Is Trumfph /our guy/ again? The White House's list of demands for reinstating DACA is out and looks to be Sup Forums approved as far as I can tell. Maybe it really was underwater, transdimensional majong all along.

>Constructing the border wall with Mexico
>Employing 10,000 additional Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers and 1,000 lawyers for the agency
>Hiring an extra 370 immigration judges and 300 federal prosecutors
>Banning immigrants from bringing their extended family members to the US
>Penalising "sanctuary cities" that have resisted the Trump administration's efforts to crack down on illegal immigrants
Having companies use an E-Verify programme to keep illegal immigrants from getting jobs

Other urls found in this thread:



I guess Sup Forums would rather respond to bait threads than discuss actual changes to policy .

Sup Forums doesn't reply to shit threads like this that don't post their fucking source in the OP. Delete it and try again.

That's quite obviously the front page of BBC news. Are you suggesting that they need more clicks? You know where BBC news is online, surely.

>Having companies use an E-Verify programme to keep illegal immigrants from getting jobs
finally can get some hours in the kitchen

They need more clicks.

>no source

I thought that's what the tv licenses were for..?

That picture in OP is so fucking useless
>no source in op wtf

Oh fug

Look again retard. Also if you can't find BBC news you may be too dumb even for Sup Forums.

Come on Donny, I believe in you!

>having thousands of undocumented illegals in your country
>they could be anyone
>people actually want this and hate anything to stop it

Left genocide when?

>Maybe it really was underwater, transdimensional majong all along.

People forget Trump loves to make deals.

How about that 10 thousand additional ICE agents point? Maybe Sup Forums could volunteer.

Remember when all the beaners lost their shit at Pelosi's speech? The Dems aren't in any position to make a deal at all, they painted themselves into a corner with their base. DACA is as good as dead.


My man Trump. To think anyone doubted him.

Have a bump


Link for the irredeemably lazy/ stupid:


Frankly, if he gets all or most of this for DACA, he won bigly. If he gets 2 or more of wall, eVerify, ending chain migration he won handily. If he gets one of those three he is still keeping his word, fighting the good fight and heading in the right direction.


As long as we get the wall I'll be happy but any number of those would be huge. How great would it be to see all the sanctuary cities get rekt? And 10 thousand new ICE agents would be incredible. I'm almost too cautious to get hyped because this thing reads like a Christmas list, it's too wonderful.

It looks like a good trade-off.

Kellyanne Conway was just in Fox N Friends rolling out these new policy demands. We're going to get to watch dems lose their shit all day to day on the news between this and Columbus Day.

Banning immigrants from bringing in relatives is important. I see no reason to allow this.

We´re bussy discussing who is and who isn´t white and sugarcoating Poland

I didn't even know that was the current policy until Trump's team brought it up. Fucking ridiculous. How could anyone think that was a good idea?

>discussing who is and who isn´t white
That was always Sup Forumss job.

I don't understand DACA or Dreamers. Can they apply for citizenship or a green card and work on their citizenship?

It's not supposed to be a good idea. It's part of the Jewish plot to flood America with immigrants and destroy Christianity.

It allows them to be given work and school visas and prevents them from being deported. In other words it rewards people for breaking US law.


Would pay 70+ bn (pelosi's estimate) for border wall. Worth every dime

Agreed. The money saved in gibs and law enforcement costs would balance that out in less than a decade.

Breitbart is also whining that he isn't licking Israel's taint on the embassy relocation too.

Pretty white-pilling week senpai

What's the white pill?

Hope my nigga.

I like the bbc rage against the us and our immigration when your immigration is fare more strict than ours other ham the recent refugee bullshit

Bannon and his big mysterious investors (literally just the mercers) won't be happy with this.



Dammit. Where the fuck is Norbot when you need an archived link?


>please don't be jewish
>please don't be jewish
>please don't be jewish

Unless he us first post he usually doesn't bother anymore.

I miss Norbot. He was always fights the good fight. :(

Wouldn't Trump have an easier time woth the wall by tieing it to gun control?

Just think about for a second.

>promise further restrictions on firearms
>must secure border first to prevent the black market for weapons from growing
>wall is now approved and built
>"Sorry. Anything further against 2A is unconstitutional."


>Demands no communist o illegal taco nigger would ever agree to
Trump you're the man. After DACA is kill hire 20000 more ICE agents, hire 2000 more lawyers, 1000 more immigration judges and build the wall 20 feet higher. After that let's get to throwing the illegal fags out! Make America Fucking Awesome Again!

I see him time to time. Even if gone he has done more for raising awareness of archiving than one could have ever hoped. Truly a good man.

Why not put the RAISE act in there too? Do trump and the republicans really not care about restoring America's whiteness?

it gets better

>n no wall -dems
>DACA ends

wall gets built anyway

opposite of black pill. Red pill is truth, black pill is "oh God there's no point we might as well just give up" and white pill is good news

>promise further restrictions on firearms
Literally could not do anything that would piss off the people who voted for him more than gun control.

>Within a decade
Even if her senile estimate was correct it would take no more than 15 years to pay for that wall, which is something Americans actually WANT to spend taxes on. Instead of ensuring our military pays for people to chop their dick off and flood themselves with hormones in disproportionate levels to their sex

I see where you're coming from but as a different user said it's unnecessary. 2A shouldn't even be "promised against". It's like someone promising against any other amendment. Our country ain't that cucked where he has to promise gun restrictions to get what we want

>RAISE act
That will come in time friend. People already think he's Hitler, if he put that in there probably would be massive chimping to an unbelievable scale. I'm inclined to believe you think that's a good thing, (in many ways I do too) but he's trying his best to keep the country together and I don't blame him

The based Jew will save us.

Friendly reminder to ignore everything DACA related until next year. There's many reasons for this, but the main one is the Democrats absolutely want DACA to be a humongous issue during the 2018 midterms.

They can allow Trump's window to expire and use activist liberal judges to delay their deportion for a long time. They can eventually see to it that it is heard by the SCOTUS, but by this point the 18 midterms will have passed.

Nobody on either side believes the SCOTUS will uphold DACA as a constitutional executive action, so it is shortly before it is set to be heard that the Democrats will compromise. Doing so now throws away a big issue that will be great for motivating their voters to get out for the midterms.

Probably true. I sorely wish there was something Trump could do to force this issue through Congress so the Dems couldn't use 2018 to collect more illegal mexicunt votes

Not force it through but make them make a decision on it now ha

What are the odds of a SCOTUS ruling before midterms?

Nah, ICE is already getting shit underway. If they were going to use courts to stall then they're too late.

Hard to say, liberals are really fucking good at dragging shit out. I would say the earliest it could possibly be heard would be next Summer, which leads me to believe the Dems could delay it past midterms if that is their goal. Really hard to say for sure tho.

surely trump can just blame the democunts for DACA not going through. If we've seen anything the guy's great at positioning himself.

I think Illegal voting will be cracked down on big time in 2020 Trump only won by a whisker and he wont want to gamble a loss

I also wouldn't rule out the possibility of the Democrats letting it die so Republicans and Trump take the fallout. That is another way to motivate the fuck out of the liberal base.

Dems don't give a shit about the DACA folks if they can't make them legal voters.

I like this white pill thing. We don't get enough of them in this fucked up world.

This. DACA is as good as kill and once it is it's time to go ham on the wall.

>le 4chin hivemind

There is no longer an EO. No one has cause. They can't bring a case

Democrats will never approve of that.
>DACA will be gone
>Start hiring ICE officers, lawyers, judges etc.
>Build wall
>Penalize Sanctuary Cities
>Throw the illegals and traitors out
If only it was possible for me to become an ICE officer.

Gonna be interesting to see how the sanctuary city bullshit is handled in the courts.

Another instance of the white pill for the inquisitive anons in this thread.

If he's able to get those thousands of new ICE positions the American neets of Sup Forums need to mobilize and apply for those jobs.

BBC every fucking time...

14>>What does this mean?

>Wall gets build
>Illegals get deported
>Niggers getting COPPERED left and right






I thought Steve Paddock was dead

Not in general, just side by side living

No trash combos

Only 10/10 samurai are allowed to mix with a white female who loves him and only a white man who can get any white woman and truly loves the slant should experiment his genes with a fetishgook

I hate liberals so much.

Dont make me bust out the racist anti-asian-white mehmays. Grow up fag.

Trump wants a shit ton of things in exchange with saving DACA. Democrats will never accept those terms, so Trump will shrug and say oh well as the clock runs out. DACA recipients will not be saved.

You do realize they're more Christian than whites stormfag

We won't get all of them.
Trump has put out the first offer, so when they balk he can rescind some of it so that they feel like they have won and happily agree to what is left.

Self hating fetish tier racemixers are beastiality liking cancer

It should only be done in the rarest of cicrumstances

>Democrats agreeing to any of Trump's demands

Not happening. Trump has massive leverage here even if no deal is made. Democrats cannot compromise and give him anything because of how retarded and rabid the Dem base is.

>>Wanting anons to go visit the website and give them more shekels

Is that you BBC?

>Penalising "sanctuary cities" that have resisted the Trump administration's efforts to crack down on illegal immigrants
any details on this? my dick is diamonds

They can keep dreaming. They're all the spawn of criminals, fuck them all with a rusty hammer

Plz be female
Plz be female
Plz be female

nah the BBC would be same fagging Nazi hate to frame us with


DACA should have been repealed by Donald Trump on day one like he said he was going to do. DACA was put in place by Barack Obama using an EXECUTIVE ORDER and can be repealed using an EXECUTIVE ORDER.

>all this compromise
Why don't we just let DACA die? Amnesty does not and will never work; Democrats and RINOs will never stop trying to plunge the knife in our backs.

Why do you think he didn't provide a link? And then a bunch of retarded/lazy Sup Forumsaks bitched about that too.

>those demands
>a compromise
Are you retarded or did you not read the list? There's no compromise being made at all. The options he's give the democrats are: give me literally everything I want or DACA dies. This is a no lose situation for us.

>i want america to turn into hongcouver

get out

Well that is stupid. What's the point of going through immigration process if you just trespass into the country and pop a couple of kids out? I don't have sympathy for people like that, they had time to apply for citizenship, so what's stopping them?

mate, it never matter whether or not Trump is our guy. He was always just a stepping stone. Our goal is the destruction of liberalism and to take back our culture.

Trump is just there to piss of the liberals. We can rub it in their face for decades that they lost to Trump.

Banning their precious pet niggers is just a cherry on top.