Imagine 100 years ago, plowing a dude in the ass and saying it wasn't gay because he dressed and felt like a girl.
Wat would have happened, pol?
Imagine 100 years ago, plowing a dude in the ass and saying it wasn't gay because he dressed and felt like a girl
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i dont think regular men were fucking tranny faggots in 1917. kys here's a (you)
*Loads Gun*
>100 years ago
Try like 10 years ago. That tranny and pro sodomite shit is very recent
I know, trannies are a meme and didn't exist
It's hypothetical
>be me
>1917 trannie walks up to me
>"hello user would you want a night of unforgetable sex"
>Sir why have you dressed up like a women?
>"i am a women!
>calls the police at local phone booth to inform about a insane man who needs to get electrocuted.
>go home and beat my wife for not having the steak rare enough.
>Sit in study and enjoy my night.
okay user i believe you.
Theyd just call it vatican city 2
no one says that now, you fucking fagget.
Crossdressers aren't a new phenomenon
Not exactly the same, but boy whores in the 1800s were pretty popular. Underage boys dressed up as women. Pretty sad desu
>Wat would have happened
Gay sex?
okay, sure user
I know that but were they public about it and claimed it was straight? doubt
Burn the witches now !!!
I think that was a thing in the Weimar Republic, correct me if I’m wrong.
>be you in 1917
>get sent to war
>get shot
>what would have happened?
Hitler happened.
Germans would have probably started a war.
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Apparently in Pakistan men having sex with men is not the same thing gay sex. Don't ask me how they have rationalised this. I don't know. There is supposedly a lot of gay sex in Pakistan but they don't class most of it as gay.
>get sent to war
>save europe
The one thing, liberals with never, ever talk about, is blacks hate gays and traps, only (((Hollywood))) nogs pretend to be ok with them.
>Imagine 100 years ago, plowing a dude in the ass
You have weird fantasies soon, but it's k
Im not sure but lenin wouldnt aprove.
Back when women weren't allowed to be actors and all female roles were played by men it wasn't uncommon for the actors who played women to also work as prostitutes.
The reason for this was people wanted to have sex with the characters, everyone wanted to fuck Juliet, or Ophelia, or Cleopatra.
The logic for why it wasn't considered gay was essentially the same.
>hate gays and traps
and J00s, t00
2d traps aren't gay though
people werent such faggots about being gay
you fuck an ass you fuck an ass, dont tell, and go about your gay ass day
>Imagine 100 years ago, plowing a dude in the ass and saying it wasn't gay because he dressed and felt like a girl.
It literally was happening. Pro-tranny activism was a thing in Weimar Germany. Wanna know what happened next?
actually blacks hate everyone that not themselves, including other blacks.
how do you still have internet?
It'd be a theater play
>getting off to something specifically because it has a dick isn't gay
2d traps are literally girls drawn with a dick
it's actually the most hetero thing after girls with vaginas on the spectrum of hetero-faggotry
hetero-faggotry is not a spectrum, faggot
>catholic priest and cops get the tranny away
>goes out to got fishing on maracaibo lake
>sudenly everything and everyone is covered in fucking oil, even the water
>mfw some foregein assholes cause an explotion on the local mene with their fucking drill
kinsey scale
None of this fag and tranny shit is new, it's just out in the open and accepted now. I blame the internet.
>internet is the only thing holding society together, as it keep the chads and normies too bussy to overtrow the government lol
I blame video games.
Femboys aren't new. Alexander the Great slayed boipucci way back when. Pretending they're women is the new thing.
You'd become the leader of the 1917 alt right
Back then getting fucked in the ass was pretty much a rite of passage for young lads
Well, Nero got away with it 2000 years ago.
>destroy* world*
Women getting beat meme used to keep women hating home life. "That's so 20s, when women got beat."
Sure thing. Thays why every old woman loves how the country used to be.
Anyone got the link to the original jewtube vid?
There's nothing wrong with beating your wife.
Open faggotry was punishable with a beating and nobody would shame the man who did it. This is why islam is winning in spite of being utterly shit in every other way.
>Implying fucking a man in the ass is gay
It is only getting fucked in the ass that is gay.
Except they didn't have feminine penises back then you fucking retard
This shit is ruining any values we had left.
Checked. Not gay
Leaf logic. Smh
Pick one faggot
hahaXDwow that's a funny meme you got there! *tips*
>the dent in his forehead
Probably from whatever traumatic childhood event caused him to become a freak
i feel contempt for these people 99% of the time but right now i'm feeling pity. What a horrible existence
pseudo science
provide something better then
They definitely wouldn't be anything like our lady boys we've engineered today but I think if you showed them some Bailey Jay they'd be shitting their pants and slowly crawl down the path of traps. They'd definitely shit on hons though.
having sex with a woman who is not trying to look like a man = normal
having sex with anything else = abnormal
you don't need a scale
>poo on penis
>be trannie
>get electroshocked and/or lobotomized
>be trannie
>get castrated and/or curbstomped by niggers fucking hard is it to just suck it up and be a dude? Millions of people don't "identify" as burger flippers or cashiers but they still do that shit every day of their life.
i didnt think the jews had invented the gays a hundred years ago
Bailey Jay still looks like a man though, and I'm pretty sure he's fat now
Weird how that works
Yeah age does that lets use PRIME Sara Valentina as an example then. They'd go gay m8.
Only if they were gay to begin with.
For every top percentile tranny there are a million actual girls who look better and they also aren't men which is a plus. :^)
This is literally the Weimar Republic
Have you ever seen a top ten percentile trap m8? They're hot as fuck and sometimes look so convincing you just don't give a fuck. I'm talking about the ones good looking enough to be forced into porn. DIAMONDS aren't nearly as hard as my dick when I see that.
*not to be forced into porn
Cam Traps basically
I'm not so retarded as to be turned on by dudes no matter what they look like
You are just forgetting to see them for what they are: degenerate gay men
You are literally gay if you like men
>be you (French)
>be you in 1917
>get sent to war
>immediately surrender
>Have you ever seen a top ten percentile trap m8?
You are the cause of everything that has ever been wrong
mien nigga.
Sodomy is sodomy, regardless of gender identities.
And sodomy was the crime, so 'muh traps aren't gay' faggots would rot in jail.
former farm manager here
i controlled a group of 9 pakistanis some years ago mostly for tomato and iceberg farming.
They live all together by their choice so to pay something like 20-30 each for rent.
They have something called woman week witch they take turns.
Each week, one is chosen to perform the house chores, including washing, cleaning, cooking and you guest it, being the woman for the others sexual urges.
you can identify the woman because he wears slippers and stays at home all week.
slipper-pakies don't think this is gay
>implying it was up for debate
are you telling me gay people just didn't exist back then numb nuts
So you haven't? How long have you been on here?
They did and they also didn't pretend they were any less gay because the guy had long hair and makeup
now people are convinced it's not gay if he ~feels like a woman~ which is fucking retarded when you take the time to actually think about it
>it's retarded to be attracted to a man who puts a lot of effort into his appearance to look like a girl and be sexy
You're focusing way too hard on the actual reward here. Hot boys who look like girls is hot.
crossdressers aren't trannies and both are gay, just not manly gay, they are girly gay. Even so, your picture isn't girly at all, he's manly with make-up. Even Benny Hill could pull off more believable women.
If you want to keep praising delusional men be my guest user but just admit to your parents that you're gay already
When I hovered over this picture I got a shiver down my spine. How can a """human""" bean be so disgusting?
>One man gets fucked by 8 others every day for a week.
>One of the 8 swaps and gets fucked in turn.
>not gay.
That's some prime cognitive dissonance right there.
Are Pakis even human?
Ever seen an old tranny? They are very rare and scary.
I almost never see trannies in real life. The tranny problem I think is a little overblown at times. We need to worry more about chinks. They are fucking everywhere.
Son, you like the idea of fucking a biological male up the arse.
They might be so far past twink that they think their a girl, but that's a dick wielding homo you want to fuck.
Just admit that your gay, or at least rationalize that you are one of the (x)sexuals that includes wanting to fuck trannies. I think it's pan or bi.
But you'll know, and we'll know, you're a faggot.
>implying I'm going to go up to my parents out of the blue and say "I LIKE MEN WHO LOOK LIKE GIRLS BECAUSE ANIME"
That's like running up to your mom to say I love Sup Forums and explaining what it is
>implying anyone was discussing personal interest in sexuality and not just stating facts
>implying a hundred years ago if numerous people were on this site somehow they wouldn't be skimming the trap pics
>implying it isn't true
>implying we don't have dozens upon dozens of dedicated threads to hot boy girls
I hate to sound like a leftist-- but the past was a lot gayer than a lot of you think it was. It was just very much on the down low.
The 1920s especially, if we're talking about recently.
that sounds comfy as shit
i would rather not get beat over steak but the rest seems ok i guess
>implying we don't have dozens upon dozens of dedicated threads to hot boy girls
everyone knows that it's cancer too
yeah fags are gonna fag regardless
stop pretending you aren't fags
this is something you imagine? tell us more OP.
Imagine for a moment that sodomy is illegal.
However, it only happens in private, with consenting participants. Right?
When does the law get applied?
WHEN is sodomy illegal?
thread music
And they've only gotten better since then
How is that gay? He is a woman that week, user.
Does it keep the food flowing tho?