Overpopulation in Africa

The Christian churches and Islam are actively promoting it like crazy. Why is that? What do they possibly gain from severe famines, tens of millions of dead in wars and of diseases and dead, devastated land from overpopulation?

Isn't this extremely cruel to create a situation in which tens of millions die... except if the West helps with huge amounts of money?

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I'll send money to South America before Africa. Ideally no money is sent as aid at all.

they gain an army of desperate believers ready to invade Europe

Why the fuck do we treat these things like humans? We send white people all over the world to discover creatures....They find indigenous people all over the world, and they go out of their way to let them alone.....Why Afrika? Why can't we just act like we always do and let these people to their own devices. They, like south american people have NOTHING at all to offer western world. NOTHING. The only value of afrika to westerners is the hidden mineral deposits. The people are stupid, and have no foresight. You could genocide them today, and they would forget about it by the morning.

Why didn't we let them alone? Why did we have to experiment with them in western culture. Stupid christian. They figured jesus would save them....turns out it didn't, and you can't seem to breed Africa out of them. In short, if we don't mail them back, we will suffer the same fate as Afrika does today.

Aren't the Christian areas of Africa better though? I was reading that Christians are more educated (sometimes by twice as much) as Muslims in various African countries. I also found out about a mega-church near lagos that is basically self'sufficient:


They supposedly claim that some people from the city, come into the mega-church to learn about how they operate their power plants. They also have their own insititions ranging from schools, to banks, luxury housing (by African standards), etc.

Poor, uneducated people make the best believers.

Go look up General Butt Naked.

Isnt it extremely cruel to fuck like rabbits and expect the rest of the world to take care of you?

>except if the West helps with huge amounts of money?

>first year engineering
>first design project is growing algae to supply protein to diseased third worlders who would die without it
Truly a great use of western resources.

Don't feed the Niggers, seriously, don't feed them!

Should have killed them before this cuck age

thats the point OP. they die. its what the west has been trying to do for decades. set everything up so every one else dies

the refugee situation only happened because the west couldnt admit it wouldnt help them because it wasnt confident in being able to win a few years ago. a few upsets and it looked like asians and africans and south american natives might actually get to live into the next century

now the muslims have made the europeans suicidal and they dont care. you can mostly blame old wrinkled cunts who dont know when they have lost already. if the west suffers another military defeat like australia (massive losses in its navy) did in the pacific or america did in the philipines (more soldiers than they want to admit died just like 2 years ago) then they will force more to be taken in from africa

because they know the west hates niggers and the niggers need food

>spic will send money to his family in south america instead of africa
wow no surprise, pablo. any white person would rather burn the money than either of you animals receiving it. maybe they'd give to the chinese or mudslimes so they can kill you instead

So his conversion to Christianity stopped him from murdering people?


>Isnt it extremely cruel to fuck like rabbits and expect the rest of the world to take care of you?
>why are all global moral platitudes only for Whites?
>Africa, India and China treats their vaginas like they're clown cars, and they don't give two shits about their people.
>the only nations required to pick up their slack are White nations
Why is the OP? Why the double-standards?

>subhuman IQ
>christian, otherwise some savage tribal shit
>poor yet makes 12 kids
>drugs and disease
>flooding white lands

>subhuman IQ
>christian, otherwise some savage tribal shit
>poor yet makes 12 kids
>drugs and disease
>flooding white lands

Muslim Africa has significantly less HIV/AIDS, but definitely more FGM.

Well sorry for wanting white kids.

Africa is not very densely populated. If it was as dense as India it could hold 5 billion + people.
Over population is not a problem, the problem is them migrating out.

American niggers raped France harder than Germany while "liberating" it. "White" Americans don't deserve your sympathy, they revel in your destruction and actively support it.

Sorry, but the Americas will all be Latin America soon. Realize that nobody cares whether it's a literal Jetsons society, at least we'll get rid of the niggers these faggots worship and want you to worship too.

>Africa is not very densely populated.
This is literally bullshit. Once you take away the desert areas and jungle areas, it is as densely populated as the US West Coast or Western Europe. That is why shit is hitting the fan there.

Cheap, incredibly loyal workforce that doesn't give a fuck about liberty and freedom. Medieval peasants, basically.


That can't actually do any meaningful work unless under slavery, which means they still can't do any meaningful work under a modern context.
See Empire of Dust. Africa is valuable for it's resources, of which its natives are not.

How about having no kids, instead of creating more beaners or tainting superior genes

>not exterminating your slaves after using them

What is the proposed solution?
Move 2 billion Africans to Europe?

If people gave a fuck we'd be making food aid that was laced with contraceptive drugs.

>What is the proposed solution?
>Move 2 billion Africans to Europe?

The solution is to not have churches and Islam promote anti-birth control and anti-family planning shit.

The solution is to seriously invest in a max 2 children per family system.

The solution is birth control and implanons for every African woman above the age of 14.

The solution is getting to a stagnating population situation by 2050 at the very latest.

And that is the fucking only solution that can work. Only solution.

"White" Americans are literally the military strongarm of the Jew. Can anybody beside Britain claim to have done as much to support ((them))

The position you are in now is your own fault, you know that right?

Coltan. Google it.
Despite all the claims, 1 region in the world suppplies 70% of world cunsumption.

You know, recently I have started wondering why we need to think of solutions at all.
We seem to have this mentality that all the world's problems are ours to solve.

What if the solution for our part is just to make sure none of this apes comes to Europe? Africa can have 10 billion people in it for all I care. Just so long as that's where they stay.

It's true. Beaners will do the jobs that whites will not.

The solution is to not give them any more AID.
What they want from us they'll get through meaningful trade on the free market, like any other nation. If they are incapable of monetizing said resources, they could sell the rights to said land to those who would pay for it.
Everything else would be left to their own devices.
More fair and humane than could be said elsewhere in the world; at least they arne't being intentionally destabilized or ethnically cleansed for their land.

Christinsanity. /thread

Literally none of that can be achieved without recolonizing Africa, are you ok with that?


Bad goyim. YOU NEED the (((divercity))) for reasons...

Seriously how bo we ship the niggers back to afric and quarantine them there?

feel free to have kids

in mexico

>that is the fucking only solution that can work.

I disagree.


>How has it become so acceptable to wish catastrophe upon billions?
Simple survival instinct.

they need workers and soldiers

More followers= more money. The modern church doesn't even give a shit about it's own teaching, just money. That's why I stopped going to church completely even at Christmastime

Yup, we hand out way too many comps to the third world

>turn on the radio
>some report about how people feeding wild animals in the nearby forest has severe consequences for the population and pleas that they please stop
>next report is unironically about "muh starving children in Africa" and that we should send more gibs

Always amazing how they manage to fully grasp the significance of a certain action but then absolutely fail at transferring it to a different situation.

Nice thinking desu.
Good luck getting a bunch of niggs to wrestle control from a company like Da Beers (Jew controlled). It would be a blood bath.

Nigger, don't you get it yet?
"We are the World"

Hate whitey and feed blacky has been the rule since the '80s. And in that time, the population of apefrica has nearly quadrupled.
When you feed the squirrels, you get more squirrels.
When you feed the pigeons, you get lots of pigeons.
When you feed the niggers, you get lots of niggers.

But alas, this logic escapes the liberals and their bleeding hearts...

You expect niggers to regulate themselves like Europeans. They can't.
Not reproductively.
Not in restraining their violent tendencies.
Not in their paramount sloth and greed.
Not in their shifty, corrupt, lying nature.

he's a very nice man nowadays he runs a chruch

but shitskins aren't people, just like jews or commies aren't people. only whites are people.


The Catholic Church believes they can convert retarded Muslims into becoming retarded Christians. The best kind of believer.

>believes they can convert retarded Muslims into becoming retarded Christians

^^^this, from a mexi-beaner.
You are the epitome of retarded, Jose.

Race mixing leads to colourblindness.

Oh, wait. That's an Irish flag, not a Mexican one.

My apologies

To the Mexicans

They'd prefer a single faithful Muslim over a thousand atheists, because the Muslim is religious and can potentially be converted (at least in their mind). The rest is just drags they can't get their hands on.

>Insult Christianity
>brown skinned cuck gets offended.

Every time.

>The rest is just drags
"Dregs", Herman.

Keine gesprecht, no?

Militant Islam will secure privileges for religion that cuckstains think will apply to them. It won't. They will be made to convert or die. Frankly I can see an upside to Islamic migration to Europe and the US.

>The Christian churches and Islam are actively promoting it like crazy
bull fucking shit

but in general of the overpopulation subject, we have a crisis of 7 billion people relying on a minority of people (white people) to provide and support the entire fucking world.

We need resources, we need food and we need housing which we cannot provide within our lifetimes of an expanding population.

A and E are very close to each other. My bad.

It's the kikes

They're breeding an army for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men

> (You)
>>Insult Christianity
>>brown skinned cuck gets offended.
Brown skinned?

German and Finn here. Nothing brown about me that doesn't go down the bowl when I flush.

Religion treats people like animals.

Very subtle

>Why is that?
Because this is programmed by their charter.

Keine sorgen

>American flag
Your a nigger Harry.

>treats people like animals
most behave like animals... maybe not a bad idea, then?
If religion forces them to submit to a higher standard, then that's good. But if it licenses their baser nature, then it's very, very bad...like islam

Let's be fair, my dude. The Chinks are entirely self sufficient, but will absolutely never help shoulder the "white man's burden" and are doing far more than us to wreck the environment.

Here's one- my libshit professor said that the only reason Europe doesn't have overpopulation is because they shipped their population to colonies. And countries in Africa can't do that.
Is there any argument I could make against his claim?

>>American flag
and you're the faggot irishman
who does the pump
on every Brit in town.

Fucking Irish, they're soooooo stupid, the Americans bred the negroes with them, so their slaves would be more docile

just ask him to provide any numbers on the amount of Europeans that settled over into the colonies. 99% chance he doesn't have them so you can call him out on spouting shit no matter if it would actually be a valid point or not, simply because he was making statements he can't support.

on top of that, it wouldn't solve anything. it would just delay the inevitable by maybe a decade, but they won't just suddenly start building successful countries with reasonable birthrates upon moving elsewhere. they were sitting on a continent with shitloads of resources for millennia and they never did anything with it.

It's never been a problem in the past. Religion never made food appear to feed kids the land you live on can't support. Religion never treated mass epidemics of malaria and HIV without any demand for a change in behavior of the infirm. Religion never averted the natural death toll of wars that spring up due to shitty governments that lead to well thought out, stable Democratic revolutions.

Humans develop entirely reactionary to long term, sustained stimuli. If the rest of the world is blunting the consequences to the African's own behaviour, he will never develop. The divide between him and the developed man will only grow.

Because the Christian faith says to help those less fortunate than you. Some Westerners take this too far, and desire to help out Africans(aka the least-fortunate people on the planet) at great cost because they want to do good.

Islam on the other hand promotes the idea of having many children, for the purpose of spreading Islam. The more children you have, the more Muslims there will be. If Islam outbreeds all other religions, they will become the dominant faith. They see it as a war which they want to win through numbers.

Does this answer your question OP? Muslim push for more children + welfare from westerners = overpopulation.

Uh, that said argument is a century out of date. Most European antions were giving up their colonies by the middle of the 20th century - hadn't been "sending" inhabitants to populate them since before WWII.
So yer Prof. is a blathering idiot, or a freakish jellyfish headed lib.

Fair point, but in general sense Arabs, Niggers and Hispanics & some parts of the Asian world rely on white people to house & feed them.
Seriously fuck them.. we don't need them.

Europe needs people, German business needs workers and consumers of goods & services. They are being imported like any other vital commodity.

None of these involve people's fee-fee's. therefore, you won't get anywhere.
The time for sensible discussion is past, the physical push back of the native populations is the only thing that will work. Maybe after that, putting leaders in that work for the people and not the banks might be nice. Oops, I accidentally Nat Soc'd.

Just ask him to compare recorded European and African birthrates over literally any period he wants to. Even if his statement was true and it isn't, modern African birth rates are happening on land that simply can't support them in it's current leadership. Africa is actually extremely fertile, except for the Sahara, obviously. The land is just in the hands of people who don't know how to work it and aid organizations think it's racist to change this for some reason.

The operative word is better. The Muslim areas are worse because Islam is shit independent of race. For example, Thailand is better than Malaysia, Ukraine is better than Chechnya, India is better than Pakistan, and so on. But these are still blacks, so no matter what religion they are they're not white

>retarded German thinks that imported islamic invaders and talking apes are people

>Europe needs people

NO!!! Europe needs more European people. Europe does not need to turn itself into apefrica, for God's sake.

Niggers are as European as you are Chinese. That will not change in 3 or 5 or 10 or even 20 generations. They'll still be niggers, and by then Europe will have become apefrica north.

Niggers are NOT a commodity.
They're a liability. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't been paying attention to the American problem. They freed their slaves over 150 years ago, have given them the best housing, education, and such that American money could buy. Gave the darkies an easy shot into college, lots of perks to companies who hire lots of them, etc... but still they parade about like the pack of negroes they are. Theft, rape, murder, gangs, lots of hard drugs, lots of violence everywhere they live in any numbers whatsoever.
Or, as the Merkans say, you can take the nigger out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the nigger.

Why don't they just tell their people to have more kids? Maybe offer up some financial incentive like tax breaks? How is importing millions of unemployable, violent idiots who will jump at the chance to subvert the culture if left unhindered, who are dependant on the government for every meal and every minute under a roof, better economically or socially than just a little social engineering through incentive?

>brits bred white slaves with black slaves
That's where your grandad came from.

The problem is the assumption that all of the Consumer Units are interchangeable and effectively identical. They are anything but. The cultures you see in Africa are what the imported units naturally create. The cultures of Europe are what the extant units create. It's a matter of faith that they are the same, and it's trivially not true to an objective eye.

I think either your professor is retarded or you are making this up. Europe is vastly more populated than Africa is. Europeans live in much higher density. Africa is under populated if anything, they just don't have the resources or technology to look after themselves.

So let's assume your professor is retarded.

Actually Corning Inc. CET division is located in SA, so your actually wrong...

Europe already offers incentives for Europeans to have children. The birth rates did not go up. I assume political leaders calculated that they could never financially incentivise larger families to an extent that they could afford.

His argument is that Europe had the most competitive states so they 'developed' first and while they were still agricultural (like until 1800s) they would have a lot of kids some of which would die from disease. Which is kind of how Africa is today. He thinks if Africa gets more technology ect ect they will overcome their unevolved culture and rape insticts and somehow in like 200 years have the same problem as Euope with populations dropping.

1. Flooding the west, furthering the vision of the mulatto underclass
2. Manufacturing white guilt via African atrocities
Bretty simple

your a worthless ficktard.
I was born in Gissen, Stadt Essen, Deutscheland.
My father is pure German, family can trace back 17 generations in the Rhineland. My mother is 3/4 Finn and 1/4 Dane.
They met at Uni in Straasborg. There isn't a single drop of nigger blood in me you wothless piece of irish filth. It's no wonder the Brits kept a firm hand over your kind for so long, and a shame that they finally let it off. Your a filthy bunch of stupid, contrary bastards.

European birth rate is falling below replacement rate, while in countries like Nigeria they're having 7 babies a woman. Right now Europe might have more people, but in 50 years it will look different

Keeps the working classes poor by using their tax money to fund migrants.
Makes the wealthy wealthier because they have more customers and tenants.

>He thinks if Africa gets more technology ect ect they will overcome their unevolved culture and rape insticts and somehow in like 200 years have the same problem as Euope with populations dropping.

Even if that were true, the only way to speed their development up that much would be economic imperialism where we unleash our companies on them without any kind of regulations.
I don't think he'd be in favor of that.

>the most obvious bait
>people still take it

which is why we ought to nuke apefrica right friggin now.
That which is inferior must, always and forever, be held to it's place.
"He who shall not work, neither let him eat"

Let me get some popcorn, son.

Does the fall in birthrates correlates with mew founded colonies? Or does it perhaps correlates with certain post WW2 (((cultural revolutions)))? If Europe was to be left alone the birthrates would have hardly suffered, and if they would the damage would be minimal. Nations don't die from low birth rates, they die from trying to fix the issue via foreigners.