Lonely and isolated since being redpilled?

My entire social circle was gained while I was in my 20s, oscillating between democratic socialist and heavy green anarchist.

But then every thing changed. Even though I hide my power level a little bit... the cracks are showing and my friends are raising eyebrows.

My hatred for Merkel, worry for Sweden, England and South Africa... and even defense for such things as free speech and an armed citizenry is enough for me to be sternly admonished, shunned, shamed, and distanced from the people I once loved.

I'm so depressed despondent. People who loved and respected me dearly no longer do as much, if at all.

Other urls found in this thread:


Have no fear brother. There are many of us like you. I dropped too many redpills on my dorm mates last year and it backfired. Many are starting to see the light though, it's only a matter of time.

Stop reading Sup Forums. It's likely less about being "red pilled" than it is the unending confirmation bias courtesy of this echo chamber.

>Even though I hide my power level a little bit

weaponized autism

you have no friends because you're a mega-autismo who worries about shit like Merkel and Sweden and South Africa. You probably unironically watch soccer too and listen to euro beat. Also you use game of thrones images to portray yourself as some edgy badass "lawful good" character when in reality you're probably just not interesting to be around and not even above the brainless normies you consider yourself more enlightened than. I'm also willing to bet you watch Rick and Morty, play CS:GO, donate money to at least a few people on patreon, and have hundreds of autistic fash wave pics on your computer.

How right am I?

>pic related is the last night you'll ever see

>not playing CSGO
fucking nigger faggot

bunch of unarmed 16 year olds in gay looking bellboy attire

Fuck. They sent the best of the best

>hating merkel and worrying about other countries
Worry for your own. It's not beyond recovery yet.

Feel you but can't relate.
Father fucking hates all Semites and central Asians, because of experience and projects this experience on niggers. Same goes for mother. Friends mainly from school and half of them have same or higher power level.

Only in the office I have to hide so it could be worse feels pretty good.

I hate watching sports all together, and I hate soccer the very most by a huge margin. Does synth wave count as "euro beat"? I liked it before fash, the "Drive" soundtrack is a favorite. Although I mostly listen to folk, Celtic and metal.

What is CS:GO? I don't play video games.

I don't donate any money. Money's tight for me so I try to be responsible with it.

I am far from badass, and don't think of myself that way. I am told that I'm interesting, I spend the summers working in the Alaskan backcountry doing work for the forest service. Although for me that seems mundane, and I know enough to know REAL badass people that I'll never come close to matching... *shrug*

"Rick & Morty" is just okay. I prefer "The Venture Bros."

I have a very small amount of saved memes. I actually used Stannis here because I didn't really have an applicable Wojack or Pepe.

I don't consider myself above my friends. The entire point of my post is that I feel sad and am isolated. I want to connect with them again but I'm finding it difficult.

Good try, I would not attempt to be a police detective or profile though.

I don't care any more. I speak my mind and fuck you if you don't like it. I've got nothing else to lose at this point.

Agreed. They need to figure it out on their own timeline and in their own way. The programming is caked on thick. It will click with some of them in eventually. Just be funguy coolguy with them in the meantime and resist urge to drop more redpills.

Just keep your cool. Initial red-pilling usually results in some sperging out somewhere. Optimize your attractiveness as this matters a lot. Do not try to red pill others. Just drop sarcastic commentary where appropriate about "well whites invented slavery and racism, but they'll be dead soon." That leads down the rabbit hole for anyone wanting to wake up.

Ultimately you want to be able to openly acknowledge that you're a conservative traditionalist. There is nothing wrong with that.

You're still young. You're inflating the relevance of friendships. Trust that the ones that matter (i.e. the males that aren't cowed by their desperation for pussy) will remain, if your character is worthy.

You're going to be ok.

Thank you, Nigel. I hope your friends reconnect with you. I do have hope, seeing a few fellow former BernieBros are starting to get frustrated with antiWhite / antiMale memetics on FaceBook.

Spending less time here is obviously healthy. Doing anything, reading, hiking, chores, working out... I know those are all more positive. This place has an allure I can not explain.

Ah... My dad is pretty jaded with minorities and degenerate whites alike and is a smart man that identifies political hypocrisy wherever it leads. But it would be nice to have age-peer people that sympathize.

I am very worried for the USA (particularly California and the South). But Europe is in much worse shape, LARPflag.

>admits to being autistic
>Drive soundtrack is his favorite
>lies about CS:GO and playing vidya
>admits to being a poorfag and lies about donating
>lies about being an outdoorsman
>says "*shrug*" like a numale from reddit
>admits to watching rick and memey
>no meme folder, indicative of his newfag status
>lies again and tries to backpedal
>tries to be snarky and passive aggressive at the end

you have to go back, now.

In what way? Everything could be undid in less than 5 years.

Yeah the fun thing is that I was ones the moderate in my cycle. But reality happened so yeah I really don't know how to find such peers.

I'm not that young, I'm 31. I did sperg a bit defending the 2nd amendment, but mostly framed it as "hey, if Trump is fascist, why would you disarm?"

Good meme. Good info.

Good point on males. I have a lot of platonic female friends (not beta orbiting, most of them are unattractive to me), but the ones being the most against gun rights and free speech are men. It's demoralizing.

Admirable. I guess I have a high need for some non-romantic social connection... Maybe I'll harden.

Yes, hopefully I'm not already mentally written off by most of them... I worry the damage is done (why the Emily Youcis video spoke to me).

I've actually had the opposite experience. Since being red-pilled I've actually been more social and made more friends

Just hide your power level and DONT talk about politics. When politics come up in public ignore them, or change the subject. I've gotten really good at that. In real life you'd NEVER except I'm as conservative as I am, but I never drink, smoke weed or ciggerettes, never hookup with random people, have a long term girlfriend I plan on marrying, and am super Christian. Yeah I think trans and gays and libbirals are absurdly degenerate and live in world of contradictions but I'm still cool to them and treat them with respect

He trick is to not talk about politics in public. This actually used to be a big thing and you got looked at funny if you ever did talk about them in public. It was always considered a weird side-show. Still sort of is. But people are set in their ways politically so it's hard to change their mind, so why bother? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. A person will only change their mind if they truly want to, not because of how good your argument is.

I will say one thing I did do was immediately stop being friends with anyone I used to associate who was liberal. This may sound extreme but your friends NEED to have similar values and ethics as you since you spend a lot of time with them. Some I actually blocked completely from my phone (I don't have social media). I'd still be super friendly and polite to them and we'd chat if I saw them on the street. But this was a big step for me and in the long run I'm happier for it.

I know this is a big long but anyway I hope this helps. Also don't take world politics so seriously. Yeah things are bad but they're looking up, the pendulum is swinging back the other way, and for what it's worth the world has always been a shit show. Enjoy your life and make something of it. God speed

jesus christ

this is the sort of filth IDs have brought to Sup Forums

Yes I am nearly the same. We are friends of the truth. And the truth has destroyed us

Bait thread

I haven't owned a gaming console since PS2, but used it mostly for DVDs.

I'm not lying, but okay. If you live near the AT I can give you my trail name to check in the registers for my thru-hike.

Why would I lie about being poor?

America is always one election from cataclysm. Ya'll are facing demographic replacement.

I was the environmental hippie of my group. Which included a techie anCap sort, but the rest very left.

Ohhh you poor thing... FUCK OFF HOMO, nobody cares about your pathetic life.

Do you fuck said girlfriend? If so you're not super Christian and you're in the same predicament I am

No, I am very sad. If there is some happening that I'm accidentally sliding. I'll walk away though.

I'm trying to get into that active mindset. But since my work is very manual, I lack motivation to work out much in the offseason, so I kind of get into a hibernator state.

Facebook is what does it. I had deactivated it for a week, and things were good. But then I reactivated it to share this petition

(please sign) and then Vegas happened and everyone is calling for gun confiscation and so I sperged out.

It's hard to separate intentionally from my friends, we went through some really intense stuff (like the AT). I don't want to lose that, but I already am from alienation...


Im always joking about how Jews rule the world, they don't realize I'm not being ironic. It best to pretend you're being ironic.

I still have mates. Kind of.

What's wrong with that? It's a concise expression of my attitude.

Just remember that those said friends of yours only kept you around as long as you kept circle jerking each other and popping bluepills.

Try finding people who are like-minded and you will know true friendship. I just got back from staying 6 months with some friends of mine in a different state and it was awesome. I am now back home in a situation similar to yours and I'm ready to leave again.

Good, some of us hide it better than others. Bide your time remember who's against you. Once the shit pops off you know exactly who to aim for first.

I transitioned out of friends at about your age. I'm almost 40 now.

Men against wanting to speak their mind and defend themselves are disgusting.

you're in your 30's making pity/blackpill threads on Sup Forums: a place populated by brainlets, schizos, and unironic shitskins. You are fucking pathetic. take some advice from a based slavbro

Fuck 'em. Welcome here.

they don't love you, you naive child.

I know that feel, user. I am 29 and don't really have friends anymore. I try to be more fun to be around, with mixed results. Things I find funny or interesting, when expressed to others, end up getting interpreted the wrong way.

Some things are going well -- have a wife, kid, new good job, but the loneliness is a negative force that seemingly permeates all other aspects of life. My friends from my childhood are geographically all over the place, as are my friends from undergrad. And, as is par for the course, no real friends from grad school.

I don't really see this getting better in the future. I suppose I now understand why my dad doesn't have any close friends either.

i've lost alot of friends and family due to my beliefs and the fact that they're commie sympathising cultural marxists brainwashed by the frankfurt school humping hippies in the boomer generation

Isolation is part of the struggle. If you thought it was going to be easy, you've been misled. But there are others like you (and I) out there. I have 1 redpilled friend, and suspecting that another is "low key" redpilled. The first mentioned has basically been disowned by his family for his political views. This is all part of breaking out the norms.


So have you actually visited those countries or do you just get your information from meme infographics and e-celeb philosophers on youtube?

That’s fucking stupid.....why the hell you need a fucking social circle. How old are you 23?fuck everybody, I’m 37 and since long time ago realized that people is shit. Starting with your fucking family. Don’t get me wrong You won’t see me around exposing my power level but I just don’t care about people anymore, because I don’t need them. I can barely stand my white wife -being red pilled and all-
Please take your head out of your ass

I'm in a situation quite like TC and literally none of this is accurate with me.

>not being depressed and lonely from the start

at least you knew how it felt

I wish there was a place where I could let my brain run free of the tyranny imposed daily here by spammers, all places are undulated now and forevermore it seems... no discourse allowed for us even here (usually!) and I would go back to investigating the criminals of the world in one of the many threads dedicated to such endeavors. It was a wonderful ride realizing how many people there were like me, but just like every other place we congregated they spammed this place to such hell with bots, daily endless... algorithmicly picking at scabs and just trying to wear us out.

It didn't repel me forever but when's the last time i really enjoyed coming here?

Sigh.... well, I'm sure one day the swamp will be drained and free discourse encouraged. I'll emerge with countless others ready to be civil in a world not as despotic as so many now push it to be. That or we may yet lose and then they'll find a way to hang us from nooses I suppose. For the terrible terrible crime of existing outside their echo chambers.

the truth hurts op. your next test is to survive knowing it

And now you are born anew.....your old self died on the cross, and now, like the sparrow, you rise from your ashes a new man....

Embrace this lad....you are entering the realm of Morality and grace.

Project much? Kys faggot.

Same boat. I've found some of my liberal high school friends have turned conservative though. Not so much my college friends, but I guess my unoversity was pretty cucked. Idk what the solution is.

>free speech discussion platform
>echo chamber
Literally the opposite by definition, stupid guy.

That's what every leftist and kike said before they killed them

>talking about politics with friends

what kind of fucking friends do you have? nerd friends who sit down and have hour long poltical discussions? lmao

>the cracks are showing and my friends are raising eyebrows
They were never your friends.

This. It's a hard lesson, but a necessary one

> you probably dont even suck nigger cocks before guiding them into your wife

no, not really

> being a super duper normie

best thing: you will not only die alone but as permavirgin user

You'll find new people who will suit your new beliefs. What's the issue?

The alternative seems pretty boring. If you can't can't talk about about politics, philosophy, and religion with your friends and share outlook and values they don't seem much like friends to me at all, just people you tolerate and happen to spend time with.

stop jacking it whytey wwe gotz ya womenz and we gotz you by the bread emd

You had dumbdumb friends and are better off without them.

The pangs you feel are weakness burning away.

All my friends moved away/other countries and right after I started reading Sup Forums

haven't made any friends yet, just really have no motivation to talk to people anymore or pretty much do anything

You just don't seem able to make a point when arguing with your friends!
With a little bit of rethoric, it is SURPRISING what you can get even leftists to admit.
Just try and make your opinion acceptable from their point of view :
For example, if you want to make a point on gun ownership, focus on the "resist a trump-like fascist government" angle

>My hatred for Merkel, worry for Sweden, England and South Africa...
>american giving a fuck about other places in the world
are you trying to ruse me op?

So you're so mentally weak that you let yourself be brainwashed by the memes and the racist rednecks in Sup Forums? No wonder your friends are leaving, who would like to associate himself with such a feeble-minded idiot?

I'm 32 and have given up on trying to make friends because it always ends up in me trying to help them see the truths of this world they've turned a blind eye to which they inevitably take as a personal attack as they've molded themselves around certain core beliefs such as equality, feminism, etc. which when shattered crushes them to the point of denial.

The really scary thing desu though is when you finally start breaking down their walls only to have them turn around the next day like nothing happened. It reminds me of how Hitler described the Jews but in a more NPC kinda way where they drown out the truth with denial in order to retain their social status as no-one wants to come off as a racist, conspiracy theorist, etc. and the more you involve them the more they fight back to retain their previous state of mind.

The only comfort I get is knowing that once red pilled it's impossible to go back so I let loose once I know the end is in sight knowing they can't unsee the initial things like non-masculine white men on tv while niggers are hyper-masculinized in order to promote race mixing, women are seen as the better sex and any attempt at being a man is toxic, etc. and then all the heavy weight pills like the JQ start coming into focus on their own. They'll never talk to me again after my tirades but the red suppository I give them can never be undone so eventually they see the light and begin to pass it on too.

Also for what it's worth if you can't be comfortable alone you need to work out what it is you get from external influences and work past it because chances are you're gonna die alone in a nursing home from fluid building up in your lungs and nothing short of heart failure is gonna prevent that. Get used to you whinging faggot because life is all about suffering until the sweet release of death sets us free.

this doesnt make sense
one doesnt simply snap into the red pill mode and feel lonely all of a sudden
most of us were able to swallow the red pill because we were not normies, even at a young age, we were either bullied or cast aside
your current situation is probably the outcome of your incapacity to socialise, you are now trying to blame it on the red pill but its not like that, its just a cop out you are putting up
your problem is that you were not able to make friends before reaching the red pill, which is a common problem as it becomes increasingly diffcult afterwards, because of the reasons you describe in your post, in said case I can relate, everyone I talk to is utterly boring and I have no one to share Sup Forums memes with, even though i often use them irl trying to get someone to nibble the bait -_-

Heh I know that feel, cant break th3 social norm or people freak the fuck out at best. Itll get better eventually, just dont give up.

>I'm 32 and have given up on trying to make friends because it always ends up in me trying to help them see the truths of this world

No, it ends because you are too spergy to learn social skills or understand their utility.

You don't need friends, you can cum here to Sup Forumspol/

Yeah this is the problem. First you let your worldview be shaped entirely by your social circle, then you let it be shaped by the literal autists on Sup Forums.
Be your own fucking person. Expand your worldview beyond a fucking meme. If you uniroinically think about yourself in terms of "power level" and think that Sweden is on the verge of collapse you need to sort yourself out.
Add a business / investment oriented news source like Reuters, Bloomberg or Investor's daily to your media diet. Go out into the world and meet people. And stop building your philosophy around Sup Forums.
All of you retards who build your entire view of the world out of cherry picked stupidity on Sup Forums and then complain about being isolated and depressed are imbeciles of the highest order. You sit around reading the darkest, most poorly thought out borderline nihilistic crap all day long and then are surprised when you feel shitty? Pro tip: it's not because you're more enlightened than everyone else, you feel shitty because you've been feeding your soul shit.

>only place on the internet where any view is allowed
>echo chamber

You're lonely and isolated because only autists use terms like "redpilled".

If you want a real "redpill", here you go: being "redpilled" is just Sup Forums-speak for rationalizing why you are an effeminate, unemployable virgin faggot who depends on mommy and daddy for sustenance.

>only place on the internet where shitposting is idealized
>what a shock: every post becomes shitty
>what a shock: only shitty people participate
>what a fucking shock: echo chamber
Yes user. Sup Forums was never good.

Then stop thinking like a shithead.

Welcome to the club.

Welcome to the club.

They werent your friends to begin with, i am a lefty socialist. It is a mark of humanity to be friends with someone you disagree with. But it is all too human as well to be an ignoble fag who destroys any bridge leading to an alternative point of view. Even pol wishes to do this for the most part. From here there are two paths. Give them the hollywood no man left behinf treatment, and continue to support them, or find a new start with others.

Find the heaviest burden you can bear, then bear it. People respect responsibility more than your opinion. Forget your social circles, focus on yourself.


People that genuinely believe in the modern social mores and zeitgeist are mostly worthless anyway. Good times breed soft people.

>tfw always been isolated and a loner
Giving a shit about these people has never been my problem. Don't know should I be thankful.

I just want to find a cute blonde haired american girl I can slowly redpill and create a new generation of my German lineage. Unfortunately my state, as wondrous as Upstate NY is, is still part of NY and its kike ways

When I say "Wondrous" I mean when it comes to the landscape, seasons, and outdoors enjoyment

Just be like Stannis, do the right thing and tell every else to fuck off or join you.

Righteous rage is the greatest feeling on the planet.

He was so convinced of the righteousness of his cause... and the end result was that he burned his daughter alive, got his wive to commit suicide and died futilely in battle against a morally reprehensible enemy.
Stannis is a parable about why "natural rights" are not A Thing. He believed that his birth right was all that was necessary, but he shunned pragmatism at almost every opportunity. His righteousness was not a gift, but a curse that blinded him and led him astray.

People are stupid and don't care about the world and people around them. Get over it.

Show Stannis was written by kikes to be nonsensical. Book Stannis is what I'm talking about; much, much more pragmatic.

I agree whit this man

It's our curse, I don't wanna date, anymore, everytime I see a brown person I wanna throw up.

Do you really think that GRRM is going to end Stannis' arc with a glorious ascendance to the Iron Throne? We're talking about an author who wrote the series in order to purposefully de-glorify fantasy warfare. Book Stannis is more pragmatic than show Stannis, but his faith in a supposed 'Natural Order' will still lead to his end.
Also I suspect that Shireen's death is going to be very similar in the series. Assuming that the series will ever be completed which it absolutely will not be.

railroald man will probably make him king, and the kikes revise it.


Shireen is going to get burned by her mother and Melisandre at Castle Black. Stannis will take Winterfell, but he'll be thrust into another siege situation once the Wall falls and the north is overrun with wights and Others.

Melly will seek Stannis out and tell him that sacrificing his daughter brought Jon Snow back from the dead. Obviously Stannis is going to fucking murder her and probably become suicidal, making a worthless charge against the undead army and dying in the process.

He's being set up for a pretty grand ending, to be honest. An ultimate high, and then a breakneck plunge to rock bottom.

>Add a business / investment oriented news source like Reuters, Bloomberg or Investor's daily to your media diet.

This. The Financial Times have inadvertently redpilled me far more than Sup Forums has with their blatant corporatist shilling, open borders obsession etc.

For fucks sake. Trying to improve people on Sup Forums is like trying to explain gravity to a fucking chicken. Why do I bother.

>gets btfo
>n-no u!!
Kys yourself faget

You talk like a jew.

I'm terribly sorry that stating that being exposed to globalist media outlets only reinforces Sup Forums-tier ideas seems to have perturbed you so much. It's almost as if I came here because it chimes with views I have held for years, and ended up having those views reinforced not only by Sup Forums but by being exposed to those sources that you seem to believe are world-expanding.

I really am very, very sorry.

Same. Fuck friends, close family is what should matter to you.

hey user, lost my friends and family due to that same kind of shit. and i do not even harbor really extreme views, still consider myself a leftist but i do not like muslims, or immigrants. it cost me my relationship with my mother and stepdad and friends simply do not invite me over anymore. i also had a really left wing, anarchist, hippy friend group. even now, every time i meet people and they start complaining about wilders i immediately tell them i voted for him. they are just stunned by my gall for being so open about it. and five minutes into the conversation i get quotes like: "you are not like the other right wing voters" or "you seem to have tought about it better than others".

some day thou, i will meet some decent non judgemental people because right now i am viewed as a paria by most.

No problem in it

I don't get why people say that the red pill is too much, for me is the opposite.

before taking it, I was literally nobody, an empty carcass and a bad excuse of a human being with no purpose in life, the blue pilled world was such a hell to me that when I took the red pill it was literally like I was took from hell by the hand of God himself, I'm not even trying to exagerate, my life before this was a plain torture with no future other than more suffering.

I understand how you can feel isolated, chances are that you're surrrounded by degenerates, I totally feel you sir. But hear this, now that you are red pilled you can see more clearly and identify the people that shares your same values and pursues your same goals.

Keep it up man, you are fighting the good fight.