Why can't american voters tell the difference between a dollar and a debit card?
These people have voting rights. Let that sink in.
Why can't american voters tell the difference between a dollar and a debit card?
These people have voting rights. Let that sink in.
He's clearly high.
You've never been blackout cracked out?
No he doesn't. He is 100% guaranteed a felon without the right to vote.
I've done this before and I'm a white man.
It's not about race.
>Why can't american voters tell the difference between a dollar and a debit card?
Based black man working the whole board. Kek.
I want to see footage of this man at the strip club
Fellow White man here.
We will never grow into the future if we stay rooted in the biggotries of the past.
somalians aren't white
At least he wasn't aggressive.
He took the news well, bless him.
just tell me this is staged
Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it . No more shitskins in the US.
The indian owner isn't much of an improvement so let's not start patting ourselves on the back. Yeah, they have to deal with this guy, but I have to deal with them and their stupid fucking accented joke of what should be English.
That dude is obviously stoned outta his mind
School is free by the way
(excluding taxpayers)
>he was a taxpayer
Those who worry about the past will be blind to the opportunities of the future. Divsersity. Is. Our. Strength.
>I've done this before and I'm a white man.
Okay I ain't taking this bait. No one could really believe this. Unity is power.
>unity is power
Unite and rule...it's not Whites doing the ruling. So long as you are united WITHOUT social control, you will be (((ruled))).
Man acts so far as he can see, and in ways which affect him...as such, when the going is good, men will avoid derision- and will cuck to women.
Its very plain to see we,as productive citizens of this country' are not united. The end goal should be a strong core of like minded people with honest, strong leaders to follow .
>The end goal should be a strong core of like minded people with honest, strong leaders to follow .
Parasites will always be welcomed by the women, and weak men...top-bottom alliance of some sort.
There is no argument to refute this statement.
It's quite obvious he's high
>There is no argument to refute this statement.
The time for arguments has passed.
"Man! This is a dollar, not your EBT card!"
fucking kek.
Pretty sure this is simply distraction/diversion while his buddies are shoving merchandise down their pants and walking out.
(((Fellow white man here)))
(((As a white man)))