Why do poor white people vote Republican?
Why do poor white people vote Republican?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're more concerned about liberty than niggerbux
White people in general vote republican, specifically white men. That demographic is overwhelmingly Republican, regardless of income level.
Because values>money
Why do entitled people vote Democrat?
fear and ignorance have a lot of people voting against their interests
You answered the question with your own pic
Them whiteys need a good dose of ir to make em smarter and their women
My interest is in morals and family values.
Should they vote democrat? Wtf is the difference?
Because Poor people are fucking retarded.
That's by the way why they are poor in the first place.
Poor people are too fucking dumb to realize that the root of all their problems, actually lies by themselves. That's why those retards always blame others for their problems.
And since they are too fucking retarded to think for themselves, they look up to someone intelligent and ask them who they should blame.
- Republicans point at evil nigger-muslim-foreigners, committing crimes.
- Democrats point at evil huite nazi christians that want to gas poor immigrants.
So poor retards blame these groups and therefore vote for the man who told them.
If they vote democrat, they'll have higher taxes and more social programs for PoCs. This is obviously in the white mans interest.
So today republicans are poor.
But tomorrow it’ll be those evil rich republicans making all the nice democrat immigrants and nigs poor, right?
why do poor nonwhites vote democrat?
this and this
Lot of hate in your post.
A lot of rich people vote gop, but they are ignored. This thread is typical democrat propaganda.
Gop represents morals and values while democrats side with degenerates.
Why do all poor niggers vote democrat? Dat wellfares.
God, niggers are disgusting!
>be me
>vote for trump
>not because hes republican or democrat or fucking tea party cuntcake
>but because he clearly doesnt give a shit and his mere fucking presence triggers the shit out of people
Meanwhile, on Sup Forums...
>OP makes shit bait thread
>OP plays identity politics
>OP is a fag
Because it has nothing to do with poor or rich and has everything to do with minimal government.
If the gop could push through a free college law and put everyone on medicaid, democrats would never win another election
Why do dumb, naive people vote?
actually work and produce wealth -> vote Republican
be a parasyte/locust -> vote Democrat
Government by parasytes/locust -> huge crisis and lose everything. Parasytes/locusts also affected.
Because guess which neighborhoods get flooded with 3rd world trash when the Dems bring in more refugees?
The poor and working class bear the brunt of the negative externalities.
cuh dey on ma DiCK NI B BA
das rite gotta get dat m$ney for mo programs n shiet
Dems raise taxes in order to fund programs that are easier to qualify for if youre non-white.
because of this, working poor whites just see the tax increase and not the benefits.
You must be one of those dear poor people.
Too bad you are so poor, that you didn't learn to read properly as well.
But maybe I can explain my post in a more simplistic approach:
retarded poor whites vote republican because the republican upper class point at minorities.
retarded poor minorities vote democrat because the democrat upper class point at whites
>has a hipoint
Poor thing. We obviously need mo money fo dem programs.
You're really stupid.
OP answer this
>entitled people
...members of Congress?
Why do poor people vote democrat even though they are still poor even when they win? Why do people think a politician is responsible for their economic status?
Whoa she went black well time to burn the porn
'Cause they know rich people provide jobs.
Why are you so uneducated that you spew stats you have no idea about and are actually wrong?
Why do white western women whore out for inbred subhuman negroid apes?
Because they support small government, low taxes. And anyone who votes for democrats is voting for big government, higher taxes, and that makes them low IQ.
one post by this ID
why fall for this SJW shit post.
we all know they do this daily......
Contemporary white culture teaches the value of working hard to achieve your wants, which coincides with the conservative mantra of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps." Contrast this with nigger culture, which encourages working as little as possible because the Democrats will take care of you. As a whole, whites tend to be more industrious and hard-working than niggers so it shouldn't come as a surprise that low income whites vote conservative.
Weak bait, OP is a massive faggot. Trump 2020
I'd be happy for them if it wasn't so blatantly virtue signalling over having a pet nigger.
oh well, guess she can enjoy the rape, drugs, beatings, and selling into prostitution as the result of a vanity choice.
Excessive bureaucracy also hurts small businesses' ability to compete.
The Republicans freed the slaves. You'd need to be a racist to vote against them after that.
Here's the good article, that debunks "voting against their interest" meme. It's long, but interesting.
TLDR: no, poor people are not irrational, when they vote for Republicans, even while Democrats promise more wealth redistribution . Because people vote not only for the sake of their wallet, but also for their values. Which explains rich libfags supporting Democrats, despite "higher taxes for the rich" mantra. Of course if "fuck off, we're full" resonates with me, I'm not going to vote for "muh cultural enrichment, muh non-binary bathrooms" candidate, even if I don't like much "my" candidate.
The stairs are faster than an escalator.
stupidity of the people who shit them out in the first place
stupid is genetic
and more roomy
How is that girl's shadow taller than her?
What kind of witchcraft is this?
>even while Democrats promise more wealth redistribution
Republicans also understand there is no justification for theft. If someone works for their money, they should be able to keep it.
The honest truth is democrats want communism, or at least socialism.
If someone, such as a doctor, is willing to put in the hours, go to school, build a business, they should be able to keep their money.
What kind of savage hangs spices on the outside of a cabinet?