Really gets the noggin joggin huh?

Really gets the noggin joggin huh?

Other urls found in this thread:

If a shooting was stopped it never happened.

Source for that source is a liberal media source.

Since when has the media given coverage to a shooting where only one or two people died

>Implying its the job of citizens to stop well prepared and equipped shooters
Now tell me, how many people were saved and home invasions were thwarted by citizens owning firearms?

Mass shootings are an extremely insignificant portion of crimes. The second amendment's greatest purpose is dispatching would-be murderers, rapists, stalkers, molesters, burglars, and so on.

It would still have been prevented

>muh liberal media

Don't they almost all happen in gun free zones?

Didn’t that armed guy stop a church shooting or something recently? I could of sworn something was prevented recently

maybe because they are not mass shootings of they get stopped before they become such?

Meme flagfags btfo


It's almost as if armed civilians stop shooters before they become MASS shooters.

He a good boi dindu nuffink

Draw Mohammed, Texas. Stopped by an off duty cop with a handugn.

Three would-be robbers were shot and killed Monday when an Oklahoma homeowner's son opened fire on them with an AR-15, authorities said.

Wagoner County sheriff's deputies were called to the home in Broken Arrow, southeast of Tulsa at around 12:30 p.m. local time. When they arrived, they found the three dead suspects and two uninjured residents.

Sheriff's spokesman Deputy Nick Mahoney said the suspects enetered the home through a glass back door with the intent to burglarize it. It was not immediately clear why they picked that home.

Mahoney said the suspects encountered the homeowner's 19-year-old son, who opened fire after an exchange of words. Two of the suspects died in the home's kitchen while a third was found in the driveway.

It was not immediately clear whether the suspects were armed, but Mahoney said the preliminary investigation indicated the shootings were in self-defense. The homeowner's son volunteered to give a statement at the sheriff's office

I'm sure you can find hundreds of these if you take the time.

>Mass shootings
What about all the people who are saved every day from niggers? Why should an old man be defenseless against a nigger ex-convict?

Do you deny that a majority of media leans left and has a liberal bias?

The number of nigs stopped from noggin is high, though.
Firearms are nigger deterrent and nothing more.
Fact Sheet: Guns Save Lives -
Clackamas mall shooter faced man with concealed weapon -

This guy lives around niggers and gets it.
>around blacks
>never relaxing

i don't follow burger events much, but didn't this young civilian stop a bunch of mass shooters just last year in charlottesville?

Hey dick faggot. Why don't you go find yourself in the middle of a mass shooting? Thanks cuck sniff.

no, fuck off back to plebbit

Guy in Nashville stopped a nigger from shooting up a church just last week.
The nigger killed one woman, but an usher stepped in and pistol-whipped the nigger. Held that stinking nigger on the ground until the cops showed up.
So, that's one example.

The number of terror attacks stopped by the NSA is also 0, but they still read your emails and listen to your phone calls

I am down to about 4 hours of sleep every night because the moment the dogs starts barking I am wide awake.

Can't even own guns here my dude. It's ridiculously expensive and they send you around in circles for the license, until after months/years you give up.

>draw muhammad

If they are stopped, then they are not mass shootings, silly.

Nigger churches are where coons plan attacks, so our guy did a preemptive strike.

Actually this is false. Around a dozen mass shootings have been stopped by armed citizens in the last few years.
>OP didnt add sauce so neither will I
Even if """mass shootings""" were not stopped, there have been over 100k cases of an armed citizen protecting themselves. In most cases they didnt have to even shoot. (Note: some sources claim this number is over a million, and does not include times a citizen used a gun and didnt call the police because they didnt shoot).
So basically OP is saying, citizens shouldnt be able to protect themselves on a daily basis because mass shootings happen on occassion.


OP btfo. And checked

>believing the media would publicize such moments

UN flag faggot..


There have been tens of thousands of shootings that have been stopped by armed civilians in the last three decades.

Daily reminder that 70% of mass shootings are done by blacks despite them only being 13% of the population

There you go, OP.

It's simple. We'll give up our guns when the niggers, spics, mudslimes, and jews are gone.

There was also a muslim attempt on another meeting stopped by armed guards.

Owned by trippps of truth

>implying you could legally stop a spree shooter in a gun free zone with your concealed firearm

Do you understand why these laws are fucking retarded yet, son?

That's because mass shooters prefer to kill people in gun-free zones.

The funny thing about the
>really makes you think
style threads is the net effect they have on Sup Forums. Some people say that shareblue shills or some alphabet soup agency want to keep us from knowing or discovering things. Maybe, I couldn't say.

But what I can tell you is that every time one of these threads shows up, there's always some user who drops something interesting that always seems to contradict the retarded narrative you hear on TV. Like I didn't know about her, now I do. If shills really are trying to shill, they're terrible at it.

>taxi driver in chicago
>sgt at arms in canada
>the church guy
>the obese security guard at the art show

Off the top of my head.

>reminder that a source a day keeps the doubters at bay

this story warms my heart


Just off the top of my head, I can think of the Appalachian School of Law shooting where two guys ran to their cars and got their guns, subduing some feral nigger who was shooting up the place.

>obonger had no scandals

These guys in turkey gave away their automatic weapons, look what happened.


Yes and many have been prevented, the image is just plain false


>Someone starts shooting
>Armed citizen caps him
>There wasn't enough deaths to call it a "mass shooting"

> t. someone who has the ability to peer into alternate universes and has exhaustively examined the hypothetical outcome of every time an armed felon was shot to determine that none of them would otherwise have committed a mass shooting

That's not true. I remember several years ago there was a shootout at some church when someone wanted to shoot up the place, but someone also had a gun and shot the asshole. Unfortunately he missed a couple of shots and also shot a young girl who also died. 2 people died, but it could have been a lot worse.

You don't see what you're preventing

Mass shooting is defined by "two or more persons being wounded or killed"
School shooting is defined by "a shooting on school property, a shooting within a mile of the school, the shooting of a school school aged person regardless of enrollent."

Not true, why are you lying?! go to bed already hillary.

I love autism

>a shooting where only one or two people died
Lrn2mass-shooting, Cletus

That's because you don't count a statistic that doesn't fully through

They stopped one last week in the Tennessee.

no, mass shooting is more than 3 killed, always have been.
and what are you getting at with dragging schools into this?

Sadly, right-wing retards are immune to facts either because their simple brains find them too challenging or because they don't care about the.

But shooters kill themselves all the time. When cops are honing in on them. So i think it happens often. Even this last one.

>redefine mass shooting to exclude any cases where a legally armed citizen saved the day
>meme about it endlessly

seriously though, we can't let him get the nuclear codes

>someone wanted to shoot up the place,
>but someone also had a gun and shot the asshole.
>Unfortunately he missed a couple of shots
>and also shot a young girl who also died.
No problem, her parents can breed another one, right?

If you stop someone from hurting people and it never becomes a mass shooting would it ever be considered a mass shooting that you prevented? Really makes you think.

Lmao it's not a mass shooting if someone stops it you dumb dumb.

>Number of mass shootings stopped
>mass shooting

Well then it wouldn't be a mass shooting then, would it? It would just be a shooting.

That was a nigger, so he dindu nuffin, and since he dindu nuffin, the shootings never happened. A Fucking White Male murdered a poor innocent person of color because he's racist and it was allowed because of White Privilege.

Wow, logic is simply taking a back seat here.

If armed civilians stop a mass shooting, then there is no mass shooting.

If no civilians stop a mass shooting, then that means gun ownership doesn't help... even in places like Vegas where no guns are allowed.

In reality the states with highest gun ownership see the least mass shootings. Montana, Wyoming, north and South Dakota, West Virginia and Alaska have not seen any mass shootings in 20 years. The one exception is Arkansas where there has been one.

A durr because a meme says it it must be true

Yes, in TN, but gets zero coverage

The number of things that happened that were prevented will always be zero. Why not look at the number of mass murders cut short by armed civilians instead? It's pretty much assured that a shooter with the element of surprise and no fear of death on his side will rack up a few kills before someone can do something about it.

> create gun free zone
> Surprised when shootings.

It hasn't even been a month since the last time that an armed civilian stopped a mass shooting at that church in TN.

if we had free guns for all law-abiding citizens there would be far less crime, and this would be about 1 million times cheaper to implement than free healthcare and free college.

Never make this argument again. The second amendment's ONLY purpose is to have an armed population to keep the government from becoming a tyrannical dictatorship.

Any argument for gun control MUST be made not in the context of 'safety' from crime, but protection FROM government.

They will argue that the government can protect the people from each other and so you don't need a gun, but who protects the people from the government?

That is the only purpose of the 2nd amendment and until someone comes up with a better way to stop All levels of government from abusing it's power, there is no argument for gun control.

>The second amendment's greatest purpose is dispatching would-be murderers, rapists, stalkers, molesters, burglars, and so on.
Not even remotely true. Listen to the Aussie:

If you're a dumb nigger that lacks critical thinking I guess it does.