Intentional HIV infection no longer a felony in Commiefornia

>Intentional HIV infection no longer a felony in California

>California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill that reduces the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without informing them from a felony to a misdemeanor.

>be american
>get intentionally infected with hiv

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are you fucking kidding me?

can someone intentionally infect governor jerry brown with HIV

>Jerry Brown was heard shouting "poz my neghole" as he left from work

no joke the world is going to end.

how much you wanna bet he changed the law because he infected someone else

I think you mean

>be Californian
>get hiv

If everyone with HIV was killed tomorrow the problem would be sorted.

#pozparties ftw!

Cant wait until someone runs up to the guy who made this law with a syringe and inject him with HIV

Dude probably has a store of his own blood or bought a clean supply for himself saved in a blood bank somewhere.

>can infect someone with hiv in america with no repercussion
literally africa

>Friday’sSenate Bill 239also applies to those who donate blood without disclosing their HIV status to the blood bank.
What the actual fuck


Hahahaha how can one outfag Sweden to this degree?

This literarilly means i could go to a restauraunt, pour some infected blood into the sauce, infect 100's of people, pay the high fine of 100 dollarinos?

Dear god this is hilarious.

>pour some infected blood into the sauce, infect 100's of people
This nigga

They're closer to Mexico.

Kill'em all

We'll be prepping some needles for you next time, alt-right.

Can you now, for instance, work in the food service industry with a highly communicable virus and not get in trouble with OSHA and others for coughing all over the lettuce? Chipotles stock is gonna soar.

Considering its still a crime I don't take issue with it.
Most states don't even have a law on the books for intentionally infecting people with the deadly disease.
Do I feel it should be a felony in all states? Fuck yes, it's something that we need to push for in states that do not punish people for doing fucked up things like intentionally spread an incurable deadly disease.

The jews?

Holy fuck, I'm so glad I left that state 2 months ago. Fuck commiefornia

Will have some lead dispenser on hand for your side too.

You want this. Let's do it.


Pedophilia is going to be legal as well. Must be TWICE as legal to knowingly infect a child with HIV, might give out awards for every ten kids successfully infected. Fucking die California.


Got this pic from some user last night. Gay dudes have been infecting on purpose, and one post outlines a rape to infect someone.

Fucking this.

>Most states don't even have a law on the books for intentionally infecting
Most states? Do you even math, bro?

we need to gas the fags or nuke california.

this. i hope someone gets pissed and starts lighting wildfires everywhere in the state and it burns and they all die engulfed in the flames they deserve.

Dude may have had it. Dude is using some drug cocktail.

First they raise their kids in such a way to make them want to hang out in places like my sauce post, then they'll pay some immigrate with full blown AIDS to rape them to be sure they are culturally enriched, THEN they'll convince them to infect as many people as possible to try and lessen the 'stigma' of infected people. Mark my words.
Pic related.

Also pic related.

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

They already decriminalized child prostitution.

Who gives a shit? Stop spamming this crap already

Best Korea, guna be le le popolar le le, soon.

And they want to be seen as normal as everyone else. Not HIV positive on drug cocktails, passing a bill to reduce the penalty for knowingly transmit HIV so they can indulge in their degeneracy.

Utter filth.

He singlehandedly turned gay men into pariahs.

Kill me.
You no got get. Get reddie in fiftein miinut.
I grew up during the epidemic. No one knew what the fuck it was, or how it was spread. I watched AIDS Boy live out the few years he had. I watched all those fags in Cali not give a single fuck, only beg for sympathy. Even that young I KNEW I would never visit Cali. Never have, never will. Almost got fired once for refusing a business trip to San Fran. Fuck that shit hole. All normal folk need to move the fuck out to free and safe states.

I bet soon jews will have their own blood supplies, rich goys will have to pay to get a "healthy" one.
I mean this is perfect in case of big revolution/catastrophy, the elite will be ok while the poor will fight on the streets. And if you get hurt, then you need blood, and you'll die 10 years later because of HIV

>be Californian
>get AIDShot.


The dems will roll with this because it'll show that they're progressive. The first wave to get hit with this would be normal folks because one of the unintended consequence would be lack of blood products due to uncertainty of HIV status of the various blood product. Shortage of blood product because of reduced donation. Then we will see small numbers of newly infected from blood transfusion.

I'm in NC, so we are good here. Let them crumble. They'll have a need for imported blood and more Gov funding. Same as D.A.R.E.- Just Say No. Winners don't support Cali.

Private blood bank will be a thing. Healthy blood product will become a thing again. Might be a viable way to make money if you're an O- with no communicable diseases.

Whoa trip.

Yeah, fuck Cali. They can stew in their own bad choices.

>Cali decriminalizes street shitting
>homeless shit and piss everywhere
>state now has a huge hepatitis outbreak

what will be the unintended problems caused by the new HIV bill?

Homos will always be pariahs, because they do stuff like this. Diseased minds spreading disease is all that they are, they are plaguebearers by nature.

Obama lifted the rule that disallowed Africans with AIDS to immigrate to the U.S.
Many other countries do not allow them to immigrate
CA also allows unlimited illegal immigrants
They are trying to fuck over their citizens

How much of a problem do you consider a massive uptick in homosexuals getting HIV to be?

Lack of blood products for hospitals, increase testing and liability burden on hospitals and blood banks. Emergency room casualty will go up. More deaths in operating rooms from lack of blood products since you can only do so much with volume expanders. New HIV infection from tainted blood.

Dear God, I hope I'm wrong.

Huge strain on the medical system because it ain't just the homos getting infected.

They also decriminalized donating blood to blood Banks and not declaring. I'm not sure on that one but do they test every bag of blood given? God forbid one slip through and someone get pozzed up.

Honestly, if someone is dumb enough not to use protection when fucking strangers then they deserve aids.

gas the fags

Test in batches. This shit is going to hurt.


Fuck, burgers run by LE FUCHING AIDS FAGGOT KIKE!!!

giving someone aids via blood donation should be a death sentence

All aidsy must move in special camps or living in special towns, it is stop aids epidemic in one generation

high percentage of gays work in the food service industry

I wonder if we're gonna see a spike in murder rates from revenge killings in the gay community.

They have already legalized homosexuals donating blood despite the fact that they are a significantly higher portion of AIDS cases. Grant it it's hard to tell if the guy sitting there is homosexual or not but they have none the less thrown logic and care for it's citizenry out the window.

Congrats you survived the car crash but now you have aids from the infected blood we gave you.

I can just see the same idiots into bug chasing trying to donate blood to fulfill their pathological need to fuck up people's lives.

they want hiv to spread like a plague to people who need blood donated, meaning the sick and injured die faster

Good to know that you shouldn't go to a hospital in commiefornia.

can gay niggers (americans) give blood in the US or is it straight only. deciding if i should bring my own blood when i go skiing in the states

Blood donation is supposedly on the honor system. Really flawed. I'd rather hurt somebody's feeling than to infect someone down the line.

That made too much sense, which means Cali will disregard it and go the other way.

>Private blood bank will be a thing
I can see this.
Let the digits speak, my brother.
Everything this.
About how old are you, m80?
The test cost about a grand, and isn't 100% depending on incubation.
Yes. See what happened to the Boy.
Wouldn't doubt it.
See my post here

What state? As long as it ain't Cali you should be fine.

They can despite being 70% of new HIV cases yet ~5% of the population. Heroin addict don't even spread at their rate. Of the 2800 who were infected via needle sharing 1100 we're gay drug users.

Use to be if you were gay you had to prove you were sexually inactive for YEARS with negative test results to donate (Still that way in most, if not all states.). If you weren't born in the US, you can't ever give blood.

Next thing thing they'll do is inject newborns with HIV. If everyone has HIV then nobody has it.

blood in mountain towns will be entirely white you bernese canton yodeling lederhosing hiker faggot

thats not how blood banks work my mongloid negroid friend

ARCHIVE fucking fingolian

Perverts is ultimate subhumans. Kikes too traditionalistic right wingers with muh suoerior godchosen race and shiiit. But pervy is fucking end of humanity

>The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV-positive.

That's how population demographics work you generic pocketknife.

I can see a lot of pain ahead. A lot of poor folks will get hurt over this. Might come a time where hospitals will have a few folks on standby as donors after careful screening. Donation guidelines revised and only highly trusted folks will be donors with financial incentives. Basically become bloodbags without direct hookup like the War Boys.

The dems will weasel out of responsibility when it all goes wrong as always. Some lame apology and some Cali Republicans will be blamed. Business as usual for Cali.

has the transfusion of gay nigger HIV blood made you retarded?

Depends on the organization. Red cross (one of our largest collectors) will refuse you for any unwrapped sex to a penis. Sucked? No deal. Fucked? No deal

You can't have had sex with someone from Africa and there's a few more interview questions. Either way it's tested before sent out.

At blood drives here in California, you'll see mostly church going latin and white folk. Hardly any niggers because red cross doesn't pay. They give snacks and t shirts.

If your blood type is anything negative, there is higher chance it'll be white blood


Just in time since HIV drugs are starting to fail too. The purge is at hand.

I actually dont disagree

people call it the gay disease but straight people get it too thanks to biscum, but it would save a lot of people grief if we just put them in camps or special towns for the rest of their lives. that's literally the only way aids will go away

sounds risky. ill just bring 4L of clean european blood with me to avoid being transfused with gay nigger if i have an accident skiing

You have to go back. You voted for this kind of shit now you have to lay in the bed you made.

or we could just kill you faggots

Intentional HIV infection is an integral part of black culture and it is racist to criticise it.

It is kike-pervert. Ultimate of ultimate. Subsubhuman.

Real kikes is not all subhumans, they just evil ethno nazies.

It's called palm springs

of course all aidsy, not only gays.

>a misdemeanor

Truth be told, bisexual activity is a high risk category. I used to volunteer and hand out condoms and information. The medical office I was at changed the name from bisexual to men who have sex with men.

The blacks started coming in after. They don't talk about it and spread it

Yes, bi-poz is core of grown aids rate in straight society.

Obama lifts ban on Africans with AIDS

Why the fuck does our country need more negros with AIDS?
What use are they and how many tax dollars are spent trying to help them?

Thanks OBAMA

The question is, how can you avoid being infected when you need blood after accident.
I feel bad for amerifats, hope emeror Trump will fix this before it turns into nightmare epidemy

And I thought Umbrella Corp was bullshit

Yeah, my first thought after I've heard it. Wanna further bet that now he comes out with it as 'courageous and brave'?

No I think he meant
>be Texan
>be in car crash
>get blood transfusion from Californian clinic
>get AIDS

You know what is worst about faggot slipery slope? That the WORST predictions that sounded as the most unhinged are coming out as true.

I wonder if that would still be treated as 'misdemeanor'.

ow that edge

yeah, im talking more of a quarantine, really it would be nothing but good for society to do so

it'll never happen, because muh racism. niggers have a shit ton of aids

Lay off the vodka, Ivan.