This guy knows exactly what happened
Last of the video.
> "We'll be fine, the president did a good job."
> "miracle"
> Greater crisis adverted
What if that did Trump do?
Also, I don't think this video got enough attention earlier.

Other urls found in this thread:

>What if that did Trump do?

>What if that did Trump do?
Greatest question of them all.

They tell me do things I come runnin'.

I have failed.

He's talking about the fuel tanks being shot at and saying it is a miracle they didn't even leak


Look at those fucking hands shaking, holy shit.

Its like hes terrified for his life

The service elevator slip up? idk, he was pretty nervous the whole time. Even Chris freaked out a little.
This is one of the best videos I've seen out of the msm, It contradicts so much of the fbi narrative.
In quotes.

At this point, Steve Wynn is lucky to find the toilet by himself.

>service elevator.
>steve never drank
>showed no erratic behaviour, perfect customer

This nigger is gonna kill himself

Autism isn't so much a lack of understanding, it's more a lack of giving a shit what other people are saying.

I won't disclose to you how I know this you'll just have to trust me.

>TFW Stephen Paddock was actually the good guy who sacraficed himself to save Vegas being nuked by the Jews to justify war

Thats the only other reason i think hed say trump did a good job.
The interview is the future of security.

Load of shit. The only info claiming to know the exact model of charger is from fake news conspiratard sites.


The only people supplying information is the FBI, known for manufacturing terrorists, whats your point shill?

>Not suicide note.
>Just atmospheric data and ballistics equations.
>Actually phone numbers which are being investigated.

Taking bets on what it is next.


The numbers get leaked and Sup Forums will start prank calling the numbers along with other shenanigans.

Absolutely terrifying