The Passing of the Great Race

from the passing of the great race book by Madison Grant

The pure Nordic race is at present clustered around the shores of the Baltic and North Seas,
from which is has spread west and south and east in every direction, fading off gradually into
the two preceding races.
The centre of its greatest purity is now in Sweden, and there is no doubt that at first the
Scandinavian Peninsula, and later the immediately adjoining shores of the Baltic, were the
centres of radiation of the Teutonic or Scandinavian branch of this race.
The population of Scandinavia has been composed of this Nordic subspecies from the
beginning of Neolithic times, and Sweden to-day represents one of the few countries which has
never been overwhelmed by foreign conquest, and in which there has been but a single racial
type from the beginning. This nation is unique for its unity of race, language, religion, and
social ideals.

rip swede cucks, rip nordic master race

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That's defeatist as fuck. Gas the sandniggers! RACE WAR NOW



I have a feeling you too will enjoy this.

And now Swedish pussy is fucked and inseminated by Africans and Arabs daily

Sweden to-day represents one of the few countries which has
never been overwhelmed by foreign conquest, and in which there has been but a single racial
type from the beginning. This nation is unique for its unity of race, language, religion, and
social ideals.

you should put this part on posters to redpill the normies

If I we're you with your "asian" sex gangs, I would remain silent.

so is brit pussy, sweden will be gone in 15 years but britain will be next after germany

Those are the low classes of Britain. Nothing of value really.

But platinum blonde beautiful ARYAN Swedish women are willing being fucked by and sucking NIGGER COCK while Swedish "men" just watch and cry ..


the "Scandinavian model" would have worked very well with zero immigration.
the Sweden Democrats are now our 2nd biggest party. the fire rises

you seem like the kind of person who watches racemixing porn. keep your degenerate fantasies to yourself - and please kill yourself and your entire family asap

look who is talking

How does it feel walking through your city and seeing your beautiful Aryan blonde women walking hand in hand with subhuman animal niggers? How does it feel seeing YOUR women, the most beautiful in the world, literally mating with the lowest form of filth on earth?

i don't know how your going to get rid of all the roaches though, short of gassing them, maybe send them to germany and mother merkel, europe needs another hitler

You're sick, nige.


Buncha fucking barbarians they were. The Chinese were always superior. They truly are the future.

Again, nothing of value being lost. We're a rainy island full of creepy goblins and sex perverts.

But Sweden is literally, as OP said, the centre of the literal Aryan race. The most blonde hair concentrated on earth. A beautiful, fragile country and people.

And you're literally being drowned in Arab and nigger cum.

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Seek help

This is the hireachy of Europe

>Nordics>Alpines>Dinarics>Mediterraneans>East Baltics

Nordics are the masterrace

Apparently Alexander the great and many greek heroes like the trojans were nordics, nordics made up the leadership minorty while meds made up the masses, therefore we need a strong pure nucleus of nordics to lead us out of this hell hole

It's true, and when we say Nordics are the Masterace we don't mean only Norwegians and Swedes, you can be a Nordic from Italy, look at Fabio for example, It's just much rarer. But yes Nordics have always throughout history made up the ruling classes.

This is a good sourced linked showing the Nordic colouring of the Roman patrician classes.

>just have more children per family
>take over the countryside

how can a white guy compete when mohammed marries 4 burkha women that are his baby making slaves and produces 8 children each, a native swede also has to pay for all of mohammeds children too

what is this insane circlejerk

Four children a head would suffice. Isnt the average for muzzies 5 anyways where are you getting 8 from


tick tock svennar