I always have a certain feeling of hate and anger in me.
So I participated in a ‘Free Fight’ with a local Football club against a team in Belgium.
>Be me 24 year old Dutch fag
>Always liked sports and their supporters
>Hear about fights the plan somewhere in the woods just for the lolz and rep
>join a fight in the Belgium woods
>Gets totally destroyed
>make a lot of friends because ‘I’m brave’
>I’m popular because I got the shit beaten out of me
Free Fights
why would you fight other white people
>why would you fight other white people
If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.
What is....shit that never happened?
So you joined a fight club and then talked about fight club?
sounds homoerotic. continue
If you are a man, meet me at Utrecht Centraal today, i'll fucking smack you so hard, you'll wake up back on reddit
>free fights
you mean sport hooligan rumbles, the dumbest fucking thing ever, they should just have a massive gay orgy instead.
This is nigger tier shit come on Netherlands..
Most people are scared shitless when it comes to high risk if getting beaten up
I've seen it many times how pussies won't jump in for their best friend, cause they lock up for some reason.
I had a lot of respect from people that don't even know me cause I was never afraid pussy to jump in.
I remember once 4, 5 guys came to my neighbourhoud to beat up my not so close friend. Me and him were solo. He was a hard cunt, 198cm, 105kgs, i was 195,95 kilos. And he was like I won't be a pussy ill show, but I'll prob be beaten up. I told him I'll go to, I got his back and shit. Fight never happened, but dude respected that and we got a lot closer. Even a lot of his friends knew about this and often thanked me for being there for their boy
Moral of the story, if you have balls, people will respect you
I met my wife 8 years ago at a party because someone spit in her face at a party and her pussy boyfriend at the time didn't do shit to the guy, he was drunk as fuck and it took one half decent strike to the ribs to put him on the ground. I literally have an amazing life and two healthy young white sons because I just wasn't a pussy for one night. Showing courage can get you everything.
Nice, happy for you man.
Side note. That adrenaline rush after the fight, that feeling of blood rushing through your body... Feels almost cathartic
wow that's super gay, bro
>>make a lot of friends because ‘I’m brave’
You need to know when to pick your fights. At school i defended and got beaten up for people which i later on realized were not worth the hassle
Even know what the fuck it is?
Apparently fighting all the time is not normal for kids? I don't know. Born 77, grew up in Calgary Alberta, very chill town, fought constantly, all the time though. I honestly thought it was just what everybody did.
Now I guess it's like if you fight one guy you don't even just fight that guy you have to fight all his friends ect. I think this might be why there are so many fags now.
every race has its tards
>hit the invaders
not prep the bull after fucking around in 'da woods
>Serbia Strong.
Yeah I'd always been in fights throughout football and wrestling season in the locker rooms and shit during middle school and high school so it wasn't anything I'd never had before. I was just having a particularly shitty night that night and I saw some hot white girl get spit on by a dirty spic. The rest is history lol.
This Google jew will know.
>Two healthy white sons and a wife who will never know that their dad is some edgy white-supremacist moron who's militantly proud of something he was born with out of sheer luck
Congrats on being white, you fucking faggot. I'm not a cuck who supports immigrant cunts shitting up all of our countries, but being a supremacist is just as stupid as being a libcuck.
Asians have a higher average IQ than whites anyway, so all of you white supremacist faggots look even more pathetic because your theories don't even add up.
I'm white as fuck by the way, before you try and call me a nigger or a chink. The difference is that I'm grateful for being white, and I take strides to better myself and the people around me. I just go "oh shit nigger, I'm white. Everything's gud."
I feel bad for your kids.
That's a thing in Europe. Fights between hooligan factions
Found the faggot.
nice reddit spacing nigger
This should be the motto of this board desu.
We all know that there are IQ disparities among different races, but there's retards and geniuses in every single group... Some groups just have a higher percentage of retards/geniuses than others.
There's plenty of aryans with the intelligence of monkeys, just take a gander at any thread on this board. It's mostly 90% edgelords that I feel ashamed to call my own bloodline, who are literally proud of nothing more than the melanin in their skin.
Most of you are just as bad as niggers
>I'm (((white))) as fuck by the way
>Some middle-aged fuck on an anonymous imageboard with children, a wife, and presumably a career calling other people faggots and spouting white-supremacy bullshit like a literal BLM faggot.
Yeah, bro, you're a real golden-nugget for the white-race. Keep being immature and bantering with 20 year olds, you crusty, old cunt.
Let me spell it out for you, because you're either a retard or a kike, and I'm feeling charitable. No white nationalist has ever said Asians don't have higher average iqs (Asian Americans mind you, go to the lesser parts of China and you'll find that most of them live not much better than niggers in the hood). White men have the best combination of iq and strength. Asians, smart and weak. Niggers, strong and stupid (although in raw strength, white men still win the strong man competitions consistently) , spics, smarter than niggers but weaker than them as well.
So yeah, sorry to burst your bubble but we're aware of the average Asian American IQ. We're also aware that nobody has ever done close to what the white race has accomplished as a collective. Make sense faggot?
Why would I lie.
Work on your reading comprehension, cuck.
Definitely jew.
Why so triggered kike?
>We're also aware that nobody has ever done close to what the white race has accomplished as a collective
The only reason for this is that we were the perfect mix of isolated and yet not isolated. None of that would've happened had we not spawned on the right side of the Mediterranean.
Because you're a kike?
A win is a win.
Jesus christ, this is hilarious. Luckily for you this is an anonymous imageboard so no one can laugh at your stupidity and reckless abandonment of history and statistics.
I guess in whatever garbage field you work in, half-assing things is okay.
Keep at it, bro. I'm sure you're going to raise 2 healthy white faggots who are going to grow up just as immature and useless as their puny father who goes on anonymous imageboards at the age of 35.
The fact that I share a bloodline with you makes me want to puke.
How many shitskins, user, and are you a shitskin?
Yeah, showing courage can get you some used goods.
Nice job man.
More proof of God's eternal blessings on the white race. Truly a sign of his love for his most precious creation.
Go beat the living shit out of some sandniggers you stupid fucks....Honestly group sport fans are fucking idiots.
I wouldn't even bother using historical or geographical evidence with this faggot. He's in his own little bubble of supremacy.
Don't get me wrong, I love being white. But there are plenty of nigger-tier whities out there. This cunt is a prime example.
calling people gay for engaging in masculine behavior is super cucked and undermining western civilization. kys
Virgin kiwi, one day you'll learn people can attend social gatherings without being "used".
A win due to luck is not really a win. That's called a fluke user.
Top kek, keep dreaming. You won't likely even survive this century at this rate. The ultimate winners will be the Asian bugman, after you've handed him all your technology, just like the Middle Easterners handed it down to you.
Not an argument.
First rule of fight club.. don't admit that you're as gay as fuck and enjoy being beaten up by superior men
Western civilization isn't a fluke. Conquering the entire planet isn't a fluke. Inventing 90% of the world's shit isn't a fluke. Keep it coming. Breaking from our homeland and exploring, conquering, and dominating isn't a fluke. Keep it coming.
What happens if you rape someone in the fight club, the rules are nobody talks about it. So they can't talk about you raping someone can they?
I'll admit, it's been awhile since I posted here. Been lurking for the last few weeks. I forgot how easy it is to argue with you morons. The second that a logical argument breaks out, you just resort to the "kike" insults, which ironically mean nothing to me because I'm not even close to Jewish. I'm 95% Greek, Germanic, and Italian.
I can't give you too much shit though, because I also throw out the "kike" and "nigger" insults when I'm lazy.
>i was 195,95 kilos
You have presented no argument, much less a logical one.
Greek thinks he's white. Oosh.
>I’m popular because I got the shit beaten out of me
Then France must be the most trendy place around.
"Not an argument."
Reddit is a few clicks away, faggot. You'd fit in better there anyway. I'm sure you can find some old-nobodies there who were good at sports in highschool and flaked after real life hit them.
I wrestled in middleschool/high school as well, and I find it particularly hard to believe that you escaped the mats with the current mindset you have now. You of all people should know that white-supremacy isn't just a "given." You have to earn it. I'd expect a wrestler to understand the concept of working hard towards things, and EARNING respect.
Nice evasion.
She's not used because she attended a party senpai, she's used because her "pussy boyfriend at the time," and probably a half dozen other men, probably fucked her every day for the last year.
Why do lion cubs attack eachother?
The rest of the world should drop to their knees and kiss a white man's feet every time they see him faggot, without the white race the world would be an insufferable shit hole.
And you have still yet to provide anything remotely similar to an argument.
Let me guess, you're a lonely MGTOWer? Did some filthy islander fuck your girl in front of you or something?
Into the oven with you
"Reddit spacing."
I didn't know that typing things in an organized manner was "reddit-tier."
You're just spamming an old-meme on here that's been spammed for years. If anything, you're the faggot who should hit up reddit considering your affluence for stealing other-peoples' shit.
You say this right after you tell me to go back to "reddit" lmao. Fucking shlomo, fix your life.
>I'm an autistic sperg so I chimp out
You really think a wrestler would be a MGTOWer? I'm beginning to think you're larping. For someone who spent supposedly 6-8+ years of their life doing the most physically exhausting sport in existence, one would think you'd develop some sort of discipline, or at the very least a sense of reality.
To be honest, the shit you say is more reminiscent of someone my age than a person who supposedly has 2 children.
I guess you could have 2 children and be in your early 20's but that would make you nigger-tier, and I highly doubt you'll own up to that one.
>Utrecht Centraal
Worst station to pick a fight lol, go to Gouda or Amersfoort, much less NS Policing
lol gay
That reply wasn't even to you. Yeah you're a little kikeling on his first field trip to Pol. Fuck off.
It's either time to work on your reading comprehension or time to update your glasses/contacts prescription, mate, because I wasn't replying to you there.
Faggot just exposed himself as
The irony.
fight club?
You're using an NZ proxy lmao.
play fighting is a normal behavior
>Sup Forums ladies and gentleman
No wonder people don't take any theories on this site seriously.
You forgot to take your antipsychotics and your lithium, user.
If you actually think tumbling around in the woods with your homo butt buddies is training for any real life combat scenario I feel sorry for you
Dumbass, you replied to me from your American ip. The kiwi ip never claimed to be a wrestler, you did. This is the high Ashkenazi iq at work?
Jesus christ dude. You're really this delusional/paranoid?
Why the fuck would I send one comment to you from a NZ when we've been going at it with the same IDs for like 20 minutes now? How stupid are you?
Cheapshot some drunk cunt in the ribs because youre trying to white night some roastie. Good job alfa as bro
Why did you bring up wrestling in that reply? Smells like tricks around here, tricks and chopped foreskins.
I do sometimes have the unexplainable urge to grab a sword and don armour then charge in to battle. Is this in any way related?
It may be scary but I always wind up getting high on the situation when I'm involved in a fight. Even if I wind up bloodied, I usually end up grinning like an idiot and feeling pumped up for a while afterward.
Its not rape when they want it
Just because I'm a wannabe eurofag and I say "mate" doesn't mean that I'm the same person as the other guy who called you out on your bullshit.
Or maybe you think I'm samefagging because more than one person thinks you're retarded.
It's either narcissism, schizophrenia, or stupidity at work right now.
I'll let you decide which one applies
I called the kiwi ip MGTOWer, not you, but you took it personally and even brought up your wrestling. Because it's you. Faggot. Back to your oven.
Ever think that maybe I'm just as prone to error as you, and everyone else here? I might've linked the wrong comment to be honest. I don't even feel like reading through the entire discussion again to see what you're talking about.
>being this much of a filthy kike
Why the fuck are you even here you stupid nigger?
Nah, you're just a fucking kike.
I get that too.
YOU miss-linked a comment yourself. I'm drunk as shit right now, and I still remember seeing that and calling you out on it.
The difference is I attributed it to human error/stupidity, and you're attributing my mistake as some hilarious conspiracy. I assure you, mate, it was me going full-retard for a second and thinking you were replying to me.
I appreciate that you think I'd go to all these lengths to same-fag a rando on Sup Forums for ONE comment over the course of 30 minutes now.
It's called doing exercise
No, I didn't mislink a comment, you got your pussy hurt because someone called you out for your redditspacing which was funny because you had just told me to go back there. That's called a connection you retard.
We're keeping this garbage thread alive just the two of us.
Now we're both faggots. Look what you did.
At least everyone gets to practice their jewdar on you, gotta calibrate them sometimes.
Oh, is this not you miss-linking a comment? Oh, okay.
Congrats on making us both look retarded.
No.... I literally explain in my post why I'm replying to you... Holy shit I don't even think you're Jewish anymore. Definitely a nigger.