Benefits of extramarital affairs

Did you know women are empowered by being unfaithful. That while a man can be happy and unfaithful when a woman is unfaithful there is something missing in her life.
While male figures have held steady there has been a 40% increase in female infidelity.
This is all good however as there are many benefits to extramarital affairs and they can even save your marriage.
Also its good for the kids.
It's the mans fault the wife needs a bull and it will be good for the marriage because we live in an age of happiness and entitlement.

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cant make up whether youre being sarcastic or not

Just summing up the the knowledge the (((psychotherapist))) wants to share with us on how to have a happy marriage

i see. im faithful to mine, and if id ever find out that she was cheating id be in jail. you take my honor, i take your life

Me too, Norski. When I made that clear to my GF, she got really horny and jumped me. It was great.

Forget the link.
The article is pure subversion. However one thing it does point out is how our understanding of monogamy has changed - We used to think monogamy meant one person for life; now we see monogamy as one person at a time. It used to be ‘till death do us part’; today, you marry until love dies.”

Just reading in another thread how an anons girlfriend got blacked and he was asking people what they thought of it.

What does it mean to be monogamous in this day and age?

The russian experiment of abolishing marriage really worked fine.

"In the early 1920s, however, the weakening of family ties, combined with the devastation and dislocation caused by the Civil War (1918–21), produced a wave of nearly 7 million homeless children. This situation prompted senior party officials to conclude that a more stable family life was required to rebuild the country's economy and shattered social structure."

Except there was no birth control.

>What does it mean to be monogamous in this day and age?
White Sharia

This trivia will come in useful

This is just the basics. I remember reading about the soviet deconstruction of the family in many italian history books.

It's not just marriage through, it's birth control and hook up culture. Failure of marriage as an institution is stopping us from having families

Unless we have white sharia, what does it mean to be monogamous in this day and age?

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Getting cucked by Jamal, and wrecked by the gynocentric justice system maybe.

As someone who has been nicknamed "the homewrecker" because he's an eternal fuck-and-run guy, I welcome this trend.

Gotta reply to that article thanking the author for easing my guilt over cheating on my wife.

You were named the homewrecker because you kept getting drunk and pissing on the couch user, dont tell fibs

Yup. Id go into a blood curdling rage and all bets would be off. I have a friend that has his girlfriend coming home with hickeys and he fucking stays with her. I have more respect for homosexuals than fucking cuckolds. I message him once a day calling him a pathetic cuck and a bitch. He just takes it like the pathetic loser he is.

According to her word ‘home-wrecker’ doesn’t exist in the masculine. I agree with her that the consequences for women are still not the same as they are for men. It's still pretty fucked though, or do think it's not a moral equivalent.
A females sexual history bothers me to such a degree I feel I don't want to get in a relationship. I would hate to be cheated on, but if she's already fucked loads of people what difference does it make?

The deepest circle of hell is for those who betray. No small coincidence that she has soulless eyes.

What part of Canada is this?

I'm married and want to shag other women! So this would be the perfect excuse for me! She'd lose her moral high ground, and I'd get pussy..

If it wasn't for cheating wives I would've to pay african prostitutes to get my rocks off.

This shit makes me not want to ever get married

women can rationalize everything. their favorite tool being circular logic

>I cheated on him
>he got angry at me for it
>what an asshole
>I was totally justified in cheating on him because of that

The benefit of a whore cheating is that you know she is a whore and therefore you have enough information to leave her whore ass.

I honestly can't understand how anyone can put up with being cheated on. My parent's circle of friends has multiple pairs where one partner cheated on the other and when it came out the other forgave them.
And it wasn't even that they were just keeping their shit together for a couple years till the kids are grown up, they already were at that point.

I'm very patient with a lot of things but that would be a red line you could never cross with me. The moment I find out she cheated on me, the very least I will do is throw all her shit on the street and ghost her everywhere.

Italian women are easy laid?

>what does it mean to be monogamous in this day and age?
In this day and age by the majority of the people? Probably not much more than you having the decency to at least keep it a secret rather than openly asking your partner if he minds if you eat out some other guy's asshole.

author: celia walden

wife of piers morgan, no joke

>Except there was no birth control.
They used and still use abortion as contraception.

This is a strange one but it kinda makes sense. I kind of understand how people can have a relationship with a whore. At least it is out in the open. There's no pretence.

As sad as that is I think you're about right. Like, just don't rub it in my face in it and don't make a public spectacle of it. It disgusts me though and makes me not want to deal with women.

Yeah she wrote the article, but it's about is about Ester Perel a prominent Jewish psychotherapist. They all seem to be connected in some way

sne is more likely to cheat

Toxoplasmosis GONDII is the cause, untreatable brain parasite that comes from cats. Google it. Srs af, men become cucks, women become sluts
>True story bro

>we live in an age of happiness and entitlement.
Well true
We live in an age of female entitlement and a world that revolves around female happiness.

I think women cheat because they can, they have so goddamn many offers on the table i dont think guys even understand. Any girl can go out and get laid the very same night after a break up if she was receptive, its fucking nuts how fucked up society has gotten

And i wouldnt complain about this if men had equal opportunity, but we dont.
No man can perform as well in dating as women can, except for those famous hollywood guys


even them can only fuck couple a girls a day, a woman can fuck 6 guys at once 10 times a day

You're partly right. Men affected by toxoplasmosis become more risk taking and contrarian while women become conformist sluts.

I got toxoplasmosis some years ago and I've been becoming a lot more masculine. Heavily influenced by the things happening around, but definitely not becoming a cuck. I was actually getting cucked when I got it...

How did you find out you had it?

My cat died of it and I read that it could affect people, so I went to get a test and tested positive. I could have gotten it before that though, but I hated cats before and I don't eat half-cooked meat.

>I think women cheat because they can, they have so goddamn many offers on the table i dont think guys even understand. Any girl can go out and get laid the very same night after a break up if she was receptive, its fucking nuts how fucked up society has gotten
That's our fault. We're too thirsty and competitive. I can't blame them. imagine if hordes of women were all hitting you up constantly and telling you how great you are. Wouldnt you logically assume everything revolves around your happiness?

>women cheat because they can

definitely one of the reasons. all the she needs to do is start up tinder once. doesn't even need to be because she explicitly wants to whore around, in a lot of cases it will already be sufficient if she just wanted to see what all the talk was about.
she'll get a shitton of matches and messages almost immediately and then it's only a question of willpower to resist the easily available fastfood-fuck. where all she has to do is tell the guy to come over and maybe pick up pizza on the way or something. if men had hundreds of women just waiting for them to shoot them a message, they'd whore around, too. we know that's the case because Chads exist.

Let me guess, that article was written by a Jew, right?

In the distant past men were fooled by women who were always on good behavior that they could set them free and they'd still be good people. It turns out it was all an act.

I probably have it too since we always had cats.
To add, men become more introverted and more suspicious of others too.
There's also a higher risk of schizophrenia in both sexes.
Quite an interdasting topic.

>men become more introverted and more suspicious of others too.
Definitely this too. I did certainly become a lot more careless and masculine with time, which has been great. The crazy cat lady thingy apparently comes from this, yet it seems to be quite unknown for most of the population.

It's about (((Esther Perez)))

I think this is unfortunately true. The internet and social media has revealed too much about their nature.

..and finally we end up on Sup Forums, a masculinist place of introverts who love conspiracy theories. Funny, isn't it?

It's said that even nearly 70% of people have latent toxoplasmosis since it doesn't produce any symptoms.

>not smart enough to make her sign a pre-nup before marriage
>too stupid to hire a divorce attorney
>emotional child, would kill the woman you were dumb enough to marry and jeopardize your own freedom

jesus christ you europlebs are like children. no wonder your governments walk on you and insult you the way they do.

A lot of Europe countries don't have pre-nup

Cats domesticated humans 10000 years ago so we would pile up grain and attract rodents for them to eat.

They all need to be purged and the world cleansed

Dont forget the alternative is effectively slavery ( give up our voting rights and settle down with white supremacists, no jobs home maker only, final destination)

Guy is a fag, in butgerland prenups still usually mean nothing. Trust me, if they worked id be rubbing that fact into pols face nonstop, but the court can dismiss them entirely at its leasure, theye worthless

How do arrive at that position?