Does this video confirm 2 shooters?
Does this video confirm 2 shooters?
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There's a few videos out there where it's clear that two weapons are firing from different locations at the same time. You can't convince me that there was only one shooter.
This is the clearest i have heard of 2 shooters at the same time
Yes. Thank you for this one. We need to get a compilation made. There are sounds originating from physically different locations happening simultaneously.
I saw one yesterday where there's a cabby riding around outside the Bellagio where you can hear it pretty clearly, too. I don't have access to it, though, it was on a relative's normiebook feed that they showed me.
At 8 seconds, in the middle left, you can see the best evidence of muzzle flash I have seen thus far. Looks around the 15th or so. Corresponds with the higher pitched 22 round which is interspersed with the automatic .30 cal.
Gettin slid, this is a new video
Do not let this shit get buried. This is some of the best proof I have seen.
Damn I can definitely hear 2 guns. The second one even has a higher rate of fire. Don't let this slide
Camera is movin too much i cant tell if windows are muzzle flash or just shitty video
I'm starting to think that everyone on the CTR payroll is back creating slide threads.
you guys are familiar with the concept of an echo, right?
Here you go.
As soon as I started looking into this thing I realized there were at least two shooters, I don't think that many of the theories are plausible, but anyone who believes the official narrative of a single shooter is a fucking idiot.
You havn't watch the OP video, right?
>guns firing simultaneously
>different rate of fire
Do you atleast get paid for this?
yeah sure let's just shrug this whole happening off as a whole right?
11B here. 8 years. 2 tours. This is not just multiple shooters, it's multiple kinds of rounds. If I close my eyes, I hear a 30 cal underneath and a 22 comes in on top.
Gee Vegas, TWO shooters?
Save the video and bump the thread, Sup Forums is sliding HARD.
Should of put tits as pic
Last bump just gonna let it slide.
oh shit. i think it was a lone nut but this one does sound like two guns.
oops wrong poc.
Bump, keep digging Sup Forums
Fine. BUMP
Figure this one out boys, the world's counting on you.
Flip it, spin it, BUMP IT
The bilzarian vid had a cop with a gun, any chance cops were shooting up at him?
Sounds quite unsafe so I doubt that's part of regular procedure.
>This is not just multiple shooters, it's multiple kinds of rounds.
Roger that. 0331/0311 here.
No way a cop would have that kind of firepower on him
not even counting how unsafe that would be even if he did