The balkans is SLAVIC

Why don't we south slavs like Bulgarians and Serbs organize and wipe out every Greek, Albanian, Turk, and Gypsy from the peninsula? Romanians will be assimilated they are already Slavic. We can then split Hungary with the Slovaks. This should be 100% Slavic clay.

Other urls found in this thread:

No. We have to secure this space as German lebensraum

>Gothocroat ftw

>Why don't we Slavs like Bulgarians
Xaxaxa,Turkish dog please.

Don't you understand?

All of them 'cept the gypsies are Slavs. Entire Europe actually

Haha, what a nice picture.
Where did you find this, my friend?

hands off Hungary

Because your country was bombed to shit and it will happen again if you try anything stupid.

modern greeks are just the descendents of albanian goatherds.

romanians and albanians are the same level of south slav dna, both far lower than croatia.

serbia and bulgaria somwhere in between

serbs have by far the highest amount of turkic dna, far higher than croatia and even bulgaria.

T. Roach drone

>We can then split Hungary with the Slovaks
A million serb lives are not worth a single Hungarian fingernail.

what about vlachs?

>modern greeks are just the descendents of albanian goatherds

arvanites are not fully albanian

oh boy, the slavs have migrated out of their caves again

back slob-o-dong back

why don't we meet in kosova?
oh right, you can't

multiple heartfelt jejes

some kebab remover
cry over your lost battles from 6 centuries ago

cry over nato bombing you into the stone age
cry that youre mongolian migrants
cry that croats killed one million

Back in the mid 2000s when I paid attention to nationalist videos on Youtube I was laughing how almost every Slavic people had some weirdos claiming their nations aren't really Slavic but some Scytian-Sumerian thing and how Romanians would technically be the only """Slavs""" in Europe if those theories were true.

The Bulgarian, Croat and Serb theories were almost identical except the names

greeks are modern day turks and have no connection to hellenistic greece

serbs are literally members of the asiatic hordes
see chink eyes and sloping foreheads

croats are just persian street trash


>greeks are modern day turks

t. diaspora albanian/roach

slavs are subhumans

albanian subhuman with inferiority complex
jealous of Greeks and manipulative

Im ok with gypsies but fuck off

>Mental retardation

eternal slave

1. Slavs was an identity made up much later, by a croatian who wanted a casus beli for Russia and Austria to invade Turkey. It is really just a linguistic family, like romanic. You don't expect Spain, Italy and France to unite, right?
2. Half the people there aren't even slavs. Slavs are historical invaders, and even today a lot of the population isn't genetically or linguistically slavic.

>and even today a lot of the population isn't genetically or linguistically slavic.
you are slavic mongrels
you are slavs

Balkan countries(from best to worst):
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kosovo(not a country)

Are you the pan-Hellenic german jihadist?

Why can't we all just get along bros? :(

What's wrong with us? Why are we the way we are? Piss poor and all we care about is hating each other.

Fuck all of our shitholes of countries.

slavs are subhumans

you are always hiding your flag when you post this you manipulative subhuman

I am a Greek

there is only one Greek country

slavs are aggressive and have many asiatic traits

Germans are gay though.

I am a Greek

Slavs can't work together. Case closed.

You're as subhuman as all of us.

butthurt slav sad that slavs have lost always

slovenia? oh my
national achievement - marrying a drumpf

back to asia you mongolian mgrant


Ikibey welcome back!

Did you grow a bit? Or still 1.66cm?

nobody thinks that
and you know it

you are below Greeks

turkey is superior to all balkan countries

youre right bro
im albo

maybe i was too tough on greeks
i do like lemon potatoes and lamb

Come to America, slavs, Greeks and Albanians get along well here. Local deli is owned by a Serb and has Albanian and Croat workers. Nothing unifies Europeans like being surrounded by actual niggers and subhumans

>serbs = members of the asiatic hordes
>croats = persians street trash
When autism strikes

All Balkanniggers get along really well in America, so I've heard.

you posted in my thread while hiding your flag

and i told you that you cant insult me with my height
thats why i dont hide this information

thats superiority complex

Been a while since I last saw someone sperg out like that.

Hajde da ih zbunimo jezikom koji oni ne razumeju.

Nabijem ovaj citav Sup Forums na kurac.

There is no "Balkans", nor does pan slavism makes sense in them.

There is EU cuckistan and Roman Catholic sphere of influence, see: Slovenia, Montenegro, Romania and Croatia.

There is the Orthodox/Russian/Greek sphere of influence which includes Serbia, Bulgaria, and fyrom Macedonia.

And there's the fellaheen Albos.

Otac im govno izio.

Dobra uvreda.

english please
not mongolian

you were too busy welcoming refugees

Im pretty sure Bulgarians and greeks are pretty much the same thing. At least northern greeks.
I`ve been to Albania and albanians look like your average balkan man. Listen the same music, act and dress pretty much the same so I dont see the point of wiping them out. We are all the same and we should get along.
Turks should be wiped out for sure tho.

Jebo te Klinton, pička ti materina

Pusi kurac, debeli.

You have my blessings.


they arent
Greeks are different to you trashy bulgarians

turks are superior to bulgarians

yugoslavshit diaspora

>greeks are modern day turks
>being this buttblasted

lmao shitskin is salty af

>b-but Greeks are t-turks r-ight??

hahahaahahha btfo

We wuz Vlach
We wuz Roman
We wuz Dacian

Romania is orthodox buddeh

ching chong bing bong
i said chicken and broccoli slant eyes

repuika shitsa reporting in

milos, listen, posting memes won't make your case
you know the truth
you have no connection to those boy loving greeks
you're just a broke modern day roach

now scatter before i spray

U wot m8?

>Greek, Albanian, Turk, and Gypsy from the peninsula?
Greeks are good people and we have much to thank them when it comes to culture (orthodox Slavs).
We should cooperate and get rid of others. Romanians are Slavs in denial, should be reslavicized

You mad white boyy? Have you eat enaf shit today? Have you finished sucking black cooks? Jebeni pederi

you;re not a real country
please, back to soviet union with you
russian parking lot

Turkroach diaspora

uh oh, go pray to your leaders in the hague

-b-but we're kebab removers

sure you are slobodon
sure you are

murrican education, I'm not even surprised
We're the only true Slavs in the Balkan peninsula

I am a Greek

population - 76
achievements - prostitute married usa drumpf
other achievements - not found

tell it to another sucka vladimir

Go do some mass shooting. Go kill some children.

why hate turkey
oh right
centuries long occupation
stronger army
stronger economy
leading nato participant
took cyprus away

cry into your slouvaki


>ancient DNA suggests that living Greeks are indeed the descendants of Mycenaeans

Oh you mad

you are an albanian with inferiority complex and very jealous of Greece because its a powerful first world country

they have this castle in front of a lake with a cave
and there is this frog thing in the cave thats rare
also they stole some foods from albania that they sell as their own

errr... thats all i got


her serb
hows that train doing?
the one with "kososvo is ours" on it


thats your plan

a choo choo train

we took kosova
then macedonia
montenegro is ours
then southern serbia

oh my oh my

Let's roll brothers

get called arab
post pic of arab

yeah, you got me milos


Kys, Greeks are our brothers. I'd rather kill every single Croat than harm a Greek.


i dont have problem with owerwight. I dont get mad easly. I am more afraid for you. You may get hart attack for sucking so much black dick.

1. The balkans "are" slavic, not "is", get your grammar right
2. Istria is rightful italian clay, and so are some parts of dalmatia
3. Greece has more rights than you to be there, you disgusting invasor.
4. Romania is not slavic.

>got destroyed by science
>nerdraging with bad memes

lmao you sound salty af

top kek

ROMA INVICTA. Thank you brother.

I like Greeks. The women are like monkeys, bit hairy and really wild in the bed.

r-ing for Gjysh


um, ok?
back to mongolia you go
asiatic hordes must be pushed back

split poland
half to lithuiania
half to germany

give bulgaria and romania to the hungarians
slovenia and the baltics go to sweden and norway

thats it
its done
ching chong bing bong asiatic animals

>le proud americuck lecturing europeans on who's white

you dont
they arent
you slavic subhuman

something something weird negro infatuation

you like to copy me you subhuman

Dividing the empire was a mistake. Byzantium started trying to get rid of the other half, and they succeeded. Still, we tried invading you during WW2, so I guess we are even now.
Now we can put aside our differences and recreate the empire.

>serbs have by far the highest amount of turkic dna, far higher than croatia and even bulgaria.
