I am gay. why is my right not allowed?

>be gay
>somehow my right is restricted(gay marriage)
>I am just gay. i just love same gender person

When will we end this outdated custom?

You have the same rights that others.
Your right to marry with a woman is not restricted.

you are right, there is no justice in this world, maybe you should just kill your self then allready

No one has the right to marry same sex but everyone has right to marry opposite sex faggot. Do you feel bad for people that can't marry a dog?

because you are gay

You are committing genetic suicide as a faggot. Why not kill yourself and get it over with ASAP?

You're mentally ill. It's okay. Seek some help.

You have gay.

You can still marry via administrative way. No need to corrupt even more the traditional insitution of marriage that bond a man and a woman willing to spend their lives together and have kids.

I'm sure you'll land on your feet... eventually.

because you can learn to love pussy

Why does every movie need to ha've Josh Gad being gay?

It's your own choice to live in the sins, don't blame the society.

When the government stops pandering to marriage.

Do your parents know their beloved son takes dicks in his mouth and ass? Aren't you ashamed?

Rights are reserved to humans

I'm not sure what you mean

Better than drugs

>a jap brainwashed by anime and craving 2d boipucci soon to jump off a building because no one will understand how autistic he is
2/10 life

Government recognition of your "love" is not a right.

Their final solution is backfiring

Your ancestors would cut your gut open and burn your body in a fire. They would usually eat your heart after cutting you open, but not this time, because you're gay

>I want love
>Can't get married
Ok? You can still love. What is the problem? You said yourself that you only want love, why do you need a Christan man/woman/government relationship?

You can marry any person of opposite gender you like.
Just like straight people.
Thats very equal

Help us understand...

How did you become gay? How old where you when you realized you were gay? Did someone turn you gay, or were you born that way?

>>Gay marriage
Why it's a social contract or a ritual from religions that hate you a big deal for you fags?


Your right is not allowed because of pointless traditionalism and religion.

There is nothing and has never been anything wrong with homosexuals who benefit society. You should have the right to marry whoever you want, but marriage should not be tied in any way to the government for taxes or other benefits.

That's what freedom is. Anything else is garbage.

marriage means jack shit. You don't deserve it not need it. The whole point of marriage is religious philosophy of living together and making much kids, you can't physically achieve that in a homosexual relationship, so why the fuck would you need marriage for fucking fucks sake?

sage and report this shit

Go to the steps of your parliament or whatever the fuck you have in Japan and blow your brains out to protest.

Marriage is a structure created for childrearing, not as a cute stunt and tax break for gays.

>>somehow my right is restricted(gay marriage)
It is not. Marriage is not a right, it is a privilege which the state grants to certain people.

>When will we end this outdated custom?
Hopefully never

your sexual proclivities has nothing to do with your rights

Don't post furries outside of Sup Forums
Read the rules
Iirc pic related is more up your alley

As long as you don't act like a huge faggot, you're fine.
Also, you all look the same, so I'm sure you can pretend you're not gay around normal people

How gay?

>did someone turn you gay

The only right you have is to be lined up and killed en masses via firing squad.

media and parents are turning their straight kids gay and even transgendered.
Wake up moron.

>shinji in maid outfit
Holy fuck i didn't know i wanted this

I know.

I used to support gay marriage until I realized the damage these faggots are causing.

The fact is that marriage exists to reinforce a family unit which can produce children. Homosexual couples cannot produce children. Their "family unit" is perverted by this basic challenge. The fact that gays sometimes do a lottery where one parent is a real parent and the orher is cucked is hilarious, except for the fact that they are ruining a human child's life with their mental illness and unhealthy cuckolding.


marriage is not necessarily a union of love.

OP nobody cares if you are gay in private. You can cum all over the body pillow of an imaginary fox person.

Why do you think you are so restricted?

I've been 8/10 boipussy since high school and literally can't stop getting handed free shit by other gay guys. It's literally an advantage to be gay now.

Also daily reminder that the feminine penis is the only reason Trump is president. Without feminine penis, WikiLeaks could never have torpedoed Shillary.

we're overpopulated as of now. We can afford to let ~5% of the population shut off their lineage

but Japan home of great man love



This is how it goes in canada

asking for marriage is like asking for a license to drive a car that you will never have.
marriage is to bless those of us who are our future.
you do not want to be our future.

because youre a faggot nip


Gay people do not feel love, nor can they raise a biological child with their partner.
They only feel lust. If they adopt a child, 50% of the time that child is getting molested.

There's a lot of overlap between crossdressing and being a faggot, but it's not 100%. Still, best to avoid it.

bump fuck morons


Why are Japanese people so opposed to leaving their islands, even if staying there restricts their freedoms? I mean, those are nice islands you have, but still.
