Syria General /sg/ Axis of Resistance Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>DeZ Oct 6
>SE Syria oct 5
>E Salamiyah Oct 5
>Palmyra-DeZ Highway Oct 5
>Raqqa Sep28
>N Hama Sep19
>Random by Padre Oct 4

Developments Oct 7
>Raqqa:SDF stopped attack on al-Asuad stadium in the center Raqqa because IS fighters are holding many civis hostages
>SAA liberates Al-Mayadeen Airport to cut key terrorist supply line, 50% of city liberated. RuAF airstrikes kill 80
>SAA recaptures entire Palmyra-DeZ highway after expelling IS from Hayl Gas Field
>Reports:IS leadership abandoned Mayadeen, city empty of civis
>N Hama:SAA repells HTS new offensive to take Abu Dali
>E Ghouta: JaI reverses the SAA gains near the town of Hawsh Dawahra
>Erdogan:Turkey ready to start Idlib operation backed by RuAF. Reports of clashes with HTS in Hadad
>SAA tightens siege on jihadists in Golan Heights pocket
>Assad rejects Iraqi Kurdistan referendum
>RU MOD: 180 terrorists killed in Euphrates Valley
>Syrian military command announces end of east Homs operation, 1800km2 liberated
>SDF storms Wasiah village S al-Suwar taking half of it. SDF advanced 9km towards Markada town S al-Hasakah cs
>Saudi-led Coalition blacklisted by UN for killing children in Yemen
>Yemeni forces vow to attack Saudi Arabia


Other urls found in this thread:

Allahu akbar


Syrian-Israeli Union state when?

If this ever happens i convert to jewism



>He thinks the based bibi-putang alliance is shilling
Its the only way forward

>Unconfirmed: pro-FSA activist in Hasakah says ISIS pulling tanks from fronts with YPG & moving them to Al Busayrah & Al Mayadin to halt SAA

How could this ever happen?
As long the Palestinian question isn't solved.
Russia will have a hard time in me if he would allie with Israel.
Pretty much like the us do

Clashes continue in El Sawa village 24 km to the northwest of Deir Ez Zor, which was surrounded yesterday.

>open source software/hardware
>3d printing
>tfw west is helping isis engineers

What would Palestinians say if we would gave them Jordan in exchange for gaza.

Would this bring peace to the middle East?

>we would gave them Jordan in exchange for gaza.
you can't give something you don't own silly

Good morning bros!

Russia doesn't see the world in red and white like US or USSR.

We are happy to work with everyone to resolve the conflicts balancing interests and goals of multiple sides in order to create order.

We have neither funding nor will to go around engaging in an expansionist imperialism, instead we act more like a militant mediator, fighting for the side we support but talking with everyone to get some sort of an agreement going, thus gaining ability to influence the inevitable peace conference of any conflict more than someone who just supported one side.

I can give you some examples if you wish further evidence for it but nothing outlines it quite as well as pick related.

>go in coma because of a car crash


I would like to read such an example pls.

what's up with the unlicensed, counterfeit, scam breads around here?

i push for sanctions against scam breadmakers

If it brings peace? Why not?
Who cares about Jordan anyway?

We. Wish further bruufs

The Pole baked without announcing, I baked after announcing. Don't know if he had the intent of splitting or just didn't notice.
Keep the other one bumped for next use if it survives.

>downs jet
>kills ambassador
>survives coup
>destroys syria
>wins referendum
>gets s400
>owns qatar
>russia will help him remove kurds

It was his only choice since he is not invited to the EU anymore and you can semi-thank Brexit for that since as Nigel couldn't stop telling everyone fookin Turkey with 70million muslims would join.

>3 /sg/ thread

Yours has grown since birth, let the polish spawn die as nature intended.

No Russia just looks for deals from all parties while trying to stay neutral.

Trump tier négociation skill


Well, take our relations with georgia, we straight up went to war with them, and yet after the war instead of becoming utterly anti-russian, they kicked out their neo-liberal lapdog of a president and relations and popular opinion are getting better on both sides, there was even talk of possible inclusion into EAEU.

Ukraine is another example, for all the bluster about Russian agression the trade between countries is growing, they continue to buy our gas, tho trough Swiss companies, our banks continue to operate on their territory, etc,etc. This conflict is yet to be resolved so I'm not entirely convinced on that strategy.

The saudis, were out to get rid of Assad above all else, yet while Assad is staying saudi are getting some sort of concession, because not only did they buy some S-400 and Gazprom and Amico signed Memorandum of cooperation.

The Israel and their own Bibi memes aside, are still wery much a good partner for russia, tho it's more in cultural areas than economic or military.

The India-China relationships-Pakistan are a minefield, yet we and Chinese managed to get them into SCO somehow this year.


what about ukraine?

Wow! Was Saddam part nigger?

>Don't know if he had the intent of splitting
I take that part back, I looked at his other posts in the previous thread, looks like a miscommunication.

What about them?

Russia for example can easily roll in tanks and annex it if it was a straight up war, but internationally the conflict on Donbass is recognised as civil war and Crimea is a done deal.

Why behave in such a skulking fashion instead of going around swinging the military around? Because Putin doesn't want to end up like Bush, a man who got country in a war it had no business fighting wasting an untold fucktonne of money to restore the conquered territories after the war.

We have enough problems restoring Crimea thank you very much.

Aaaand it's over

Does Assad hope that Turkey gives amnesty to Idlib rebels eventually and he can take it over without losses?

>Syrian Army gaining ground in Al Mayadin this morning. DeirEzzor

Unconfirmed: pro-FSA activist in Hasakah says ISIS pulling tanks from fronts with YPG & moving them to Al Busayrah & Al Mayadin to halt SAA

Really make me think

The only way forward, into hell


>SAA will be captured

What did Nasrallah mean by this?


Put this in your colanders boys.

A nice early game, last one was 1-1 so it's all to play for.

>these threads are basically dead after /sg/ newfags started shilling against Trump
>/ptg/ still alive and active, hitting the bump limit 10 times for every /sg/ 1 time
>literally just 10-15 people left defending mudshit Assad


Big difference is /sg/ is winning, /ptg/ lost months ago.

Putinbots BTFO again.

/sg/ isn't complete without me

>His thread is full of DREAMERS

Mate /sg/ is 11/10 tier bread.

Not some Chinese tier mass produced USA flag you can burn like it hase no value tier /ptg/ bread

effect and effector are intertwined above the 3rd dimension

I have predicted this. They will lay siege to Mayadeen and advance to the Bukamal-Qaim crossing.

_ D L T N
_ E
_ D

Today I saw a nigger for the first time in my life

Did you touched it?


No. I was disgusted by it

I heard it would bring luck to you if you cut his hands off and ware it around your neck.

Belgians can confirm

>this thread

Also I managed to get myself my first Facebook friend today. Beside my closest relative's

Why are amerikikes not giving visas to roaches anymore? I was away for a week or so


Turkey arrested some American who might face up 15years prison for support terrorism

Huh, I thought it's because of the Invasion by Turks and Russians into idlib. Figures

is there a schism in /sg/ ? i see 2 thread at the same time?

user pls did you learned nothing here?

some isis leader arrested by hts says that there is around 900 isis members in idlib, after his arrest, suddenly isis takes over some villages in eastern hama

Someone didnt like bibi memes and created a duplicate

FSA right now.

No some buttfucker created one before this one but we prefer this one as Poles do lousy work.

>Our country has been unsuccessfully dealing with North Korea for 25 years, giving billions of dollars & getting nothing. Policy didn't work!

high energy 2017 diplomacy incoming

That explains all the assassinations

>Someone didnt like bibi memes and created a duplicate
No, I announced that I was baking and the Pole just baked, I don't give a shit about the Bibi meme.

Not at all.
The guy turkey arrested was some kind of official related to the us ambercy.
Turkey is claiming he didn't had diplomatic immunity so it's is rightful.
I dont think resent development in Syria is playing a big role in this.
Since US stopped payments to kurds already

More like you have a strategic geographic location and Russia has a chance to stick it to the US and EU now that relations are shit tier. You're being played Mehmet.

are you autistic or over 40?

>are you autistic
Check his flag m8, of course he is.

>tfw you go and facebook search your ex-gf that you never really got over in your early 20's and see she is married to someone who looks the spitting image of you

No and no

I see.

Interesting, quite interesting, thanks

I didn't asked for this

>mfw don't no that feel
>mfw no gf

How old are you lad?
Or did you start new face recently?

Get over it mate.
Find yourself a new girl.
Preferable a rich one.
Schow off your new yacht and Porsche on fb.
Claim you have managed to make a good business after your ex left you.
Claim she was the reason you could not express yourself.

Me only virgin larping

Don't be petty lad
If you can't let her go just suppress it
Find a find a hobby
No matter how autistic the hobby might be there will be people with XX chromosomes that also enjoy that hobby
That's a pretty good way to get out of a sad love hangover

She was insane in the membrane but goddamn, that body...

can't you just

Yeah I'm gonna go full Indian style and upload shopped photos of my standing next to a yacht with Leonardo Dicaprio, that will really enhance my chances.

Feel sorry for you doh.
But that's not a feels you want to feels.

No woman no cry

Lol no
I can barely trust people I knew for multiple years
I would never trust a women I was forced to be with under 6 months
Also arranged marriages are gay desu
Beta as you can get

Educate people how to get over it and find a new one

>Beta as you can get
well you are forever alone. the IDF girls aren't real user.
I'm forever alone too and I'm scared shitless about it. sure I'd try things before arranging something, but if you can't trust people at all how are you gonna meet someone? live prostitute to prostitute?

So Turks are just pissing off Americans for shits and giggles?
Is ego playing 420D under water Chinese checkers

This actually could work. If you do it smart.
Probably not long lasting relationships but at least some affairs

>teleports inside your region
>nuffin personal, kid

I am gonna follow what i said here Looks arnt a big deal for me,I just want some One that I can be my autistic racists self with
If you look beyond looks and inital traits
There are plenty of cute girls out there
Also when I say beyond looks
I don't mean train wreaks
plenty of average girls out there having the same crisis as you lad
Let the Chads have the stacies

are oil fields lost?

I will shop myself next to Issam wearing camo and with a shopped AK in my hands, make me look like a brave mercenary.

So a bunch of rebels turned to ISIS?
Or the ISIS fighters that got moved to idblib starting shit again?

Good thread
Based Bibi & Putin

>NE. Hama: ISIS attacked HTS positions in Rahjan area with 25+ vehicles including tanks. Clashes ongoing and Rebel reinforcements heading to area.

the fuck is happening