Thoughts on ex-muslims?

thoughts on ex-muslims?

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Even if they don't pray Allah anymore they're still shitskins

wait what

Said the shitskin.

Pretty based, as they are one of the most outspoken group against Muslim immigration.


Said the nigger

Probably pretty cool people.

They're also some of the most out spoken people against Muslims.
What's the name of that African / Arab woman who is super anti-muslim?

Ex-Muslims are the only good type of Muslims aside from dead ones

Would you let your daughter marry an ex Muslim?

My friend is an ex-muslim and he is one of the most chill people I've ever met, but he was from Southern Russia, not Middle-East.

Mostly liberals so are degenerates.

Ex-muslims are the neckbeard euphorics of the Muslim world. The only reason they reject tradition is to embrace a life of degeneracy and decadance because (((Hollywood))) commanded them to do so. With their rejection of God and the religion of their forefathers, the sole purpose of their existence becomes unbridled indulgence in a life of nihilistic consumerism, smoke weed, drink booze and fornicate. They are truely pitiful creatures, like all "humans" without faith, forced to living a life without purpose and meaning. Verily a miserable existence.

So you pity them, does that mean you won't kill them or shun them?

More thoughts?

kys, you brainwashed nigger
lol I am not a shitskin but still ex-muslim



I'm glad you've rejected the false prophet. You're always welcome to convert to Christianity:

Let me know if you have any questions. I actually know a few ex-Muslims (2 from Turkey and 1 from Egypt) that have converted. They're good people. :)

muslims are not human, we will remove you from germanistan.

Do you believe in low expectations racism(which exmuslims like to talk about) i.e. not caring if muslims are backward?

No such thing as ex-muslim, only undercover.

sounds Morton's Fork like


smart and sometimes brave people.

i hang out with one, always calls me up on the cheap rib day at the pub

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Islam. The religion is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Mohammed's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these religion, to realise that they’re not just true- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislikeIslam truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the Religion in Mohammed’s existential catchphrase “Allahu Akbar” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Allah’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Moon tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

leave, roach

Fuck off kike.

no there is a huge difference if a shitskin is muslim or not.

I think ex muslims are quite brave

stealing this copypasta

No more, no less


If they a genuine then good on them, it can't be easy i having your family denounce you.

>Religion in Mohammed’s existential catchphrase “Allahu Akbar” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons.

What? Have read rhat book but what??

Fake and gay

100x more annoying than atheists in the US who discovered later on at life that you can reject all religion, and somehow tie that to having their IQs increase by a 100 over night.

once a muslim, always a muslim

You have met some?

Is there such things in the world?!

They have to go back because glorious ethnostate.

Yes, as much as 7 percent of citizens of saudi arabia might be closeted ex-muslims or so I've read

Never heard of them

>Needing some retarded book to make your worthless sandnigger life seem more meaningful

my sides are in orbit

Most of them are bluepilled liberals and reddit-tier. Very few ex-Muslims are conservative, unless they converted to Christianity.

Protect them.
There's no freedom of religion without freedom of apostasy.

That got funnier and funnier
What's a Narodnaya Volya?


It's a modified pasta

Ayran Horsey Ali

>thoughts on ex-muslims?
Congratulations on coming to your senses and rejoining civilized society.

wasn't she found to be a fraud by your country?

Most ex-muslims I know tend to keep some of their cultural practices like eid, as I do with christmas. Not all muslims are terrorists and to paint 1.6 billion people with the same brush is ignorant.

She was dissed by the hofstad group. A famous band of Muslim rappers and left for Canada. There she became a famous vagina surgeon.

No, she was placed on a public list of known Islamophobes due to her rhetoric.

I'm pretty sure they foundout he lied about all her "suffering" and ran away form netherlander

not gonna lie, they're pretty brave


Yeah, you are right man. Pretty sure she suffered from a severe case of confirmation bias.

Have you experienced islamophobia in real life?

Greatest ally. No one could love freedom more than a person that escaped a cult that will kill them if they find out they escaped.

This is why hating islam isn't racist. It's not that you're arab, it's that you believe barbaric violent gobbledeegook.

'What is Stockholm Syndrome?'. I'll take 'Reasons the Germans are going extinct, for 500, Alex.

lol check his flag

I figured he might travel

a ''good'' muslim isn't a muslim

proud ex muslim from Bangladesh (Islamic Shithole), love you guys.

I'm an ex-muslim and it's the best thing ever

Apostasy = death.

as an ex Muslim myself I can safely say that the vast majority of them are cancer. Extremely unoriginal people.

They have waken up and are ready to participate in society.

aren't ex-muslims afraid to be some sort of uncle Tom go the muslim world?

t. Your asshole
Your traditions are shit

Hahha, ich bin auch deutsch XD Schön, mal so nette Leude im Internet zu treffen. Guten abend.

Christian ex-Muslims who become Catholic or Orthodox are based. The evangelical ones are pure cancer though.

Even as an ex-muslim, I associate with muslims far more than a white person.

fuick u guys!!!

no one is white here friend

Only a dead muslim is a good muslim.

takes balls given apostates get death penalty

in islam, pity means
> we'll kill you first

this pasta is saucy

Brotier shitskins. They truly have skin in the game, being a target for murder by muslims.

im curious to know why you and other ex muslims decided to jump ship (congratulations on that btw)

Happy to welcome a small amount to my country desu because I'm absolutely C I V I C. As long as non-whites don't exceed ~7% of the population, then I'm happy.

I mean specifically, what part made you guys go: Fuck this shit right here, i'm out

I don't have a problem with ex commies, or ex progressives, so why would I have a problem with an ex Muslim?

I don't have much hate towards current Muslims anyway. Muslims and myself share many ideas since I'm a conservative. Ironic how these "western progressives" support a right wing ideology like Islam though.

>Islam is a race
>baguette intellectual
You've been cucked since your revolution. I would say that Islam could fix France but then I realised you pretty much just let in sub Saharan Africans to pleasure your filthy womenK

Pamela geller

why though, ever heard of gene pressure? non-white caucasoids will become white after a few generations if there is some blanda-ing

hello i created you. you cannot see me but still i exists. this letters are proof, words said by me (prophet).

if you believe me, i'll put you in heaven and you can even fuck 72 virgin semi-angels. if you don't i'll put you in hell forever.

you don't believe me? well if i am a lier and non-existing then you wont lose anything. but WHAT IF i am actually your god?

Most non-whites typically stick to non-whites, most whites typically stick to whites. Let all the non-whites stay in places like London and do their thing there, I'll happily be comfy elsewhere.

Probably based. Brave enough to be apostates. I'd hang out with them

literally one drop rule, europe used to be brown mostly until the indo europeans came to blanda up

What does Sup Forums think about an ex-Muslim like me that still supports Islam?

what do you think of yourself

There are a few really good parts to Islam and if they keep up the lack of degeneracy that is a good thing. I am an ex-Christian and decided to keep my culture too and am starting to call God Allah and finding some beautiful parts of Islam but not accepting Muhammad as my savior, I dunno I am in a weird place right now. I think if you had a gun to my head I would never renounce Christ Jesus though, I just feel that the faith isn't true like it used to be and want to harken back to the Crusades Christianity.

you mean catholic? Pre vatican ii?

They live with a target on their heads for thoughtcrime. If not for anything else, they deserve some respect for that

another batch of thoughts maybe?