Japan's Top Economist - Immigration Has Destroyed Sweden

I've translated this Japanese video for you guys:


You may know this guy as "the politician who cosplayed gendou from evangelion". In Japan, he's known as a famous economist and has ties to many right-wing organisations in Japan. His Name is Takaaki Mitsuhashi.

If you spread this video enough, I will translate some more from him. Enjoy.



this is a repost i can remember it

He is a pretty cool guy

What the fuck can we do?

Change always takes time. You need to redpill the masses very, very slowly. You do this by using emotions and some facts too. Keep it very neutral, because if people believe you're a "racist", they will close doors to the message. Eventually the pendulum will swing in the opposite direction...although it may be too late.

Help, I rubbed my fingers against this post but I can't read it

I hope he is listened to.

if the west is done i hope the japanese can learn from our mistakes of trusting (((them)) and carry on civilization. the jews fear the samurai for a reason

Sweden has one of the fastest growing economies in the EU.

Japan has had stagnant growth for literally decades now.

PUIGDEMON, A PRISIÓ... oh, sorry wrong thread.

Mass immigration masks how awful it is by manipulating the economy.
The only argument for it is that it will boost the economy, but the average person will not benefit from this.

Somebody has to pick my tobacco in Sweden!
no joke

Sweden is fucked in the next 2 decades. There isn't time to do it slow

(((they))) are already working on japan

Love the Japs, best allies ++

Sweden is already fucked, SD are far too moderate to save them.

>Sweden imports hundreds of thousands of niggers.
>Niggers all recieve welfare.
>government spending is a part of gdp.

Are you stupid?

I bet my tobacco prices will fall even further when the Muslims start picking it for cheaper wages too!

Guet gm8, thanks

Never give in japan

We have to kill (((them))) ones and for all.

>tfw no young ultra-nat to save your nation

Hitler please, I don`t want to get drafted again.

As cool as this guy?


Now work out GDP per capita m8.

Japan, you must fight, your are our last hope

Thank you for the translation.

Oh that is also the tactic and rationalities of Germans. We had to scarifies 20 years of wages and the decay of our infrastructure, because there was never any money for this. NOW WE SPEND OFFICIALY 30 billion (10% of the budget) on fucking ~ 1 mil parasites. (the real numbers are at 50 billions)

stay strong nihonjins

Japan is already a wealthy nation. What’s a couple percentage points to the GDP compared with losing your homeland to a bunch of violent savages

Why do these two look so different. Is the picture taken after? Seeing as the glasses of the attacker have flied away.

> Shill
Fuck off promptly

>that mobility scooter attack at 4:00.

And yet, Merkel is still here.

Doesn't matter, it's racist to suggest otherwise.

That's George Soros. How much trouble is Japan in now? Is Soros still over there, or back from his trip?

Don't pls. I'm only getting more depressed. The only silver lining is right now that the next cabinet will be fragile like never before.


What years was Koike PM? When was the Tomin First party the most powerful? When you were discovered to have mental retardation?

I'd worry about your shit economy instead of worrying about Sweden.


IIRC, he regained his US citizenship and lives in Hawaii. Japan broke him, his audience arevother lefty fag foreigners.

She's not running, she has to resign as Tokyo governor, and she knows she'd lose.

>nazi chink falling for alt-right memes

Thank you user, I'm glad to see that the Japanese can have such an honest debate about this topic. May they learn from the mistake of others.

You too, you're surrounded and I worry for you.

>tfw Polish relatives taught me all my racial slurs for MEers.


It's interesting, no Japanese will shoot down ideas because muh racism, because it would break the peace to deny someone their voice.



>That politician who cosplayes gendou >from evangelion

A walking and talking Red Pill. And Japanese, of course.

All hail Mitsu-sensei!

How hard would it be to kill a man like Soros?

He's rich so he can afford to surround himself with security, but how hard would it to realistically assassinate him?

Fucking weeaboo. At least post grammatically correct Japanese, not this shit.

kys, faggot.

One of them might be a reenactment or it's just perspective

>lefty cuck needs (You)s badly!


Literally a Russian propoganda channel

You are aware this is the exact argument that antifa use to bash the fash, right?

>they are intolerant, so they must be silenced
>no freedom of speech and no right of expression for the intolerant
>no tolerance for fascists

>Mr. Mitsuhashi could be please continue to let our central banks prop up markets for billions each month?
He not only looks like a clueless subhuman, seems he is.

The still image is him taking out the sword from the body.

>be intolerant to the intolerant
>you are the intolerant
>your system punishes you first

Thats the most retarded ligic loop ive ever seen.
Thats exactly what happened in Germany they are intolerant to the intolerant so they cannot protect themselves from niggers
Run to poland.
Your grandchildren will reconquer the world of savages like white people did once before.

Highest debt as percentage of total GDP in human history, and getting worse.
They will stop doing that when banks stop loaning them money.

An immigrant who refuse to exist in a multicultural state is a red flag.
A native with the same sentiment isn't, he is not the one trying to colonize.

>a fascist is not a red flag for a republic

fascist doesn't mean what you think.

Thank you for your continued great service swissbro

> Karl Popper
literally George Soros' mentor and idol

He's a headcase, not a power Jew.

Popper is the intelectual father of Soros and a member of the Frankfurt School

more like Credito amirite

>A fascist is someone who wants to preserve his people and way of life
Guess most of the world is fascist then. There is hardly any creature on this earth that doesn't claim some sort of territory. Humans are no different.

I guess that is why Soris is meeting her. To financially back her and make winning possible. If she had no chance, he woudnt waste his tme with her.

Sweden is incredibly prosperious at the moment, a few issues and a growing concern for female empowerment but still one of the top countries in the world.

The absolute state of the USA and UK though.

It is a screen grab, Gook. I made no comment or stateent about it. It is from someone else, Gook.

Why would anyone tolerate the excuses and redefinition and self expression of intolerant people, as per Popper who was invoked and quoted here like he is gospel?

They literally are parasites.

The image is originally about Hitler/Fascism. Look more carefully.

Dikutionari too urd fur yu?

So its even more on point.

Acting like a baby is not an argument.

It's basically an arms race. One side originally wants to suppress the other, at that point it is justified the suppress them first so they can't suppress you.

>Highest debt as percentage of total GDP in human history
babby's first insight he read in The Economist right here.That debt is held domestically for like 95%. If you think Japan is a (((democracy))) you're wrong. Japanese government, finance and industry are like a ZOG-repelling voltron.

Just start selling cheap liquor and you'll have a finnish invasion of tourists. Save yourselves by giving drinks to the mongolians until they run out of cash.

Either you are not a native european, or you are an impotent cuck who desire the death of his own race for ((reason)).
Either way you an on the intellectual level of a baby.

>Muh economy
It had to be a fucking burger; indoctrinated from birth to believe everything revolves around jewish paper "money".
You are pathetic and the reason why goyim States are ein by these filthy kikes

>i owe money to friends, so its like i don't own money at all :D
Babby's first attempt at an argument.

I am only seeing a picture on Sup Forums, reading it, and applying whats on it.
It doesn't represent me, or my views, or anything I believe in. Its just something you fags post that you immediately dismiss upon realization that its actually not part of the circlejerk.

Did he procreate, or like most chose to complain about depopulation while remaining childless.

>I am only seeing a picture on Sup Forums
>jewish goal moving
You were answering to me and trying to leftdefine fascism, cunt.
>implying I can't click your id and see easily tour post and mine.

Also note that they count it twice; first when giv takes on debt to give 2 them AND when the human trash spend it in the "economy"; usually on product from multi-national corporations. Since mudslimes are the perfect mindless consumer

Then click my ID and see where my posts start Popper says you don't tolerate the intolerant.
This is used by Sup Forums to justify dismissing muslims.
In reality its an argument against fascists, and used by antifa.
These are all objective facts. Documented and well published facts.

You can quit posting this argument that proves you should be murdered any time now.
Sup Forums - the brainlet central of Sup Forums.

nigger please
>Japan has highest savings in the world
>Japanese companies, banks and government help each other to stay afloat
>a Japanese bank would NEVER put the general welfare of the nation over "getting their money back"

FUCK OFF wayne!

>An immigrant who refuse to exist in a multicultural state is a red flag.
>A native with the same sentiment isn't, he is not the one trying to colonize.
This was my post, brainlet, a post explaininh g the fucking nuance.
Thse no human migrant decided to come to another land and cannot allowed to enter if they can't accept the native culture in its natural dominant state..

For the native it is its birthrigth to say how HIS NATIVE land shall be ruled.
You're dishonest.
I was answaring a specific point, you cannot use prior argument with other people unless they refer that specific point, which...they...DON'T.

>you cannot use prior argument with other people

Literally the post you replied to, nigger.
The Popper argument is anti-fascism. The context is that he wanted you to murder fascists.
Fascists using it is retarded, because its an argument against them, that when applied will always condemn them.
You are shooting yourself in the head, hoping the guy next to you has a heart attack.

Is that his chin?

Debt is debt. The government owing banks is not harmless. You are blinded by your weeb loyalty and praising BASED JAPAN :D:D:D: when they are losing it.
This has happened before, by the way. The government owed the arms manufacturers and lords (army). You want to know what followed? Invasion of Korea.

The problem is that Islam preaches actual hate speech (As is defined in countries that have an actual legal definition of it. Here in Croatia it is defined as : Inciting violence that isn't legally sanctioned to achieve a political or religeous ideal.).

The ''bash the fash'' group attacks people who only speak about the left-wing bias openly and oppose the neo-bolshevik invasion of our societal structures.

what if

*turns to camera*

We stop giving a shit about that word?

the only reason japan doesnt have immigrants is because they dont have jews

Islamists are intolerant of gays. Thus Popper says you should be intolerant of muslims.
Alt-right types are intolerant of immigrants (not exclusively muslims). Thus Popper says you should be intolerant of alt-righters.

Its very easy. Read his argument in the context. It is specifically an argument against fascism.

Jim Watkins of cripple chan sold 2ch to some shady group and now they are 5ch
any cripple channers here want to weigh in on this? I've heard jim is a pervert who lives in the Philippines with a bunch of traps.