Fuck Israel and fuck jewish "people"
Fuck Israel and fuck jewish "people"
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omfg this british jew is going to end the human race.
why is this video here?
I don't wanna give him a view and I find him annoying, did he say something interesting?
>All this muh white supremecist bullshit strawman on every channel
Its like theyre trying to stir up more racism
Why do leftists have all these multiple millionaire comedians supported by all news outlets and meanwhile we just have like Styx and his spoon clanks.
This system is fraud.
Fucking shills.
Have based norwaybot taught you nothing?
>implying they weren't
What fucking planet are you living on?
OP sucks bucks for cucks
yeah I hear ya, but the question remains, why post his jew face here? Did he say something interesting? I'm not interested in watching a 20 minute video of a leftist whining about the way things are
not working dude, even on ht. can't find the vid anywhere. probly shit and predictable like he always is tho.
Shit if I know, I just deny clicks.
Shills keep shilling and I keep posting hook-sites, eventually everyone denies clicks and the shills have nothing to do here.
nvm got it on ht. weird
Everyone was and still is racist.
I like it, I'll carry the torch and help you on this quest.
That's like the greatest defence for slavery I've ever seen.
this guy is funny
o wow. my noggin took a cloggin. fucking brits, fuck off
Styx is a hedonistic degenerate CivNat cuck lolbertarian, he is far from /ourguy/
wtf is he really? I thought he wasn't a faggot guess I have to unsub
inb4 buttblasted whitebois
Cherrypicking on so many levels.
It's unquestionably true that the civil war was fought over states rights, including slavery.
I don't know why americans go so butthurt about their history and call the confederates "traitors" even if they were of their own kind.
Quoting from Churchill: "Italians are bizarre people. Yesterday there were 45 million fascists, today there are 45 million partisans and antifascists. I don't see those 90 million in the demographics."
>Current year man doesn't cite the current year
>Last Cuck Tonight
WTF you posted that 1 second before me
WTF you posted that 1 second after me
>Some English faggot tries to lecture me about my history
Is he even a citizen?
da fuck
they were both US soldiers man thats what a fucking civil war is
The timelines crossed again!
We hive mind now
Comedy and Tragedy
paradoxi and irony
We get it.
He's a communist and he hates america.
>that pic
>on pol
I was surprised no one noticed that before. Americans are truly dumb and malleable.
Deja vu
He's a globalist, not a communist. Subtle difference.
Why would I watch this manlet espouse his opinions.
my sister watches every single of his episodes.
whenever i see her watching him, i go:
>oh, look, its the current year guy.
>the...the...the who?
i tried talking her out of it ONCE, and her reply was "he's backing everything up with sources, you rightwing asshole".
yeah, liberal fucking sources.
giving women voting rights was a mistake.
>Styx is a hedonistic degenerate CivNat cuck lolbertarian, he is far from /ourguy/
Agreed. Razorfist(The Rageaholic) is a hell of a lot closer, even if ED has a porn thumbnail of him.
What the PC MSM wont ever tell you:
> Slavery was good for Niggers.
They couldnt take care of themselves, feed themselves or live "normal" in a basic civilization. Let alone they were savages only 2-3 generations back in Africa who used to cannibalize themselves and do all sort of depraved shit. The work on the plantation straightened the worst of their behaviour out. It was an improvement for them as a race.
> Niggers were actually very expensive. As technology improved, they were a bad deal compared to machinery/industrialization. As a plant owner you had to pay for a niggers housing, food, security, etc. That did add up and the end the profit margin with niggers was very low.
> Cause the ROI was so bad with niggers, around the time of the end of the civil war it turned out that it was more profitable for plantation owners to just pay workers regulary and let them them in turn pay for their own rent, food, etc.
> Niggers were very bad to handle, they needed constant discipline and were generally a pain in the ass because they were eventually as dumb as a rock back then. The average niggers brain was comparable to an IQ between 40-80; thats near to retardation. Their brains improved over the last 150years massivly compared to these times, but they still fall extremly short. Back then they were very close to animals and had zero education (write/read/math).
She is clearly hysterical. She needs some dick.
I recommend you rape her.
Here's how you break someone out of a trance. It's really easy, and fun to do.
Ask them:
>Hey, do you smell popcorn?
They will stop whatever hypnosis they are subjecting themselves to smell the air, which breaks almost all trances to smell the air.
>Go on, give it a shot. Scott Adams would approve.
>even if ED has a porn thumbnail of him.
Must I do everything for you, slavemaster?
Learn to google / duckduckgo/etc. hell Bing for porn if you're really smart.
in the end, I still get a lot of bants from his videos - they are well presented and he doesn't talk like a nigger, so I can forgive some porn degeneracy. It's not like we don't all shove our cocks into toasters.
if it was only about slavery, then why did Lincoln want offer to allow slavery in the south if the states didn't secede? Why were states in the union allowed to keep their slaves during and after the civil war and the emancipation proclamation only freed slaves in the CSA states, NOT in the Union?
South Carolina had already tried to secede earlier over unfair tariffs that hurt southern states and gave northern states an advantage in a very similar fashion to how the brits treated the colonies that sparked the revolutionary war. This effected ALL merchants in the south (not just the 3% of the pop. that was the "planter class" ie the slave holders) These grievances over tariffs were already known; the north dictating how the entire country was supposed to deal with slavery (while still profiting from it) was just the final straw.
That thubnail is really low-res. Hard to tell if it's even him. Plus you can't even see his nob. If this is the worst they got on him they better keep digging.
your right your majesty
>muh slavery
Here's the real reasons for the Civil War:
Dawson is a smart dude.
it's 2017
Body type and background matches a lot of his videos / his primary filming room. In any case I don't care if someone shoves a feather up their ass on national television as long as they are honest (enough) in their videos, which Razorfist is.
Use hooktube.
>immediate smug laughing and dismissal of argument 2 minutes in
jesus the memes are right
Honestly wasn't worth watching. Main point, a fat neckbeard (boo!) says he wants to be able to keep his confederate flag because his family faught for their own independence under it to keep their farm. A noble black Kang says 'and who worked on that farm?' (Powerful). Honkey replies ' My family, they were poor, do you not realise how expensive a slave was back then?'. We then cut to John Oliver makes a carl the cuck face *are you serious*. Because whitey is 'missing the point'.
Except he isn't, he made a good point. What was the percentage of whites that owned slaves? Pretty fucking small. They were a luxury. Most whites never owned slaves, even in the US. And as time has shown, maybe they should have castrated them, like the Muslims did with their slave trade. Then there wouldn't be problems now.
If John Oliver is so worried about Slaves, maybe he should mention that Britain was the first country in history to ban slavery and shut it down globally (except Africa and Middle East where they refuse to stop), rather than making a cuck joke about not being able to eat Indian food for fear of insulting a proud paki by simply being a Brit. Or maybe he could mention a single empire in history that didn't use slaves.
Bunch of other typical shit, but you know by now what to expect.
He doesn't even mention race and IQ, black crime statistics. That blacks put blacks in slavery and whites merely turned up and bought them. That Lincoln wasn't inherently against slavery and thought blacks were inferior but wanted to damage the industrial base of the south.
It's all lies, half truths and being a betamale cuck.
have no fear user
Worse, it started off comparing confederates to pedophiles
I noticed that too desu.
The jokes didn't make me even crack a smile, but I noticed the pacing and how there is a rhythm with no breaks to evaluate a single point. It's almost like he doesn't want his audience to think at all.
That's a lot of buzzwords my dude
Razorfist is a white nationalist?
Because to Lincoln, preserving the Union was the biggest issue. It doesn't change the fact that the South seceded because they were afraid that they would lose their slaves.
the only thing Lincoln was interested in was serving the interests of the northern industrial complex and the railroad lobby (which he was a part of). If he was actually interest in preserving the Union he would not have continued to re-raise the tariffs that had been lowered before him.
we're a grassroots movement, the system is decrepit and corrupt, only the people will tear it down.
Well that's just irrelevant
well shit dude
they want to kill us
The American Civil War was due to the federal governmemt persuing an economic foreign policy that favoured the industrial north rather the agricultural south. Muh slavery was a trigger issue, and part of why the south was convinced the US government would wreck their economy, but it wasn't the only issue, or even the root issue. Muh "state rights" similarly was a part of it, but the only reason the south cared about that was because they wanted more independence from a US government they saw as biased towards northern economic interests. I don't really know why this is such a contentious point, it would be like if there was big debate over whether WW1 was either over Franz Ferdinand getting shot or the neutrality of Belgium with all sorts of insults shouted at each other from each camp. Neither are the root cause.
The faggots who made this shitty god awful show are the same fags who started the Daily Show with kike Stewart who uses the EXACT same formula. These shows aren't comedy shows, they're pure propaganda. If you really don't believe it then just watch TDS episodes from the beginning in around 1999 to around 2007-2008 and it'll hit you like a ton of bricks
it's utterly impressive the degree to which lefties have managed to successfully rewrite history
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
They're cranging the like dislikes
It's both slaves and states rights. The slave owners wanted to keep slaves, so they convinced the sotherners it's was states rights. The peasants who could not afford slaves would not fight to keep somthin that did not effect them. But if they believe Ed it was then they will fight.
It did effect them. The massive plantations were the backbone of entire countries economies. King Cotton was the oil of the first industrial revolution in the UK. 'Because of British demand, cotton was vital to the American economy. The Nobel Prize-winning economist, Douglass C. North, stated that cotton “was the most important proximate cause of expansion” in the 19th century American economy. Cotton accounted for over half of all American exports during the first half of the 19th century. The cotton market supported America’s ability to borrow money from abroad. It also fostered an enormous domestic trade in agricultural products from the West and manufactured goods from the East. In short, cotton helped tie the country together.' mshistorynow.mdah.state.ms.us
secession =/= civil war
learn the fucking difference, so that current year man can't play his tricks on you
The levels of autism and retardation in this thread are hilarious!
>Hurr durrr people can't have views that I don't like!
>those people are obviously being paid or brainwashed!
I want to beat this faggot in the face until he's completely unrecognizable. By far the most punchable face on the fucking planet.
You should be in prison.
King cotton was confederate dellusion. The demand for cotton was high, but it could be grown in many places of the world. When the civil war happened the UK, and other European countries, just increased cotton production from their empires. American cotton dominace was probably coming to end as Egypt and India were going to prpduce more in anyway, but the civil war meant this happened sooner rather than later.
Rather than an oil equivalent it would be closer to silicon valley, tech development is concentrated there but even supposing they wanted to California can hardly secede on the back of it, because it's possible to replicate this industry elsewhere and so rather than the world having no choice but to support California, silicon valley's dominance would just be over.