You guys aren't underage, right?
How old is Sup Forums?
I'm 29, NEET and depressed
Slide thread, saged faggot.
i was when i started browsing, now im 19 years old will be 20 next month, i definitely dont regret spending all my teenage years on this shitsite.
ey bby u wunt sum fuk?
>nigger coffee
Oh that's the joke.
ptg is 15-18 they have even admitted it to me many times . the rest of us are in our 20s
I only started going on Sup Forums at 24, I thank the universe it happened after I lived a little. This site would've depressed me as a teenager.
This was the first website I ever truthfully told I was 18 or over
I'm a 9 year old girl
42 here, lurking for 8 years used to only visit Sup Forums and / diy/ now Im exclusively/pol/
Pretty sure I've been here since I was twelve, well over ten years.
How old are you faggot?
25 here
34 here. Overnight Walmart represent!!!
>2 kids
>Own home and car
>60k a year
Not all of us are neets
Literally everybody here is a white male aged 18-25
Once you're past the initial redpill stage it gets less interesting, because except around happenings it's the same few threads over and over. Better to spend your time improving yourself by reading books and working out. Most people hopefully get there before 25 and kind of age out of Sup Forums
22. I've been here since the day I turned 18, no earlier.
This place reinforced many of views, and added new ideas that made the world a little bit more understandable.
I wasn't a Nazi until I actually knew what a National Socialism was.
Spend enough time here, 5 years for me, it'll change you. Its depressing, but it gives you power that would have likely remained untouched.
>using cursive
Are you trying to target minorities so you warned everyone else?
20 years old
Don't forget: you're here forever.
25 NEET and suicidal
pls be my ai gf
i read all the books before i was 16, this is the last place to go for interesting reading material
Most Sup Forums are underage newfag Redditors.
That's why all the other boards fucking hate you.
23 Neet
been here 7-8 years
Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums
get off my lawn
There are still people who even wonder how stormfront had such a big influence. The answer is pretty obvious.
Mariage & kids soon
and a billion refugees to take it all away again.
I'll give you a job here and we can shitpost all night. Hop on the boat!
32. I remember when the site was only a baby and still mainly populated by people from Something Awful.
28, fuck yourself OP
Yea but that is American jobs... Australia has shit employment rates and every job I go to tries to shove the "we are a diverse company" bullshit so I have to compete with the influx of asians and niggers flooding into this country.. last interview I went to I was the only white person there!
Ausfailia is slowly becoming a 3rd world country
thank you for new reaction
Forgot to mention that last time I went to McDonalds I got served by some fucking down syndrome nigger that could barely understand what I spoke... like what a fucking joke I have been rejected by McDonalds the last 3 times I have applied there
мe two year sago
Close but not quite
I'm 6
turned 24 two months ago
Been here since 2007. I was 12
some clown in World of Warcraft's trade chat mentioned Sup Forums and how its filled with super viruses and stuff
I came to Sup Forums thinking I was gonna see some secrets, instead I saw pictures of some man getting decapitated and some dude cutting his balls off.
>rejected by maccass
You really must be a shit cunt
Come join us on the official Sup Forums discord sever
>offical ip harevest
No thanks fucktard
23, shittily 8.00/hr employed
Actually 19, Unemployed, live with mom, virgin, had only 1 gf back in junior high school for a month, 3 friends that I talk to, dropped out of college because depression.
I know I should be typing this on the advice board, but whatever. Can anyone give me any tips on how to get my life back together? Everything seems hopeless now.