Hey germans

>Germany’s far-right AfD loves the Jewish state

finally decided to bet on the correct jew horse, eh? give your local leftist rapefugee cuck jews a big "fuck you" from me please

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We can play good goy too. If only you knew who I was and how I've fucked Jewish girls without them ever knowing.

this is literally the funniest shit i've ever seen

Almost all rightwing parties are in favour of israel.

To be honest so am I. But only because I want you to piss off and dont be in europe

We dont care if Israel exists, as long as they forfeit their nuclear weapons and we stop giving you parasites aid.

>Right wing parties supporting a right wing state
Makes sense to me

fucking Jew. Stay in Israel.

We are going to literally work together with Nazis to remove kebab, screencap this, second ha'avara agreement soon

Hello Mr.Goldberg, where is my one trillion euro of reparations?

The palestinians stole it

Hatred for Arabs > fear of Jews desu

how did this happen?

I fully support Israel, I've seen my country reduced to SHIT under Islam shilling of the SJW-EU.

Polish-Zionist union against crackers W H E N?!

>Germany’s far-right
That's bullshit


You better help us gas the globo kikes or whitey will take it out on the little Jews. Happens every time.

>Implying it wasn't jews that started this and keep on feeding us with their propaganda.

Most of the leading politicians in the party are literal crypto nazis and they even went further in that direction since Petry is gone.

dont worry...the kikes will pay for interfering in euro politics

For sure lol, if those guys were worth shit they'd be living under my flag. As far as I am concerned - they are traitors.

Daily reminder the flag of isreael bears the seal of solomon, son of david, who turned from God and started worshiping Milich (Moloch), aka Baal, god of child sacrifice.


Daily reminder that the star of David dates back to the 12th century at most. I'd like to call you stupid, but you're just ignorant I suppose.

Will you be constructing ovens for these people when the west has finally had enough and decides to deport them all to Israel?

>oyvey goym don't be ridiculous

it's not like today jews have bloody rituals that they preform on their infants

We have some idea and Israel has this state. c|:^)

Jewish religion is disgusting and false, circumcision is child abuse, rabbis are pedophiles by definition, and still the star of David did not appear in recorded history until the 12th century.

Only lefties and muslims hate Israel

>post yfw Isreal will be the first state to gas the kikes in the 21st century.

So? Why not make bloody rituals together on germans?

Will do, and gladly. You please pass the word around that AfD are better than their rep, all these professional kvetchers appear to still hold too much influence globally.

You have Britain for that, it's what they fought for and everything. Bad enough we had to let you have our backyard, fucking hell.

UK has problem too. XD

Better to have Jews in Israel than in your own country.

Literally Hitler wanted to send Jews to Palestine

Either Palestine or Madagascar

>tfw already have tickets to Kaliningrad
I won't have any for very long. Enjoy being my meatshield till Day of the Privyet, buddy.

Those (((right wing parties))) are all controlled opposition. Actual nationalist movements in Europe like Golden Dawn in Greece, Die Rechte / NPD in Germany, Nordfront in Sweden etc. are all identitarian and white nationalist movements who understand the JQ more than anyone and why the zionist state needs to be dismantled.

Jews have a right to their homeland. Its as simple as that.

Fuck off faggot, their "homeland" only existed on their zealot shitty Talmud. Writing religious fanfic doesn't make something true. They had nor have no right. They just got it because they have influence and power. Israeli are cunning just like the diaspora jews.

>AIPAC and ADL influence on america
>Israel propaganda on Hollywood
>Nuke smuggling
>Zionist jews pushing america towards Middle East wars
>Zionist gangs like Murder Inc being ignored by media

A jew is a jew, and behaves like a jew everywhere. Israeli are just going to keep on being kikes to every goy "allies" they make. Their cunning and malice is eternal.

I intend to, dumdum.
Hear hear
They told you they needed it to build schools and you never asked for a receipt when no schools appeared but terror tunnels and guns did.

Daily reminder that in 1666 1/3 of jewry decided to follow Zabatai Zevi, a satanist jew who inverted the moral law, and decided to go full jew with bloody orgies, infanticide, zoophilia and every kind of degenerate cancer you can imagine.


Zionist jews are so BASED that they made USS liberty thing happen and go away from the public imaginary.
Zionist jews are so BASED that they keep feeding the holocaust propaganda while they genocide the Palestinians.
Zionist jews are so BASED that they keep getting american tax payer on the billions (trillions?) and no one dares to com
Zionist jews are so BASED that they send MILLIONS OF IMMIGRANTS TO EUROPE YEARLY so they don't have to deal with it.

why is there so many women on that boat?

No I don't mean the Khazars I mean the Israelite's.. Gods people.

You mean Molochs people?
Yeah, nice bunch, you fucking faggot, kill yourself.

Stepping in dried shit is better than stepping in liquid diarrhea.
>the muslims are the liquid one

Jews pushed for Islamic importation, Zionists funded it with their NGOs.

Fucking faggots saying "I MEAN THE KHAZAR ONES.... THE NOT BASED ONES . . .. . . . " need to fucking kill themselves. If it weren't for the jews, the muslims would never get in by the millions on EUROPE.

It's not about dry shit vs liquid diarrhea, it's about taking remedies to shit explosively. Jews are those drugs that make you shit without any control.

I love the Jewish state, because it gives us somewhere to send them to so that they can be separated from our countries. Sucks to be an Arab, but oh well. Arabs aren't really any better.

ooohh very defensive does this interfere with your narrative? Saying KHAZARS or are you a KHAZARIAN

The only reason Muslims are in Europe are because European leaders want them to be. They could very easily just leave you all to die.

Ship m8! Guess we'll kill the wealthy Jews, after the muslims. We can even give the leftists the a reason to bite the hand that feeds by incriminating them/just unveiling their crimes with children.

>German men

Also, I don't think it's just Jews like Soros. It's also certain democrats that want to use the confusion to wind up as leaders of fanatical dictatorships around the world.

My narrative is that they are all scum. There are no better ones, they are all genocidal maniacs psychopaths promoting pedophilia, decadence and all about exploiting the goy.

There is no separation between diaspora to the local hebrews. They all have hatred in their heart and are all about that hateful cunning mindset. It never changed.

No, it is not. Since 1945, Europe is on the leash of the jew. The jew decided to use their war golem (america) to sort it out Israel neighborhood. They used DIASPORA JEWS and ISRAELI LOBBY AND OFFICIALS for this. THEY ARE ALL TOGETHER AGAINST THE REST OF THE WORLD.

If jews decided they wanted peace in Europe, they would push for it. If they decided that they now wanted all women to get into zoophilia, they would push for that too.

They get what they want. Euro leaders are nothing but pawns to the jew. They are meaningless faces with meaningless words. Real power rest on the hand of the jews.

Weinstein was named, and still no one dares to name the jewish influence that made his rapey shit possible. Let it rest on your mind for a little bit.

Israel is an awesome place, with nationalism, zealotry and deep dedication for their homeland. At the same time, they are still on the talmudic mindset of leeching the goy until death.

If you think Israel is based, it's because you think that somehow it's based for Israel to destroy the whole of Europe because they wanted to get rid of the muslims on their neighborhood and are down to fuck the whole civilized world to get to their objectives.

In other words, either a jew yourself or a fucking retard idiot.

I'm not about political violence, but at least on Sup Forums I think we should keep it close to the truth. I don't get the ISRAEL IS BASED people. Are they shills? Are they retarded? Are they reddit?

She's fat.

No violence for jews, I guess speaking the truth is enough for now. The truth fucking matters.

Definitely shills. Or leftists that came here after "Sup Forums hacked the election", kek!
If a few groups that don't show their face alot play their cards right, israel will soon lose it's oppression card.