Academics have a hard life
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It's almost like they don't know how to handle the stress of working...
She's whiny, but I enjoy working more than when I was a student. Less stress, my free time is actually free time, just overall better to me. I understand what she's saying, but she needs to dial it back, it's not that bad.
OK well maybe dont be a fucking grad student then?
This. It's something only people who are passionate enough about their field that they find it hard not to put huge numbers of hours into should do.
"I don't want to end up. . .dying alone." = "I need to be railed."
While I'm here, let me talk up the benefits of Westernized Indian chicks. Usually have banging bodies and don't have the main defect of actual Indian chicks, i.e. they don't smell like shit.
They chose the life of a doctorate, they have to deal with all it entails. It is not fun all of the time and the pressure to publish is massive. Still, if you can handle it and are actually good at what you do you can go very far.
>Be stressed from working on weekends to earn money
>Be happy in future
>Be libshit grad and only work when it's convenient
>Stressed late in life because roastie/worn out numale with no money
oh great more of this "meritocracy is white supremacy".
>Being an egalitarian retard
>Muh people helping other people
Rake yourself
>Be promised to work just several hours per week with the mechanization of jobs and eventual automation
>End up with mental disorders from being overworked and underpaid all in the name of "progress"
You assholes are only stigmatizing her for being a [choose minority and political affiliation], but she has a valid fucking point. To think that working hard as fuck is virtuous is fucking laughable, especially when we are often reminded how approximately 8 people own half of the world's riches.
>Hurr, let's work harder! Making a rich guy richer is virtuous and definitely non-degenerate!
I work 9-5 and come home to do uni work. When I don't have shit due I also squeeze in 2-3 training sessions a week.
It's not fucking hard.
She's right in the sense that a good chunk of profs have no life outside their studies and assume that's the same for everyone else, too. Wasn't unusual that I got a mail telling me to do something till the next day at 9 or 10 pm.
She's stupid if she does it though. Just say you didn't see the mail because it came in too late and you were already in bed. Studying is also about learning to differentiate between important and unimportant and how to manage your own time. Just because they tell you that each lecture should be preceded and followed by an hour of preparation and reprocessing doesn't mean you actually have to do it.
>do they show vagine and bobs?
>Is it tight?
Oh and I still have time to shitpost on a Ugandan ice cream manufacturing fanzine.
Pretty much. But nowadays everything needs to be hyperbolic or else no one will listen to it, so you end up with statements like hers.
She's right though. You shouldn't work on weekends.
i wonder if she realizes that the top academics - the slave driving professors who rule with an iron fist, they work all the time.
Yes getting an Arts Degree is not hard.
It's different in grad school. Based on her @ I suspect she is a bio student, which means no classes past year 1 for most programs and straight work in a lab on a thesis for the next 4 years. A lot less stressful then post doc wotk, but a pretty rough adjustment time for those who are not truly autistic about science.
I'm a PhD student so I am aware of that stuff. You can still manage your time in a sensible way and shrink it down to ~50 hours per week if only you learn how to say no and to tell when something isn't worth pursuing.
>boohoo I am a little bitch who expected to have everything on the silver platter in university
University is suppossed to be hard as fuck, because otherwise you could not motivate yourself to get the basic skillset you need for your future job.
You literally go into uni with the expectation to work amongst the brightest people in your community and whining about things being "too hard" just proves that you do not belong there.
You're saying she has an excessive amount of time to post shit on the internet?
Oh most definitely. I am working on mine and work about 50 hours as well. Sorry if I assumed you meant undergrad due to the lectures part. I think the hardest part for most new students is being able to tell what is and isn't worth pursuing. I have noticed a tendency for many to just spin their wheels for a year before it really clicks.
>West Lafayette
That's what she gets for going to Purdue. Notre Dame is categorically a better school.
These kids are so meek and envious.
>OMG this person worked waaay harder than me and got praised for it. I want to be praised too but not work so hard :(
As long as it's your choice to work that many hours and you get paid accordingly there's nothing bad about rewarding and appreciating hard work.
there is a Prakesh giving me the shits at my work too
This is the problem in programming, if you aren’t an autistic fuck who takes home your work and ends up doing 14 hour days, it makes you look lazy and there is time adjustment required to learn the new changes the autistic did on their own
You can’t be a family man and a programmer, it’s fucking dumb and everyone who doesn’t overwork is gradually pushed out
A 40 hour work week + extra for deadlines is enough
That's what it takes, though.
I remember working on MS thesis. If I wasn't putting in 12 hours a day I couldn't get it done.
They required 20 hours a week to maintain funding, but you really need to be working 80 hours a week if you want to finish in two years.
I know the Chair in my department would work at least 70 hours a week; he had 12 projects he was overseeing, finishing two papers to be published in journals, all in addition to lecturing one class, and running the department.
If these fucking twats think there's free time to dick around and drink, they're mistaken.
>As long as it's your choice to work that many hours and you get paid accordingly
That's not really the case for postgrads. They mostly get paid piss poor wages and overtime sure as fuck isn't paid at all.
But most of those who do insane hours have no one to blame but themselves. They just don't know how to say "no" so their profs just keep unloading more and more work onto them till they collapse.
They lack any kind of self-determination/independence, they still treat it like school where you just do as you are told at all times and never use your own brain. I have lots of projects my prof suggested that I never even started working on because I know that it's unlikely I'll get any valuable data out of it and that he'll have forgotten about it and come up with a new idea by next week anyway.
You dumb fucker.
She's a grad student.
There is no automation to this unless she's inputting data into a computer model of the physical world...and even that isn't automated. You actually have to collect and interpret the data, then calibrate it, run it again, then repeat.
I remember spending countless hours fine tuning my model with climate data and water levels...writing python scripts to pull from government web sites...and that shit. If can't work 80 hours a week, you have no shot of finishing on time.
She should drop out or switch to an MA and quit wasting her committee's time. ShShe
Maybe I've been lucky.
I accepted every assignment I was offered back in the day until they accepted me as an intern working equipment maitenance for the same uni I was studying in. They paid me with discounts and they got me working on weekends too. When I finished studying the uni sent me to talk to some company and they gave me the best job of my life.
same here
Writing scrapers in python is easy though. If you can't do it in minutes after knowing the basics of programming and python, I don't know what to tell you.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
That's not how stuff gets done at the upper levels of professionals.
You work until the job is done or someone else that can do it will replace you.
That 9 to 5, 40 hour work week mentality is for wage slaves that punch a time card.
Professionals are expected to work as much as possible until the required objectives are reached.
We're talking people that finish projects/reports for customers/in-house use by a certain deadline.
>"But it's Friday night and I'm not done yet."
Tough shit. Get back to work until your done.
If you shrink from that type of work ethic and dedication, then you're nigger-tier and are only worthy of minimum wage.
Those that are capable never stop working, never stop learning, and have the initiative to do more than they are "ordered" to do; those that are valuable seek work out instead of waiting to be told more work is needed.
>tons of Burgers and even fellow Yuros complaining about how much time they have to invest into their doctorate degree
>meanwhile all those years I spent (((working))) on mine were the years where I had the most free I've ever had in my entire life
>literally visiting university just a few times a week for a couple hours here and there
>could have easily finished a good year earlier too if I wanted to, but see no reason to cut this multi-year vacation short just to start wagecucking
Is a PhD. actually serious business in other countries?
I'm still studying at uni, but I hope work will be better than this, if not only because I am going to be fucking paid
>go on fall break for 4 days to recover, including the weekend
>get literally 15 assignments and they're all due tomorrow
I fucking hate breaks.
>talking shit about wageslaves when attitude to work is slavery
Healthy humans rest, with no breaks you might as well not even get paid and accept your actual slavery but with tokens you can’t use
I can understand that as it's not like you get paid to go to school normally. Best case scenario is you're some sort of grad student doing work for a teacher so you make peanuts, so working weekends or extremely long hours is about as bad as working unpaid overtime.
Also it's shitty in general for anyone to promote terrible work conditions like are indicated by having unpaid overtime.
That was just one tool.
It was a modflow model of groundwater. With each calibration, each change of the factors (adjust ET, adjust precip, adjust hydroconductivity, etc) required different parameters. The scripts were easy to write, yes.
Deciding which information to be scrubed and from which, that was the hard part. Ran about 1000 simulations on 10 different models to pick the best one.
>women in stem
>waah its so hard, i cant party and suck chad's cock every day so we need to dumb down it
As if we need any more proof that women arent cut for science
it's kinda true though, one of the best things about work is the dichotomy of "working" and "being at home"
with school, you're always working, even at home
Academics are engaged in mostly worthless surrogate activity. They have such an easy life that they never become enured to the stresses and demands of regular, everyday life. In short, they are a bunch of overgrown children who demand that the state take the place of their mama and keep them clean, dry, and happy.
And yes, I have an engineering degree. Class of '94. Would neve be able to put up with the BS on campus today...I'd be killing the freaks and niggers for all their acting out.
Yeah. OK.
The houses, cars, kid's tuition...that shit ain't free.
I'll gladly work hard to live in a large home in a gated, nigger-free environment and drive my gas guzzling SUV to my lake house with my boat.
You have to pay your dues at some point.
I'll work 90 hours a week for a few months straight, but inbetween projects I'll take off for a month.
I only work 8 or 9 months out of 12. That's 3 months of vacay.
>Fisting a diseased dog on a freeway
>Texas has no criminal charges for bestiality
Fuckin Americans eh?
Fuck off Schlomo, you're not gonna social-engineer me into giving you unpaid overtime you bloodsucking parasite
totally disagree. college was so easy, lots more free time. i mean, WAY more free time. sometimes you could have a schedule where your classes started later, could sleep in. free time in the middle of the afternoon. tons of days off. man, college was so much better than work life.
as houellebecq says, entering the workforce is like entering the grave.
You're paid in experience you entitled whiny cuck
>Arts Degree
Stop. You'll confuse the pigeons
You made a series of levers to estimate something meaningless. You should've just used that effort in the energy sector.
People who complain about the workload are only in a program because they're stupid sheep who feel they have to prove something to somebody. For people who love the work they do it comes easy.
>60 hours a week is exhausting
Try working 140 hrs/ week underway on a warship, your spoiled lazy cunt
Wow its almost as if different degrees can have different workloads?
Huh, just like different jobs do too! What a coincidence.
>Military cuck bitching
Oy vey free college goyim
>I’ll gladly work for all this gay shit I’ll never see or use
>friends? What are those? I only know work
>3 months vaycay!
>most of which I’ll spend recovering from exhaustion
But muh boat and muh big house
You are a vapid piece of shit
I got 2 bachelor's and a master's absolutely fucking hammered for 6 years straight, only showing up to class once ever week or two, and doing almost absolutely everything the night before.
You fucking suck at what you do if it takes 60+ hours a week to git gud. If you're already a grad student and you haven't got gud yet, then there's no hope. Why are you doing it? You suck. Stop. Move on.
College/University, especially at the grad level is about you managing your time to learn INDEPENDENTLY to become an expert on something. If you can't manage your time to learn something effectively and efficiently, just stop.
t. Political Science PhD student.
Depends on who is your superior. Doing my PhD in an inorganic working group. Everything is chill. Working time from 9 - 5 with extra hours only when I really want to measure something (so the results are really good, gives me a high). On friday everyone more or less stops working at 3 and sits together with 1 or 2 beers.
In the same building and also inorganic. I hear people talking about making 12 hours every second day. So it highly depends.
>That USS Fitzgerald/Mccain watch rotation
Dude...you must only work for straight salary.
Have you never gotten a bonus for finishing a project early? What about finishing a project underbudget?
How about getting both those bonuses?
Can you niggers not comprehend that some of us get paid more, not in salary, but in performance-based bonuses? That some of us are well-educated, professionals that are earning our way to becoming principal interests at our firms?
That means not only completing projects, but also bringing in new clients.
I'm talking about eventually being partner in an engineering firm and making seven figures.
You fucks are thinking small. You fucks would be satisfied with scratching the six-figure salary ceiling.
You have zero idea about how the big boys earn real wealth. You have no desire to be the boss.
>When money is your life and the very idea of people not sharing your ideal throws you into a blog posting fury
>Tfw 1k/day lottofag but live within the means of my former $1600/mo
She's right you know
Well, it was what they paid me to do.
I didn't spend a dime on my MS.
It was a project that had full funding. I really didn't have much say so on the topic or method.
Local government agency recieved the end product.
So, as long as it was free to me, I don't really care. I did it like they wanted.
web developer here in maryland. get me a job you goofs. i do work.
I hate school. I hated high school. I hate college. I'm just sitting in my room all day. School is for girls. No one who is mentally sane can stand sitting passively at a desk for years. I don't drink or do drugs so I can't waste away my feelings in the bottle. I want a fucking job. I want to feel like I'm contributing to some sort of goal.
My grades are shit and I don't network as much as I should. I think if I want cash I'm going to have to start my own business.
Is there any hope, bros? How do I get a code monkey job?
It’s funny how worthless pol sci is when the most used terms of left and right describe nothing at all, both major parties are authoritarian and pro business in nearly every country and nobody knows anything about politics
Just what are you retards doing, exactly?
She has a point. If enough people act like bitches and meekly accept extra work without extra pay, they drag down wages for everyone. Most Westerners have forgotten how to bargain (and are conditioned against any sort of aggression) which is how CEOs and shareholders can get away with this shit.
>Get me a job. I do work
>I haven't networked and my grades are shit
>I need a job even though I don't look hireable
>Web developer, get me a job
Freelance. Fucking entitled pavement ape shitting up pol for gibsmedats
>t. White knight
Jeez. Talk about gay.
That's for young school age punks that don't have families.
Hell yeah. I enjoy the shit out my boat. The kids love it. They go to a super exclusive private school...they have trap-shooting, fencing, tennis, and golf teams plus all the regular sports.
Membership at three country clubs, two are by invitation only.
Sorry, poor fag.
Money does buy happiness.
I actually miss work during my free time. The time off gets to be boring. Because when I work I usually travel. 5-star hotels every night. Per diem for food, travel expenses...it's hardly work. I'm getting things done, but I love what I do.
Like now. Two weeks into a month off. I haven't done a single thing work related. Watched some NASCAR, because fuck the NFL. Swam today in the heated pool because tje lake was too cold. Grilled some thick ribeyes on the Green Egg. Kids out for fall break. Going to let them skip tomorrow. We'll play 36 holes at a place I haven't played yet. Not too bad a life. Was iffy about the beach because of Nate. I'll go there this week and do some deep sea fishing.
this desu falamalam
t. applied sociology phd at 24
>Political Science
Wow. That's the hardest of sciences. Very heavy. Lots of math required.
Not a bullshit degree at all.
Nice blog jobber
>LARPing this hard
That britbong is absolutely retarded though, I'll give you that
>Applied sociology
All my what
Who else is running around with a meme degree?
>being so weak that you need most of 3 months to "recover" from 90-hour weeks
you deserve it tbqh
le meme degree making me about 5k a month, not counting all the free degenerate '''''''''''''''''academia''''''''''''''''''''''' perks like flights, hotels for conferences and so on. and ofcourse the YOU"RE HOW OLD? YOU'RE SO YOUNG OMG
makes me more than content
I'm bored. I get to sleep in tomorrow.
1K a day is a good start, but that's only 350K a year...plus I'm guessing it's in Canadian dollars which is what, 70 to 78 % of a US $? Which means you get less than $1k a day.
I started making that 20 years ago, nigger.
I'm about to break that 1Mil a year plateau, nigger.
Your 1k a day ain't shit, nigger.
Strippers make that much.
The concept of the weekend IS being eroded though. Do not give in to the merchants.
1k a day but I keep all of it. Strippers gotta pay for their drugs n shirt. You'd know considering how much you talk about niggers.
Money doesn't mean anything to me beyond it's a resource. I can live comfortably on a small amount.
>Rich burger
How Jewish are you exactly? Nobody is buying your lies shlomo
Western professors just want slaves aka grad students.
However, Japanese professors are different.
Go read up on foreign grad student experiences in Japan.
Your professor basically goes drinking with you, eating with you, hangs out with you, etc
Seems more like an apprenticeship when it comes to grad school in Japan.
One day the millennials are going to realize that the Jews do run this monopoly on college tuition/student loans.
As an ascetic, working hard is virtuous. Mental health is a survival need and the challenge is to find a way to create balance while working hard enough to move toward your goals.
If you can't handle the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen. I'm pulling 60-70 hour weeks (studying+work) and sure, it's not fun, but it's useful. When I'm done with uni I'l have a useful degree and no debt.
Short term laziness has no long term benefit, either knuckle down and work or end up in debt. Study and work for your degree or spend well over half a decade on what should be five years. It doesn't matter to the rest of the world, but make your choice and stick to it. Don't whine. If you can't handle it fuck off and try to get an internship or work your way up the chain of command in a supermarker or some other place that offers internal training.
"I get anxiety attacks when I hear people described as working hard" then fucking off yourself because if other people with a work ethic scare you you're not going to be useful, ever.
I'm sure I'd be more successful than a lottery winning that is essentially a guaranteed income if I was a ching ching
>Tfw white and will never be a real estate mogul
>Tfw will never build great Wall of China around house
even in undergrad it's KINDA like that sometimes.
>I hate having my career be the majority of my life
Oh sweetie
I ain't bullshiting.
My engineering firm is doing well.
Branching out to make it national, not just regional.
You know how it is.
Firm starts small with one office. Get jobs in adjoining states. Start offering architectural and environmental services to make us a one-stop shop for customers.
Open branch offices. That means additional staff required. Existing staff moved up. Move from corner office manager to main office at branch as a VP.
Now get bonuses on deadlines made by employees. It's a gravy train of dough.
But. It all starts with hard work and busting your ass when you're young. Wanna retire at 50, but still get paid by your firm because you're a principal interest? Be like me.
I just graduated from college and got my first job part-time. Sure they pay me very little but at least I get to enjoy more than half of my day. Problem is part-time jobs are few and I believe it's the best thing for young people unwilling to work 8 fuckin hours, or more! Absolute insanity how people give up their free time for nothing.
>Oy vey goyim read my success blog
You can't actually dispute what she's saying though
I'm starting to hate this word.
>Study and work for your degree or spend well over half a decade on what should be five years
Solid post otherwise
>t. beta as fuck
Enjoy your hours of unpaid overtime, gotta boost those shareholder profits. Never mind the fact you're literally slaving away for the benefit of somebody who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
Why do women keep pretending they're cut out for this, instead of just admitting men get to work hard while they take care of the home and their man's cock when he is done his shift/duties?
They're clearly not happy, because all they do is fucking bitch about it. Why can't they just suck dick and make hamburgers at home and bitch about irrelevant things again, like the toilet seat being left up?
Except fucking boomers in retirement and immigrants take all the entry level positions meant for young people fucking up the labor market.
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