When Will This Happen?

Bannon needs to start the network to educate the masses. He already has billionaire friends. What is taking so long?

Steven Bannon is Barron trump from the future.

Oh goodie. More jew tv for the goy

more jews to shape our narrative. great.


I fucking called it when he stepped down.


>To the right of the far-right network.

He is kidding, right?


>thinking FOX is right wing


Glad to see Sup Forums has seen though kikebart and bannon.

All Fox ever does is defend the right-wing politicians by inviting the left-wing correspondents dumb enough to not be able to beat the right-wing arguments.

What is even right wing anymore? Suck Israel's dick even more? Bomb every country on the planet?

>no solid argument=dumb
sad, indeed

>implying there are any other kind of left-wing correspondents

Then what does MSNBC and CNN do?

Demagoguery doesn't count as arguments.

Is there anything more pathetic and worthless than neo-nazis?

Israel should be nuked.

Yes, neo-Nazis in denial.

The term demagogue is extremely elitist in concept. It is certainly not in line with anarchist ideology.

>Demagoguery is an appeal to people that plays on their emotions and prejudices rather than on their rational side. Demagoguery is a manipulative approach — often associated with dictators and sleazy politicians — that appeals to the worst nature of people.

Demagoguery means using verbal tricks and emotional appeals to get dumb people on your side.

Oh like Steve Bannon and his kike kommandos do?

Yes, but you're basically attributing no agency to people if they are completely convinced by a good speech. There have been many left wing 'demagogues' too.

u r jerking urself off with marginalia as the globalists r tearing r country 2 shreds!!!!!!!!!

He can just hire all our best youtube guys.

Late Night with Styxhexenhammer666

The Argument Today with Stefan Molyneux

Imagine My Shock, with PJW.

Of course there have been, but there hasn't been a single right-wing politician who is NOT a demagogue.

Otherwise, there would be no right-wing politicians.

Cable television isn't how you reach young people, and reaching young people is how you fight the culture war. What he needs is to find another Milo.

That's rich coming from your meme flag.
The left wing ideology operates like the equivalent of a religion, just without a god.
It has virtues, strict tenants, discussion of those is not allowed without being faced with group shame and public guilttrip.
They can't stomach the idea that their idealism can be legitimately not what people want, no, everybody who disagrees is a modern day heathen who should be persecuted for spewing hatefulness.

The only pathetic ones are those who let the jews fuck them over and don't even dare tom speak against them because they are afraid of limp-wristed leftist trannies calling them "racist".

yeah, literally everybody else

>The left wing ideology operates like the equivalent of a religion, just without a god.

Leftists DO have gods: the magical sky wizard of equality and the sacred spirit of sodomy. Pride parades are basically religious processions and speaking against the holy poopdick is the modern equivalent of blasphemy.

not as easy as it sounds, even with the trumpsters help prob a couple of years

Yes, depravity is a liberating empowering virtue! praise the brave frontiersmen who cut off their dicks and obsesses over sexual identity as the main thing about their life. Such virtue.

>falling for the (((((right OR left)))))) meme

Kikebart is full of charlatans, zionists, sodomites and even basic leftists that don't bother to have a facade.


its called one america news network

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Wasn't Bernie Ecclestone planning something like this? Bannon could talk to him about funding

If you’re republican, you’re right wing. That’s literally all. Doesn’t matter what else you believe in.

Glad to see Sup Forums can see through shills. I can smell your fear from the thought of a right wing news network that will spread from the USA to every nation in Europe.

>smells good, man.

It's already started. Bill o Reilly and bollin are already secretly working towards getting breitbart contracts.
Hannitys contract is too big to buy him out so after his expires he will go to breitbart too.
O Reilly and bollin had the sexxl scandal shit put on them to get them out of their contracts.