All I'm seeing here is just anti-semitic messages without proper factual evidence that support those claims.
I've heard various stuff such as Jews having an usually high percentage of people in wealthier brackets. But that's all I've really gathered and it's not a good enough reason to revitalise the racial aspect of National Socialism.
That being said, if there is actually some evidence, red pill me with how the Jews are undermining Western society and our societal values.
in the end it won't matter. muslim chimpouts are going to turn all right wingers across the planet completely pro israeli by 2025 that's the deal with the Trump, AfD, SD, Modi and Wilders. we're basically throwing your liberal jews under the bus, just like they did to us in the 90's when they supported palestinian nationalism. you can either side with us or ignore us, but going against israel means helping your own jews. which you're certainly free to do if you so desire, but keep in mind that a 200 nuclear warhead stockpile pretty much ensures that you can't oven ALL jew groups this time without us glassing your house first. this, while your own jews can at worst shut down porn sites and stop making 300 million dollar budget movies lul