I am a Generation Z conservative. Anyone else with me?
Believe me, we see our fair share of cukt liberals, but it actually seems like we may have a semi-competent generation on our hands.
Generation Z is here to clean up after the millennials.
I am a Generation Z conservative. Anyone else with me?
Believe me, we see our fair share of cukt liberals, but it actually seems like we may have a semi-competent generation on our hands.
Generation Z is here to clean up after the millennials.
Do your homework and stay in school, kid.
Will do.
For Generation Z be truly redpilled, they must not fall for the porcelain jew... this means mandatory diaper wearing, and the girls will also need to call their boyfriends "daddy" (It's what Hitler would have wanted)
DD/LG is the only true form of sexual behavior.
>Do your homework and stay in school, kid.
Wtf homeworks are for subhumans
and school is indoctrination, not education
That's housework.
Generation Z girls are pretty into it, from my observations and experimentation and lemme tell you I like it.
DD/LG is depraved.
You'll end up with a spoiled bitch of a gf
Daddy Dom/Little Girl
No you’re just as stupid and easily manipulated by the other side just as some millennial are for the left. There’s nothing special about you. This isn’t your hugbox. You all sound like the stupid kids on YouTube talking about not being born in the right generation because everyone is listening to pop
I'll admit that the more hardcore DDLG shit can get out of hand outside the bedroom, but the right girl will know her place.
A "litte girl" won't make a good wife or gf
There are definitely some that act that way, I understand your point, but I see a lot more history buffs, a lot more casual or closet conservatives, and a lot more action than I saw in the millennial generation.
this generation is even smarter than nwo shills. but we totally lack focus, attention and power-hunger. head is capable of a lot, but no guts or drive to act anything out.
ok - you've created a post loop there.
Gen Z are the most depraved faggots I've ever known. They just don't realize how perverted their shit is. They are comparing themselves to the WORST SJWing millennials - and only American ones. That SJW shit is not as extreme elswhere.
I notice that Gen Z has a hard time doing anything they're not passionate about, everything else is a struggle.
I disagree with the tranny thing, at least in my personal experience. The majority of our generation is still normie; they're just more conservative than previous normies
Wait until the girls go to college, note the change, then see how the guys change themselves to win female attention
I see your point. I didn't fully realize the extent of my right wing views until I got a girl who supported Trump like me.
>tfw you hang out with some "Right Wing" millennials but they realize you're twice as extreme as any of them
I've been consistently disappointed by these book club meetings, these people are fucking pussies. It's like they've been around faggots and niggers for so long that they've forgotten that they're supposed to hate them.
We need a more extreme organization. National Socialism doesn't take it far enough.
having guts is a complete different world for these people. they hide in an intellectual bubble.
I think that perhaps some of the far alt right can save us. Purchasing some nice sweaters, some hair gel, and a handful of times torches can go a long way.
A lot of right wing Gen Z'ers I know tend to post bait on social media just to have a political debate.
What do you mean by "intellectual bubble"?
What, in your opinion, constitutes guts?
i remember in school time. 8 of my school mates bullied an emo kid. i called them out for it and they all were silenced immediately. never seen anybody else doing this.
or some punk bullying one of my friends on a party (some punk wearing shoes with metal capes). i called him out until he finally changed into "it was all fun mode" because he didn't want to be the asshole of the party.
never seen anybody else doing this for other people. they rather just move along with it, ignore it and don't want to be involved.
i always felt the need to sacrifice my security when it's needed to do the right thing. can't tell that about almost all of my school mates. they'd rather always take the "safe route" so at the end they don't get hurt.
guess what, i was the only guy with 5+ best friends. all the others were small groups of backstabbers and "behind the back" talkers.
i've barely seen any real friendships in school.
I suspect it's because the 90s and the early 00s were different. Ever since I've been aware of the political world it's been pretty open-shut, the Left is fucking wrong, niggers are cancer and the kikes are destroying the world.
I can't imagine it was ever different from this, but maybe they saw it differently. It doesn't help that I lost my fucking family's house when I was 8. We were almost homeless. A kid in America isn't supposed to fear that he's going to be fucking homeless, and then I'd come back to our shitty apartment and watch John (((((((((((((Stewart)))))))))) smugly grin at me and talk to me about the dumb rednecks. I knew he was talking about me. He was talking about US. We're the fucking people these liberals shit on.
I'm going to kill all of them. I want to be there when we hang Leibowitz so that I can tie the knot wrong on purpose and strangle him to death instead of breaking his kike neck. I want to be one of the executioners so that I can send the firing squads home and shoot every leftist criminal fucking faggot in the face, after asking their name, place of birth and favorite color instead of shooting them in the backs of their heads blindfolded. I'll bring my own gun. I'll bring a suitcase full of guns. I'll make Che Guevara look like fucking Ghandi.
Everyone who doesn't want to reach inside of a blasted apart kike skull and feel the blood run through their fingers isn't Right Wing. Every time I hear the word "Optics" all I can think of is the red dot sight I'm going to peer down as I'm blasting nogs in the streets of Detroit.
WHY. ISN'T. ANYONE. EXTREME. ENOUGH. Fucking Millennials are the BOOMERS of this generation, fucking faggots!
Pajeet, go home.
sup Benny Zyke, how's the weather in Montana this time of year?
People in older generations still lived in real countries with real cultures. There was a sense of recipocricity and that if you did your best and played nice, everyone else would too. That's fucking gone now. Everyone's an asshole and when the gloves come off, it turns out we play harder ball than they do.
Gen Z? Doesn't make you like 5 years old?
I see a fair amount of comradery in my school. I remember a kid tried to take another, smaller kid's Trump hat and like 4 of the smaller kid's friends beat the shit out of him.
I dunno, I guess it's mostly case by case.
yes I am 5 years of age
Don't you think that will produce the most hardened, skeptical, and successful people?
You're going to be a lot of fun to read about in the history books. If you didn't know there was a Soviet executioner who famously brought his own pistols to the Katyn Massacre in the Lubyanka building because he didn't trust the shitty guns the state issued. They shot like 4000 people. You need to go for the top score.
you sound like a faggot
all thanks to parents trying to say that being trans is normal
Of course. I don't think the other guy meant it as a criticism, and I definitely don't. We call you guys Generation Zyklon for a reason. We got to grow up in comfort, you didn't. You're fucking monsters, but you're the monsters the Left deserves. If you haven't read Robert E. Howard's "Beyond Thunder River," you should, it basically spells out exactly what your generation is: People who have regressed to savagery because society failed.
This is 100% natural. These fucking kikes did this to you. They stole everything from you. We tried to stop them but we were too weak. You're the ones who're going to make them pay. And boy, if this thread is any indication, they're going to pay hard.
Oh no wait I'm retarded it's Beyond the Black River. Beyond Thunder River was the tabletop version.
Also I just dated myself hard.
I really appreciate this post.
I think our generation is a big huge smack in the face to leftists because it's making them realize that they kinda ruined leftism for future generations. It's as if the media, education system, and society itself have tried so hard to make a leftist generation that it's backfiring. The next election, in which Gen Z will finally be able to vote, will be an interesting one. May the most radical candidate win.
I'd say it's about time these communists got a taste of commie-style massacre, but unfortunately the communists beat us to it and massacred each other harder than we could possibly emulate. I could spend my entire life from now until I die of Alzheimers shooting leftists in the face and I'd never top Stalin's record. We're going to need to industrialize this shit. Set up a fucking factory just for killing libshits like something out of Machine for Pigs. That game was fucking terrible btw.
Do you have a way for me to contact you after this thread dies?
>If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, then beat 'em from the inside
thats because you are in germany
First lesson of being a crazy internet Nazi: There is no "after this thread dies." I could be a Salon honeypot looking to ruin some kid's life. You could be a fake too. Instead of trying to contact some burnt out loser from the 80s who failed, you should find some like-minded people your age, and start collaborating. Start working together. Organize. Look to the great men of our past who cannot betray you because they're dead. I recommend George Lincoln Rockwell.
But in spirit--in the only way that matters--I will always be with you. Never give up. Never lose hope. Remember that somewhere, we, and your ancestors, are smiling at you.
Its funny that you think they will let your conservative voices be heard.
It was no different when we were gen y. We were conservative as well but they never cared for or bothered to feature us in anything, only the ones with the opinions that mattered to them.
The same will happen to you, you will just be an extension of millennials.
Kill yourself
Come join us on the official Sup Forums discord sever
Don't be so damn pessimistic
you are my hero and I claim you as my adopted father
It has nothing to do with pessimism, and everything to do with how society works.
You think you see it now, but when you get older what you will see is that its heavily orchestrated and whatever action you think you have, you do not.
This is the Gen Z manifesto
I live around gen z'ers, its the same thing when I grew up. Exactly the same, but its being sold as something new now because gen Y turned to millennials and the ones that didn't spout the same left marxist crap were shut down and moving on to the next young ones to control them.
Did you fucking practice acting like obi-wan kenobi or is that just a thing all old nazis can do?
Use a throwaway email account and make sure you're not talking to a kikealike: temp-mail.org
If you guys get up 3 hours before school starts to nazipost, I have faith.
just you wait my good man
We will infiltrate the media.
We have grown up seeing our Sup Forums idols ruin the HWNDU stream.
We have grown up seeing our Sup Forums idols take back our pepe.
We have grown up seeing our Sup Forums idols get those commie fags arrested.
It's 2:14 here. I'm skipping sleeping altogether to nazipost.
There may be nothing on this earth more degenerate than a girl calling her boyfriend “daddy”. Just think about how fucked up a girl would have to be to do that.
Gets me all worked up just thinking about it ;)
What are you, like 14?
Well if some slut with major daddy issues is what you want, then hey go for it. Just know how degenerate that is
Fuck off kid, you're just edgy nerds. Back in my day we had mallgoths and jugallos now we have neckbeard nazis.
pic related
I thought I said earlier in the thread I'm 5 years of age...
Lurk more faggot
Sleep is for faggots.
/ss/ is the patrician fetish. Y'all are a bunch of faggots.
It's okay, we'll sort this out on the Night of the Long Knives Round II.
The Nazis are getting classier. Did you see charlottesville?
Sure, if you are living in 2004.
>In my day we had faggots and clowns, now we have normal looking white people
The absolute state of fucking millennials.
we get it oldfags, you had kooky cliques, we've all seen the breakfast club
Are you sure you're a conservative? You sound kind of like a degenerate.
Do you know what this is?
Define "degenerate"
Jesus, I know you're responding to the other guy, but imagine it seriously for a second. What must that shit have been like?
>I'm rebelling against the system, I'm a nonconformist, so I'm going to dress identically to a bunch of other weirdos with clothes and makeup and fake nails I bought from the same store as them and then we're all going to hang out and be gay and talk the same way on the other side of the school
I know they're putting shit in the water now to turn people into faggots but they must've hit the fucking lottery with Gen Y, some kind of genetic Mario Party post-game star award where despite having no time to corrupt them they all turned into faggots anyway.
>Trump pic
Trump is a lecherous New York liberal
Oh my God yeah, and back when they had their fishnets and t-shirts that had "Anarchy" on them because they were essentially 70s hippies with black lipstick
Gen X was such a shitshow that's why Gen Z is trying to pull it all together. I'm gonna guess what few children the millennials pump out are gonna be conservative too, with any luck.
Trump isn't as radical as I'd hoped but he's still enough to piss off the libbies
Generation Z please just watch one video and understand why GenX gave up.
Be stronger than us - the world needs you to be our heroes. We tried(GenX)... but we gave up.
lurk more before posting. alt lite faggots not welcome
Bro, I don't think anyone here is saying that they want to emulate William F fucking "Purge Jared Taylor" Buckler. When we say "Conservative" we mean it in the same way that we use "Liberal" to refer to fucking Leftists. "Conservative" is now code for "Gas the Kikes, Race War Now."
The distinctions have vanished. We're not fighting to slowly backpedal into what the Left wants, nobody here is oblivious to the JQ or to the evils of Leftism and the JEWISH system of government and nobody here is a fucking cuck Paul Ryan Conservative.
I'm a fucking Nazi. I think National Socialism wasn't extreme enough. Hitler didn't want to actually gas all the kikes, he wanted to deport them to Palestine. That was his error. He thought that if he gave them their own country they'd stop being a problem. He was wrong. Hitler was literally not extreme enough. He should've slaughtered every heeb in the country and when we take power we will NOT make the same fucking mistake.
Don't lecture me, much less this other fine kameraden, about the niceties of the evils of the 1980s "Right." We get it, Buckley sold us down the river, everyone who's ever watched a Walt Bismarck video knows it. We're not going to fall for the same tricks. Those fucking kike are going to DIE.
That is some top tier cringe, but have you seen woahhvickyy or Danielle bregoli?
White females are literally defecting and acting like black males. We are still here despite it. If we can survive them we can survive anything.
Yes a bunch of niggers in 90's garb name the Jew as the cause of the whole worlds ills... but it wasn't enough.
See that's the problem, people like you just larp as conservatives to look edgy.
A nigga heard conservative and thought of a cartoon Republican
I went through a Nazi phase in highschool too buddy, you'll be ok.
Wait so if we're larping as conservatives, what are we really?
Nazis don't really have kids my guy. Think Chris Cantwell has pumped any out?
We're the new punk rock, right my fellow (((McInnes))) fan??
Oh wait, I thought you were fucking joking, are you implying that I'm not being ENOUGH of a True Constitutional Conservative TM?
Oh hold on let me restrain my hysterical laughter. So let me get this straight, you went through a "phase" of wanting to reverse all the kikery and evil that we face every day, and then you BACKPEDALED to merely giving Leftists what they want slowly?
You went from wanting to exterminate the JEWS and faggots and niggers, to wanting to let them take over your country, but slowly enough that you'd be on social security by the time your grandkids could get their faces melted off with acid or be tortured to death by niggers in a parking lot?
Oh nevermind, I feel so much more respect for you, you've absolutely convinced me you fucking kike, you disgusting Boomer 2.0 faggot, I want to be just like you when I grow up!
McInnes is decent content, but I don't think he has the extremity I want, he's alt-light and while I think the far-right needs and appreciates all the help it can get, its not enough.
I would bet thousands of dollars of sushi that you aren't even white. You're probably Irish or Italian or some other nigger-lite trash.
I am a Jew you retard.
>decent content
The man puts things in his asshole
Are you taking this faggot seriously? He's shitting on you, and me. You know what you need? Andrew Anglin and TRS. They're lightweights but they're a good introduction, I'm not going to start you on something like IronMarch or Ropeculture.
What do you know about tor?
Dutch-Swedish, faggot enabler, and you aren't entitled to an opinion. Go gas yourself before one of us does it for you, the gentiles are talking.
You aren't white. Go shoot a nigger in the street or join Pioneer Little Europe you brokeback mountain backwoods queer.
I know some about tor, but my dumbass is stuck on a smartphone rn
I know, he's trying to take the piss out of our opinions just because he became a pussy when he grew up.
I like you
Just kidding I'm going to start you on Rope Culture. Fucking James McCloud up there recommended George Lincoln Rockwell.
Where here's a fucking godlike piece on him, courtesy of the people who make Sup Forums look like fucking carpet salesmen.
Read it. Ignore this fucking niggerlover who's trying to subvert you. Some kike talking about dicks or whatever, he's trying to demoralize you. I'll give you the real shit. Obi-Wan is gone, but I stand for National Socialism, and I've got your back.
We might disagree on the patrician fetish but we do agree on the 14 words. That's enough.
I had to go look up brokeback mountain so that I could laugh at your ass for knowing what it was, faggot enabler. Don't even talk to me. Go post another obvious bait thread faggot, I'm better at this than you.
May those 14 words guide us to victory.
>nazi dress-up enthusiasts agree to disagree on which sexual fetish is better
The fucking state of larps these days. Really though pal, what have you done for National Socialism? You kill any Jews yet?
I think I just fell in love with you, mate