Who would win?
>an Emu steals your princess
what do you do?
>Cities have zero ability to grow food to sustain their massive population
They would all die.
Steal the emu's princess. True justice.
the radical centrists
Probably some giant fucking birds.
Don't most blacks live in those rural and suburbs?
Always the chaos wins. this is the law of universe.
pastaniggers are a fucking embarrassment, what was the last important thing you did? Aqueducts?
Those rural and suburban retards are much more likely to have experience with firearms. They're also much more likely to have experience working with their hands. They're simply tougher than those who live in the city. They're also more likely to believe in a higher power which does give an edge in combat (aka you never find an atheist in a foxhole).
Hands down: the rural and suburban retards could simply lay siege to the cities and watch them burn in a week.
Yes, laugh away burger. You have clearly never faced one of those monsters in single combat. The speed, the swift maneuvering steps, the iron-strong beaks, the bulk of their straw hut-sized bodies, the intimidating rumbling click-clack sound of their voice and the sheer evil that emanates like a ghost's soul through their penetrating pupils would make the most mighty of men a mound of jelly.
rednecks in the hills. we have guns.
Your mom if you can call her important.
today, i had to take a tractor to the cattle yards. i left happy as larry but 5 minutes into the drive i saw them, 7 fuckin EMUS! right in the middle of the road! i stopped in fear and reversed and took the 5 hour alternate route for a simple hour long drive. fucking emus, i swear one day, we'll get ours.
Guns and food vs urbanites...
They would starve the urban to death in 40 days.
Or just cut the power lines to the pumps and kill them in 3 days from dehydration.
Which begs the question
How do roocunts generate power?
city ppl aren't gonna be able to survive once their power is off and the food supply is cut off.
>pastaniggers are a fucking embarrassment, what was the last important thing you did? Aqueducts?
That time you forgot about the Renaissance while posting on Sup Forums on fucking Columbus day,
Sniff. Hopefully soon. I can't stand our avian overlords.
You thought you could challenge ME? Pathetic.
im with EMU
It is all becoming clearer
Straw poll it cunt.
If you actually had a brain, and looked up the statistics of each state by IQ and then again by level of urbanization, you'd see an EXTREMELY strong correlation between rural with high IQ and urban with low IQ.
>tfw suburban
>smarter than both retard city dwellers and lovably simple country folk
>suicide and drug use rate so high because of the grey matter, yo
>pickle rick
rural because they know how to fight
Holy shit what a cuck. You see here in the states, we would just shoot them dead and go on with our lives. But you fags don't even have guns, plus even if you did you'd be given consecutive life sentences for shooting a fucking bird. Ha
rural and suburban retards
guns are dangerous
i had a gun with me, but being a sane rational white man, i decided common sense should prevail. i could shoot an emu or two, maybe, they are very agile, but then the rest would destroy me.
am i a cuck for not commiting suicide? well blow me fuckin down
That's a big claw
Dafuq? Do you know how far they'd have to go to get to their local gibs office? As I've seen it, the farther you get from urban centers, the less nigs you see.
are we really still doin this?
braindead niggers holding glocks sideways vs crazy white folks with all kinds of guns who hunt shoot and fish everyday.