
The fucked up link or the gay, nigger dick sucking, subversive, kike?

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Yeah.... kinda fucked up

I want to kick that dopey kike cunt koche right in the teeth desu lads

who even gives a fuck about this faggot

Typical Australian leftist media prostitutes getting BTFO by Milo.

I like Milo. Despite all the shit that Molymeme pedals about right wingers being more intelligent, the fact remains that the right has nobody with charisma outside of Trump. Milo is the best we have until we find someone better to talk about social issues.

Was satisfying watching those sanctimonious twats getting rolled over desu.
I don't like gays, and pederasts should hang, but at least he wrecks people.

I'm gonna need KKKarls opinion on all of this.

Here's a non-autistic link:

who are Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder

why is Milo so fucking based bros?

Have you tried google?

>Ben Shapiro
I like the guy, but let's not be dishonest with ourselves

That's a really good question, because nobody outside of Sup Forums has any fucking idea.

Karl defended the abos shitting on Australia day he can get fucked

The shitstorm he will cause while he's here should be entertaining at least.

Kek. I see this fat bitch getting her morning coffee everyday. Might have to make a smug comment to her about the beating Milo laid down.

>That quick wrap-up where they obviously are trying to shut down his salient points

Im surprised they've even let him in.
Would probably be refused for hate speech if didnt have the gay card.

Milo is coming to my city. Should I go?

Crowder is an annoying douche, and Shapiro is an ardent Zionist who is pro-third world migration into the western world.

why do you fuckers love sucking off fags and CIAfags?

Because we're desperate for public figures who win cultural battles.

The left doesn't really have much charisma either, they have corrupt morals that they use to drain money from people, and with money comes power, more power to hold down their opposition...