, but propagate repeating the past? it it to claim victimhood or to get away with stealing more land under the guise of an ethnostate?

Jews are good people, check these digits to confirm

Every extreme is a controlled opposition, every group promoted by the establishment is some kind of ponzi scheme looking for the next sucker.

Hitler got the German gentiles to jump off a cliff. His grandmother was Rothschilds maid and whore. Hitler was the zionist illuminati, the ungerian german imports. And the semites (actual hebrew jew decendents, not the turkblooded ratfaced ashkeNazis) who did not report for duty in Rothschilds Palestine project, they were punished by his grandson Hitler and the disposable gentiles he led of that ideological cliff.

a jew actually linked me to this image the other day in an argument in defense of jews and i started screaming laughing

Because they have practised usury for 300 years longer than Christians, they have been expelled hundreds of times from various nations. This has led them to become professionals and intellectuals, in addition to money lenders, in order to ensure successful relocation and scalability in their ventures. Now that they have victim status and reparation money, they are able to placate the masses with media. Terrence McKenna actually has a great passage about the drug of television, although he blames the Japanese instead of the Jew. They own the courts, the police, the military, the banks, the jails, the mechanisms of food production (pic related), and the minds of most whites. It will take a mass awakening for anything to transpire, and when nonviolent protests such as BDS movement are condemned, it makes the journey ever harder.

The past repeats over and over, the libraries burn, the Book of Faces and actual indigenous, ethnic and phenological data is purged and denied through cognitive dissonance.



lurk moar faggot

Precisely. Lucky the Germans had a solution, Thanks Gobbels.

Promote a strategy and agenda that uses prognostication to predict the lies that follow from actions taken in an attempt at future propaganda.

Jews, BTFO.

I can fix that right now!

(((Who))) ran the trade routes since ancient times using tribal "beni israeli" sniper guardsmen and romani pack nigger mules to transport goods?

Who was blamed for the plague again, I was never taught any specific timeline of the wheres and whys that distant disease showed up suddenly all across large swaths of western europe. Almost sounds like what happened to the native americans when they were handed infected blankets.
