Were you ever an SJW?


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my gilfriend is somewhat of a sjw, but she's honest about it and calls herself a psychotic feminazi with a computer, and the fact that she uses those words at all gives me a lot of faith in her. She also hates donald trump but she's a girl, a mexican, and black, so that's reasonable.

I wouldn't say SJW, but an environmentalist hippie, yes

You need to lead her down the correct path. Save her soul

>but she's honest about it and calls herself a psychotic feminazi with a computer, and the fact that she uses those words at all gives me a lot of faith in her.
Pandering to your clearly obvious lack of alignment with her politically. She'll branch swing and cuck you as soon as she gets the chance.

I was a normie shitlib well into my senior year of high school. Now I'm a softcore white nationalist who's still mostly libertarian.

Used to be a straight ally. I always told people that they were just born that way. Until I noticed that they were all mentally unstable. Like every single one I've met has been crazy, more so than the average straight person. And unusually focused on their sexual deviation. As I was MGTOW at the time, this kept bothering me. Until it got to the point where I couldn't defend them anymore.


No but I used to be pro immigration. Now I want to put in a gas chamber everyone with too much melanin. Amazing hiw things change in just 4 years

You're a fucking idiot.

About as SJW I had to be when trying to fit in as a kid

Ha! Yeah, but we weren't called that back in the day. I, uh, protested fox hunting as a ruse to get off with loose hippy girls. There was definitely an undercurrent of communism running through the whole wider network of troublemakers, in retrospect.

Never seen or heard a full-fledged SJW in college.
I'll leave a picture of 450 Billions-dollars worth of Progressivism.

No. I am 34. This SJW shit is from another planet.

It can be done. My wife is first generation Cuban-American; registered democrat but also very anti communism for obvious reasons. Almost killed my marriage when I told her I was voting trump so I stealth red pulled her. Left anti feminism videos playing in the morning while getting ready for work. Would play trump speeches at rallies in the evening on my phone while doing chores on weekends. Started playing Milo videos during his campus program. Played anti Hilary vids about her money laundering and racism.

6 months later she voted trump because she just couldn't let Hillary win.

Stealth red pill boys. The truth finds a way.

Only a delusional lefty would think these guys would give 99% of their material wealth away.

Is the Refugees Welcome guy wearing a skirt an unlockable?

I was in to California Punk Rock at about 15 and therefore a pretty far lefty, although my concept of it was more or less "ITS KIND AND FAIR SO ITS GOOD".

But back then being a lefty meant anti-globalisation/euro-skeptisism. Now the left is more or less all crony consumerists and boigeous apologists. Chickenshit Conformists.

Then as I grew older and got married/had kids, studies history and philosophy I realised that newer doesn't mean better and some things are sacred.

i was a sjw before but then i decided to get a job and work hard.

The day you understand why these wealthy people are lefty will be the day you took the red pill

No. Never. I believed some stupid shit, but never an SJW

nop,almost got expelled from school because i was pissing off the turboliberal history teacher because i asked too much questions.

goy didn't want me to know the truth

no, but i used to fall for the "not all" meme.

despite following faggot-tier subcultures like emo in mid 2000s then metal, i was always somewhat distrusted other races, and never really liked muslims and stuff. it wasn't til i became an adult that i truly learned to hate, and Sup Forums taught me all about the jew.

2 Already gave 30%

It's not our fault we can't redistribute our wealth as fast as we earn it

Bought into the whole hating Christians thing 10+ years ago.

Go hard, if I could go back to school I'd have been far more mischievous. Getting suspended is fun, and spit balls. Good times.

Give em hell!

>marrying a filthy spic

its like u were asking for it bro

Not SJW but liberal whig Americanophile.

Stealing investors money, for his commercial fake ass shuttle.

the big pictures are different than the small ones. adds to the fakeness

>Average liberal
>Net worth 5.1B
Well shieeet.

No, but I was a leftist that tolerated LGBT. If gays and trans people would just keep to themselves, I'd probably be fine with them. The SJW movement made me right wing.