I live in a city full of immigrants. Someone shat to my friend's scooter helmet.
Seriously people, just come on
I live in a city full of immigrants. Someone shat to my friend's scooter helmet.
Seriously people, just come on
Other urls found in this thread:
part and parcel
>immigrants running wild in Poland and shitting on people belongings
Sounds like science fiction, you can change IP already to some memeflag or your own cucked nation
Tell your friend to take his faggy helmet with him next time
What do you expect? It looks just like a toilet to subhumans. They can't shit on the street because a metal elephant will run them over. They can't shit in houses because the residents start offering bad tasting offerings.
That's not shit. They're nuggets of diversity.
Welcome to enrichment.
Tell your friend he should appreciate that cultural exchange he just received.
Fucking Indians
What city? Must be Warszawa. Surely there would be no immigrants in the smaller cities.
>a loo with a view
why is everything in great britain a retarded pun
>Mystery dumper lays cable down Mike's stack
Pure gold wording
set up another helmet with a camera, then wait for the shitter to show themselves and wait until he/she has their pants down then jump out and beat the everliving fuck out of them, forcing them to wear the helmet
Joking aside, that's a shitty helmet.
Dunno man, judging by the poles we imported it could also be one of your landsmen.
Or it is as usual, germany became magnet for scum and filtered your scum together with brittain.
Checked and keked.
Here in Swedistan janitors harvest these nuggets in schoolyards every morning before school starts.
Forgot sauce.
In swedistani.
>implying you poles and other fake slavs aren't fucking drunk degenerates on your own
>blaming immigrants for your own retardation
bro I've spent 6 months of my life in Warsaw and except 1950's vietnamese immigrants/shop owners from the soviet union and their families, 4 black people in the entire fucking city carrying groceries, you guys do not have "immigrants"
fucking Piotr
So a Ukranian did this?
>Surrenderfag telling me who slavs are
Could you just came bakck to Algieria where you beling?
>full of immigrants
literally bullshit
it was just some dumb drunk clubbing trash, even judging by what the picture says
slide thread
the alt right stealing memes because they're unoriginal pick rick niggers once again
Fucking kek mate
pooland lmao
I'd say it was a pajeet but those are well formed logs, not curry diarrhea.
thats what you get for refusing to filter your spics for quality.
It is fine, nothing going on and nothing to see here.
Part and parcel.
pic is a message I got from the blood bank tomorrow. What did those boats people full of doctors, lawyers, and scientists bring over?
Today... I am not Tritor.
Ukrainians are animals
you made this thread yesterday
This is why I just wear my helmet everywhere. I mean, hey, it matches my SUPER SAFE power ranger suit so why not.
They're proppin' up are en ach ess! Don't you ever watch question time?
>live in a city full of immigrants
>polish flag
Nice larping
Sorry? I don't speak peasant. I don't have a TV.
Kill me seriously. Liberals and normies think that importing these disease ridden savages in their hundreds of thousands per year is ok
I'm surprised we've been as lucky as we have with epidemics like ebola etc, niggers cant keep clean or hygeinic, they barely understand the concept. and the media has completely blacked out on reporting about refugees/migrants, because they know there's no argument for its continuation, so they just dont report it and hope nobody notices
It's a sorry state of affairs.
>You want to cut immigration!? The only possible reason for this is that you must be a racist!
Calm down guys. Did you now hear, part and parcel.
Absolutely nothing going on, the blood bank just issued this notice for a completely unrelated matter. What do government bodies know anyway, it wasn't on the news so it isn't happening.
Chant 'part and parcel' 50 times until calm.
Unfortunately we're one of the worst offenders of this atm, for some fucking reason our entire establishment is 100% good goyim antiwhites even our 'conservative' parties are race mixing refugee apologist nigger lovers.
We're fucked
I think its simpler than that. The women are getting to much power and they think with emotions. I am sure there is a goy influence too but most of our problems in the west started when we started hanging on every word women said instead of telling them what to be emotional about. Look at all our leaders.
Pic is long but worth the read. Scale that up to giving them control over things and boom. You have the slut fest and PC emotional shit show we have today.
Note: it says in there that this has nothing to do with intelligence. it is the difference between logical and irrational emotional thinking.
The lunatics have literally taken over the asylum, and we are listening to them like they are not mad.
Did your friend taste it to see if he could identify the ethnicity of the perpetrator?
>The women are getting to much power and they think with emotions
Talked to a girl im dating about the terrorist attacks and our travel plans and she unironically said "I dont think you can be afraid because this is just something unavoidable thats going to happen no matter what"
I set her straight and she has come around, now she even liked the Travel ban trump initiated
More like fart and parcel amirite?
>fart and arsehole
Holy shit I can't stop laughing!
If you see these savages roam through your country and think to yourself "Yeah. This is good.", you need to get your fucking brain checked, because you ain't quite right up there. Seriously, i have no idea how anyone can be okay with this. My immediate reaction is always utter disgust. I can't even help it.
I saw that article. Nice memed.
And you forgot something. JEWS.
That girl couldn't even detach herself from the ''poor immigrants, this is a necessary thing we are doing'' narrative. They think the world is full of victims that need saving. It is why propaganda works so well on them, you only have to pull at the heartstrings and you have them. They WANT to see the world as a happy and nice place or at least to see themselves as a force for good no matter what. It is one giant virtue signal. the logic of not letting them in and that these people are not children who need protecting doesn't even enter their head. It also explains why it is always about the kids and families in the media, they are pushing an agenda by playing on wimmins emotional responses that override their logic.
Literally right in front of our eyes and we barely even notice. We are being distracted (by porn and women usually lol) way too easily. The psychiatrist will never point it out, women are too big of a market.
That's a gargantuan turd, Mohammed must be proud.
>the young oik unleashed a plop down the flue
is this the pidgin english site ive been hearing so much about?
And every inch you give they take a mile.
So how long until we're building self sustaining space habitats to escape the shithole called Earth?
Maybe, or maybe women are just crazy and emotional virtue signalers and we gave them to much political power. Look at our leaders and how much even the men around them pander to their desire to save the world.
in pooland leaving shit in your comrade's hat,shoes,helmet and in front of their door is a compliment.
thats a ukranians poop. I can tell
Why do you think (((they))) won't show our children dead. The women are the key and we are too busy chasing them to notice. We are a civilization with mother issues and our mothers are insane.
an old polish women told me the ukrainians would throw polish babies against walls at the end of WW2
shitting in helmets seems pretty civilized for them
Bro, as much as I like poles you can't really play that card
May I remind you how many times Poland ceased to exist throughout European history?
Did you guys ever maintain colonies for a hundred years?
I mean, each time I talk to you guys, y'all paranoïd about a Russian invasion or islamisation (when the majority of your immigrants are Germans lol) and how your former president was assassinated and so on and so on.
A good portion of you guys are totally uneducated meatheads who don't even know their own country and have never travelled outside of it, so don't you come and try to educate me on mine
Pic related, Stanislas Leszczynski, fucking king of Poland to whom we gave political asylum and whose daughter married Louis XV
We even built a fucking square in his honor with a statue of him in the center you fucking pleb
Yeah! Nothing to see here, goyim
Meanwhile you fucking poles have pic related lol
when you go to a nightclub or discotek in eastern yurope you'll almost indefinitly always run into trouble since it's mostly dumb violent degenerate trash that go to these places
I stopped going when I discovered this fact
Hitler was right he wanted to ethnically cleanse the entire rotting gutter that is eastern yurpe.
those wastelands should have been armenia'd long ago all thr way to russia
Not to mention how you guys fucked us over in America. Credit where credit is due. Now get out of the EU because it will destroy your entire history Frenchy. If not then I will mourn the loss of a great brother, enemy, and friend.
Poland in charge of being totally irrevelant besides having a Kalashnikov factory and pic related
Oh and thanks for Dunkirk too. That was epic.
yeah but france is a dying empire anyways and is looking more and more like an afrikan colony so you'll soon look just as shitty and corrupt as pooland
soon froggy, this fate wont dodge you, especially with commies and socialists calling the shots over there
hahahha RIP in mierde franz
You mean how we held the lines ourselves so you guys could escape to your island? Yeah, no prob.
And sorry not sorry but we didn't have a revolution just so we could see our "allies" smash down legit independency claims afterwards
Because getting out of the EU was totally a move the UK didn't regret directly after, sure thing buddy.
>Tfw when you used to live in Aberdeen and expect nothing less
I legit had a chicken supreme supper at that fish and chip shop once.
>You mean how we held the lines ourselves so you guys could escape to your island? Yeah, no prob.
Exactly, underrated.
>sorry not sorry but we didn't have a revolution just so we could see our "allies" smash down legit independency claims afterwards
No problem Frenchy. You did a Nobel thing and are a Nobel people. MI5 has our child in good order anyway. It is actually quite nice when the youngest kid leaves home and takes over the family business. Makes a change taking a 'supporting role' for once while they and their alphabet agencies take the blame ;)
Pic related, we gave the empire up, we promise.
I think 52% was an underestimation. I know social circles are things but having started off ass a toff and going down the social standing somewhat I have a wide one and I know very few outside of London and the media circus who voted Remain and who regret voting Brexit.
Next step, stopping this cancer from getting into power.
kek that's actually hilarious
That's inherently humorous don't hate me.
Get your facts straight nigger
Socialists and communists have respectively 29 and 10 seats out of 566 at the National Assembly. The majority is centrist as fuck and has up to 10% of CEOs, 21% from the private sector.
Plenty of the foreigners hate and want to murder us. We have been betrayed by our rulers and their minions. They have put us all in danger. This is how it starts when they try to take areas over.
I though Poland had no refugees.
Yes, shitting AIDS turds onto other people's property is fucking hilarious.
ukrainian resistance on the rise again
They don't, if we account for the number of people leaving the country. Even fucking Iceland rates higher on the net migration rate for 1000 inhabitants. Which is 1 / 1000 (same as France) and 0 / 1000 for Poland. Lebanon having the highest rate with 84 migrants for 1000 inhabitants. That means more people are entering Lebanon than there are people leaving it.
Yet OP would have you believe that they are infested and widely replaced by "foreigners", whoever those might be. It just isn't true.
but what if they was not refugees?
>Poland overtakes India as country of origin, UK migration statistics show
I'm out of this - literally - shitty thread
Shit, you must live in the countryside Mr Europeon. That is pretty normal practice in Europes cities now. I am going to miss calling you a Kraut :(
RIP Deutschland ist gefallen.
Play both
Yup, they turned half the shop's in the town I grew up in into polish supermarkets with polish names where they speak polish inside. they are leaving again now thanks to Brexit. Now just a few more problems to sort out. Nothing against the poles mind but that is out of order, they take the piss.
The Sun newspaper is particularly obsessed with it, but British people generally love puns.
And you decided to tell us about it few years later?