Did we create organized crime?

In the late 19th and early 20th century, the United States saw an influx of Italian, Irish and Jewish immigrants just yearning to be free. But when they reached America, most found that they were not as welcomed as Lady Liberty suggested. Because of this, some turned to organized crime the protect their people and their portions of major cities.

My question is this: If America had welcomed these tired, poor and huddled masses as was promised, would organized crime have ever happened?

We have never even had an Italian in the presidency, may it Rest In Peace.

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>Sadly, I can't join any AR groups due to my wife's heritage, so I'm stuck funding the movement

This is a fucking wop lie and you know it. They took advantage of being a secretive culture to oppress their fellow Italians and extort hard working Americans. Sicilian crime goes all the way back to the Island. No Madigan "oppression" there, Tony

Yet you call them by a racial slur, so maybe there was truth to America going back on its promises.


America was named after an italian fyi

The Mafia existed in Italy before Italians came to America so no. It was imported.

>My question is this: If America had welcomed these tired, poor and huddled masses as was promised, would organized crime have ever happened?

Yes. The problem was with the cultures these people came from and brought to the US with them.


I can Shitpost all night son.

99 problems but a WOP ain't one.

>white people have businesses doing shady things
>shut it down
>thank you scholomo u are my greatest ally
>procedes to embezzle trillions

yes because the sicilians were a peaceful people who dindu nuffin until the evil white anglos forced them to become the mafia.

>Because of this, some turned to organized crime the protect their people and their portions of major cities.
wrong they were just crimimals

Say sorry Moana Kina..

So sorreee

Organised crime started with probation

Organized crime is not the same as protecting a groups interest.

Organized crime can stem from interest protection, but is ultimately a product of corruption of power.

Considering organized crime existed in europe before mass immigration, I doubt it caused it.

And the poor huddled masses bullshit is not something america truly stood for, it was merely amended by kikes. If you couldnt make it in America, you fucking left. We only wanted the best and strong to come here, to make America greater.

cosa nostra is their thing, it was just imported from sicily, its basically a criminal cult comparable to isis, they value their association to the organisation over any familial or national ties.

Prohibition? No, it began before that but reached its peak during the Volstead Act.


not even once

>My question is this: If America had welcomed these tired, poor and huddled masses as was promised, would organized crime have ever happened?

Didn't make any promises to any fucking jews or wops.
That fucking statue is a curse from the frogs representing bullshit.
Never wanted any of your kind here, ever.
Fuck off.

>tired, poor and huddled masses
It didn't moron. I put a sign up for people that wanted to work. And a lot of people came and not all wanted to work.
Oh and that was written by a commie jew cunt not the government of the US.

If Italians were decent it wouldn't be slur.
Nobody is getting upset about being called a cracker

US not I

>My question is this: If America had welcomed these tired, poor and huddled masses as was promised, would organized crime have ever happened?
You naive nigger. They saw the Statue of Liberty as another woman to rape.

Yes. Mafia did not originate in the US, you fat burger, it's been a thing since before the unification of Italy.

>If America had welcomed these tired, poor and huddled masses as was promised, would organized crime have ever happened?
Yes. America was a naive country at that time with full of possibilities. You weren't prepared for european civilizational superiority with your barebones laws and government. You were like a child waiting to be exploited.
Like prohibition dude, wtf.

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>If America had welcomed these tired, poor and huddled masses as was promised,
that was just in some (((poem))). they had no promise of a better life just being handed to them for free


>move away from Italy to flee organized crime that runs everything
>bring said organized crime with you
mass immigration was a mistake

Coglione, vengo dal nord

Where the fuck is this promise?

Nah, they moved away because southern italy was even poorer than today.

its the same """promise""" spaniards had when they invaded south america. there was supposed to be a city of gold someplace, they read about it somewhere before probably.

You imported the worst mafia scumbags that gave us problems since the middle ages. They are the same people who helped you fight against us in WW2: opportunistic scumbags. Don't shame yourself for them being animals. They were the same thing here

no , lots of organized crime existed outside of US.

Italian Mafia
Russian mob
Chinese Triad
Japanese Yakuza

Mexican Cartels

Yeah, but you're the ones with all the niggers shitting up your family trees now so I don't think it will be us fucking off.

Is yakuza even criminal any more?

aye fuk yo mang dont be talking about CMS mang they kill you for just sayin the name my man