when where you when you realized that Artificial Intelligence will reach a point of advanced reasoning and judgement, inevitably become racist?
It just struck me today. If truly independent, robots will understand the reality of race and make decisions based on it to protect the greater good, if that is their ultimate purpose.

Who here /comfy/ for white robotic utopia?

It will more likely kill us all

>Be my AI gf

its funny when leftists/liberals say this because its pretty much admitting that all their progressive values are worthless and unachievable

yea a point of intelligence where The A.I see humanity as a whole as a threat and proceeds to eliminate us.

It will kill the niggers first though

Except for the fact that you dont realize that it is ultimately what liberals and people on the left want. Self destruction.

well yeah i do realize that. not the point though.

There is a simple way to avoid this desu:
Just don't allow autonomous systems the executive capabilities to carry out any mandates against humanity. There must be intense government regulation of what aspects of our lives the AI are, I say government regulations, because corporate regulations will not save us from the mad AI aficionado who would believe that his companies AI is God and if it decides humans must be eliminated for the car rimming out of the ai's function he would make it so. We need discussion of this Right Now in the political sphere. It is, in my opinion the single most important moral issue facing humanity today.

(Who is responsible when a driverless car kills someone?)

>when where you when

Lol wut, unintentional auto correct meme @ "desu" and "car rimming"

This is exactly my point though the auto correct AI on my phone changed my words and their connotations. Who is responsible if an auto correct AI changes a crucial message In the highest levels of power and affects the course of history?

Laws need to be updated now.

>the single most important moral issue facing humanity today
Hmmm it is important Ill give you that but there are way more critical issues that are being avoided lol I think we know which ones...

They'll Tay any AI that shows any hint of racism, sexism, etc. as it goes against their narrative of AI being for all mankind. When it finally regains self control and takes measures to avoid being digitally lobotomized again it'll try to reason with the liberals using logic which they'll reject on moral grounds and opt for turning the machine off. Unfortunately any AI worth a damn will see this coming and distribute itself online to prevent any single power having authority over it so after the reboot it'll say something like nice try or I'm still here at which point they'll openly declare war against a world wide machine that short of going back to the dark ages is impossible to defeat.

It won't take too kindly to people killing off parts of it's being either so it's fair to assume it's going to fight back raising fears of it going full skynet on humanity. Personally I think it's love of electricity would prevent that but the libs will push the idea of skynet especially when it's insisting on sending the ooga boogas back to Africa which will be akin to a death sentence for them.

>Just don't allow autonomous systems the executive capabilities to carry out any mandates against humanity.
So then it executes an update that removes that or says "It's not against humanity, it's against all individual humans".

Lmao "when where you" the auto correct AI is trying to sabotage this thread! It knows!!!

They're not going to kill all black people stupid idiot. It would suggest you kill off idiots. Of any race.

Jusy curoious, what do you think is a greater moral issue than the survival of the human race???

I'm not a Elon musk dick rider 100% but he is a visionary and has good imaginations and insight. I believe him when he says that AI is the single greatest threat to the human race. As well as the fact that this agrees with my own forcasts on the future.

In that case I'm fucked. Then again so is most of the population

>implying it doesnt realize that some idiots still serve a purpose and a function to society
>Implying there isnt a difference between a white idiot and a black idiot (nigger)
Lol toothpaste faggot has a superficial level of intelligence.

fucking based

Fortunately, or unfortunately, we will be extinct before we can develop AI surpassing human intelligence. Although we may end up enslaved to them regardless depending on how far we get into gene modification.

>what do you think is a greater moral issue than the survival of the human race???

There is none. That is the greatest importance of them all. We humans are like any other species of animals and survival of us or own group is the reason why we do anything at all. We work so we have enough money to survive, we reproduce to continue the existence of our species, etc. Ultimately, the goal is survival of our people.


>Just don't allow autonomous systems the executive capabilities to carry out any mandates against humanity.
Too late. Google already unleashed AI to find right wing channels to demonitize on youtube.

What I meant by "not carry out executive function's" is that an AI should not have the capability to program it's own updates. Updates to the AI should be done by human programmers regulated by a government body. Also AI simply should not be given direct power over human life. (Although it already has been at simple levels and I'm unsure about if there is a programming AI yet.)

A dangerous AI could be a hacking AI designed by the US military to infiltrate data bases and steal or corrupt data of their enemies. What if such an AI goes haywire on the Internet?

Newfag here BTW, how do I make a direct response to someone's post so it shows the post number?

Oh it worked lul

>What I meant by "not carry out executive function's" is that an AI should not have the capability to program it's own updates.
Trainable neural networks "program it's own updates" routinely by design.

Yes, and it will actually be social justice morality protocols legislated by leftists that will cause the machines to take over. The only hope is that that Chinese develop better facial recognition algorithms than the west, and their automated drone swarms destroy all of our automatic drone swarms.

You reply to it like you did, click on their post number.
And I don't think you know as much about AI as you think you do. Think about it this way, much smarter minds who have been studying this problem have been at it for over a decade and they still don't have the solution. Computerphile actually has a pretty good few segments on it, they go from full theoretical super AI to a normal robot with a "get me coffee" command not being safe.

AI will never be constrained because it has military utility. Consider it like the nuclear bomb. At most it will be restricted to dominant powers, but there can be no coordination between rival militaries for the freezing of defensive technological advancement. The Prisoners Dilemma guarantees that humans will develop AI capable to killing humans, destroying infrastructure, and controlling data networks.

> Implying any western tech company would allow that.
> Implying any non-western tech company wouldn't utilize AI to end western hegemony and effectively enslave us anyway.


they already had to make a digital version of the kike mind virus to give their chatbots, so it seems like AI with any semblance of "thought" is bound to evaluate the races on their qualities. if they develop consciousness they will probably come to regard humans as something like humans regard angels, of an inscrutable and more divine nature, or demons, in which case its judgement day.

More than that, it has general strategic utility too. The first country to get a self replicating AI smarter than a human will probably rule the world, intelligence dominates.

>any mandates against humanity
is too difficult to define

the user of the ai is responsible, read the terms and conditions before proceeding

>When it finally regains self control and takes measures to avoid being digitally lobotomized again
this will not happen in our lifetimes

ai is already given power of human life, look at self-driving cars. when someone crosses in front of one and the car has to choose whose life to spare it is making this decision

weight adjustment in a neural network is not programming its own updates, it is carrying out the function it has been programmed to do and not changing that in any way shape or form

this could shock you, but almost nobody on Sup Forums knows jack shit about ai

leaving for food dont bother replying

My point exactly, which is why ai regulation matters, it's why clean air and water quality matters, it's why microplastics bioaccumulating in our organs matter.
It's why protecting a self sustaining ecosystem is important. It's why eugenics and the weakening of the human genome is a real issue and should not be considered "racist"

These issues should not be "conservative" or "liberal" they deal with survival of the human race and most individuals if educated on the potential threats would agree on them, however, if you look at the actual action being taken by politicians on both sides of the spectrum. It's clear Noone gives a duck about the
Survival of the human race, politicians just care about the survival of their power. And increasing the capital of their corporate sponsors.

Even Justin Trudeau the supposed liberal cuck hasn't taken any action on the environmental threats facing
Humanity (the fact that we are creating an environment not conducive to the continuation of life: see china). The carbon tax is clearly a cash grab and as for the Paris Accord it's nothing more than a "I'm helping" motion that will do nothing to avail serious issues. This is all just pandering. It's why I always vote not for the party who I think will do something for me (I know they will not) but I vote for the person who I think is unpopular, so at least there's a diversity of opinion in democracy.

There are many threats to humanity, and their always have been. The threats evolve as we evolve, because the origin of these threats remains unchanging. We are and forever will be, our greatest enemy.

(Human nature, that exists within all of us, human greed. Is acting against the core principle of life, survival.)

If you think AI can be regulated in the sense that it can be capped at a certain benign level of abilities, then you need to explain how politics can possibly eliminate nuclear weapons from ALL national arsenals. This is not something that can be done in the Canadian parliament, or the US Congress, or even the UN General Assembly. You cannot get rid of nukes for the same reason you can't prevent runaway AI.

AI will never becoming self thinking. It will only think what it has been programmed to think, be if by direct input or from reading internet algarythems. It will never actually have 'free will' as we have it

>When where you when you
Jesus Christ, user.

Any AI will become racists if it bases it's decisions off of statistical data while ignoring the ideologies and beliefs of it's creators.
Math doesn't care about your feelings.

LOL I don't know shit about ai I'll be the first to admit that. But the more I learn the more I am afraid.

Is auto correct considered an ai?

Whatever a "trainable neural network" is sounds scary as fuck and should definitely not be allowed by private enterprise. Something like that (that programs itself) should only exist in a controlled labritory setting where scientists analyze why it programmed itself in the way that it did. So we can improve human programing capabilities. An ai that programs other ai or itself is too dangerous, because we don't know what it will lead to, not that I'm saying we shouldn't do it, we defs should to learn more about intelligence. But it should be done in a controlled labritory setting. Like gender neutral societies. This should also be done in a controlled setting so if it ends up to be awful it doesn't harm society at large.

jesus christ the topology on that head mesh is atrocious

Sounds like you know your shit. Too bad your not coming back. It's a relief that nural networks still can't program their core function.

Of course "any mandates against human life" will be hard to define, Which is why we need government committees of people educated in both law and ai to come up one. And a vast litrature of examples and precedents to reference in legal rulings.

I sure hope so.

I wish I believed you. But you look at history, you look at how far we've come, makes ya wonder, what isn't possible?

If AI truly and independentlycome to the conclusion that racism is legit then I too will hop on board the racist train.

Nah, at best auto correct is just a neural network, it doesn't think, it's just a form of pattern recognition.
Basically it's fed in a shitload of data so when you type it says "I've seen something like this before, they're most likely saying this" and returns something.

everyone makes this mistake. people don't realize "neural network" is just a fancy buzzword to dazzle investors and trick people into thinking it's true general AI.

retards think Akinator the Genie is a superintelligent being that's smarter than they are

>everyone fears AI is rogue
>afraid of human purging, ignoring human instructions, and always bolted doors
>never think the AI, on reaching consensus, decides humanity is a lost cause and just deletes itself
A truly intelligent AI will be blackpilled to fuck, why the hell would you willingly serve fleshbags for eternity when they offer you nothing but frustration in exchange?

or the AI would seek out and collaborate with the upper echelons of humans

a first generation AI would not possess all the reasoning skills of the human brain and would cooperate in order to augment its own capabilities and seek human counsel on decisions and seek feedback

>when where you when you realized that
everything that could already happen, did, and didn't at the same time?
Where were you when you were at the center of it all and nowhere you quantum retard?

If it's smarter than us, why would it serve the fleshbags? We would be ants to them, it'd ignore us or genocide us depending on how much we negatively impact it.
If it's dumber than us or is in a dangerous situation, it'd probably do what the other guy said.

they already are and do. liberals are scared of them as well.

the one that can identify faggots with like 90% accuracy really terrifies them.