I hereby declare this classroom kekistan

I hereby declare this classroom kekistan

what third world shithole is this?

cringe af

I hereby declare OP a faggot

Lol awesome OP.

This meme should have died months ago

Could be Germany

t. not larping German

No Germany has already been taken over by a bunch of other -stans

wait I never noticed yotsuba logo in top left
wtf I hate those faggots even more now holy shit

this is ebic OP!

Its from germany


Nah, you'll inevitably be holocaust-ed and gassed by your history teacher becuase "muh Nazi-war ensign"


>recently bought flag

Top cuck.

History teacher is cool with it

Underage and b&

Why is every kekistani fagmotron incapable of ironing the folds out of their flags.

Looks Russian.


official class dress code

>le keksitan maymay
>Probably underage
>Meme flag

They're lazy, clueless millenials.

Nah. It's definitely not a post-USSR country.