< What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

And why does it seem that scrawny white victims are his biggest fans? Seriously I would like to know this.

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He has a few excellent songs which are classics at this point but a lot of his other music is pretty grating on the ears and annoying to listen to. And I like rap music a lot, I just don't think he's some rap god like so many people say.

rap is nigger music owned by kikes

He proves that white people can be better, than blacks at anything they think they are better at.

What are the whitest genres of music

>I'm in the car right now, I'm doin' 90 on the freeway
>Hey, Slim, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to drive?

Overrated rapper that had two really good albums and survives on the reputation he build from those albums.


>hit me back your biggest fan
>this is Glenn

he's a wigger and he does nigger music and hangs with niggers

You obviously haven't heard his pre sslp stuff.

Over rated
B-side production
I don't care if dre produced it they were all trash sounds and goofy.

Lookin like a lesbian these days.

Talented degenerate.

And a white boi proved to the world that he is better than niggers and kikes at their own game.

He is definitely sucking dick, now!
Seen any pictures with M and girls lately?

People think his music is hard because hes mad all the time. I think he sounds like a fucking pussy.
All he does is complain and talk about what hes gonna do and never does it. Nothing weaker than that. He's responsible for much of the pussification of our youth.

I don't buy into all that blame jews shit, but this is the one thing I really think might be on them.

he is a faggot

If you watch any of his early behind the scenes shit, he dresses and acts like a nigger with a du-rag and all.

Fucking embarassing and made me not like his music as much

>I think he sounds like a fucking pussy.
thank you! nothing like an angsty middleaged faggot rhyming about how hurt his feefees are

Why would anyone on Sup Forums listen to nigger music? Do you smoke weed too? Jees

Check out who the guy behind Eminem is: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Rosenberg_(music_manager)

He's a white nigger.

maybe there is a good explnation for this shit...
what?- she tripped, fell, and landed on his dick

‘Cause he don't need to go the same route that I went
Been there, done that
Aw, fuck it, what am I sayin'?
Shoot 'em both, Grady! Where's your gun at?

Moms spaghetti

Hes the voice for small beta males. Thats all it is with most of these "icons", they represent their physical type and make these beta males more proud of themselves.

>that pic
>whites are playing around
>only person who is productive is that black kid on the right

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with people, glad I'm not the only one who sees it.

Can you wrap your head around the damage it does to someone to listen to whinny, angry, impotence inducing faggotry like that all day?

Why is it always England? get the fuck off Sup Forums faggot.

>looking at cuck porn is productive

Sold soul for fame. In the $20mil club. Internal struggle. Damn near kills himself on pills because he cant cope with the occult and sacrifices hes made. MKUltra treatment. Comes out accepting of it just like the rest. Anti Trump.
Slim shady lp was pretty good stuff when it came out. Hes talented. Thats about it.

Poser faggot who lived around white people and went to a white school and pretends to be from the hood and suck Dr. Dre's gay dick.

His songs are lots of ryhms and people are impressed by this for some reason, but the content is moronic shit. It's not music it's a circus act and he turned a lot of pathetic white males into fucking beta wiggers as you can see in this thread.

Yeah he had a few songs that were good but it's usually not the famous ones and most of them are dated as fuck. The reason he's still famous is becaue every time you go to youtube they push his music as the first thing to see. I bet the neets on Sup Forums could write a better battle song and destroy him, they just dont spit nigger.

Mostly shitty Europeans who are obsessed with being American while hating America worship him now.

Rip 2006

This actor hasta go

Washed up.
Talented but a dipshit though

An annoying drug addict promoted to make degenerate rap music more popular to whites

Hasn't been relevant since the Eminem show.

Everything post has been jew tier collaborative bullshit with pop stars

I was also a die hard fan who barely listens to rap now.

His decline began when he became sober

Though 5he meme he died in a car crash and was replaced by a plastic surgery cunt does hold weight to me as he's sounded different and looked different fit a while. But again probably because he's sober

He's also a cuck since he adopted his ex wife's daughter from another man


kys wigger fuck


Emotional, thinks people care about his pill addiction, presents himself as tough when he's actually too sensitive to accomplish anything beyond what he's done

His assertions that he doesn't care what people thinks suggest otherwise. Overall an underwhelming figure

he used to be great, but these days he's just in it for the money


Black people never liked him. Only pretended too. Blacks hate anyone who's not black adopt rap culture.

I don't think that's true, he had some close black friends

but yeah I don't think they ever really accepted him as authentic