this meme magic is reaching new heights. less than 2 days after California makes itself a sanctuary state, they pass a law saying it's no longer a felony to knowingly pass on AIDS to an unsuspecting victim and now this hilarious shit.


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I hate California

Let them fuck themselves like animals without sentience

Fuck that piece of shit state. Let's cut California off and let it sink into the Pacific.

California dead when?


Lol, this is just the warm up for Baby Doc 2.0, state mandated AIDS redistribution, per Commisar Brown's orders.

Why the fuck my kids getting hep shots filled with mercury when that shit dont fucking work!!!!!!!!!

I need to get my family out of here, this is it. This states gone beyond hell. Shame the land is so beautiful

Literally Sodom and Gomorrah. I’d advise all Cali anons to leave the state before it is turned into salt.

>it's no longer a felony to knowingly pass on AIDS to an unsuspecting victim
I'm sorry, what now?
Also whats a sanctuary state

One day they will reach their dream of becoming a fucked to death burning pile of caca.

>Also whats a sanctuary state
it's like a switzerland for mexicans instead of jews

Now a Max 6 months in jail for knowing passing hiv to unsuspecting victim.. yup you read it right. It use to be a felony. Now the same as shoplifting. Same politician made a bunch of changes to the sex offender registry to basically make child rapists not have to be on it for life.

Let's petition Trump to pull the wall up a little further north towards the west coast if you get my drift.

A sanctuary state means they don't report illegals to ICE. And the other day some gay Jewish kid passed a law that made not telling your partner that you're poz and infecting them is a misdemeanour instead of a felony

jesus christ... I always thought infecting someone with HIV was even absolutely hated and looked down on in lgbt circles, now they probably are the ones who pushed for it. Absolute bullshit... On the other hand, I belive nowadays it's possible to live with AIDS if you have the right medication, but i could be wrong

KEK, there's you're "free love" society, hippies.

Wooow, sounds like a pure virtue signaling to me, just that everybody in that hell state is affected by it now..

I don't think God'll have to lay a finger on California. They'll genocide themselves with AIDS much faster anyways.

The politician who did it is a faggot and a jew. So you draw your conclusions.

Also even if you can live with medication it still does not make it any better. Your life is drastically changed forever when you get hiv.

>An entire city of screeching rainbow heads and Mexicans publicly shitting outside on building walls living in tents made of trash bags dying of HepatitisAids they got from 12 year old prostitutes
Truly a role model culture leading the charge of Marxist values to propel mankind into the future.

>possible to live with hiv

With an extra $380,000 in lifetime healthcare costs ita possible. Oh yeah this is commiefornia so paid for by taxpayers.

>State famous for patronizing blacks homos and sexually liberated women
>anyone is surprised
This just in ; Gomorras gonna Gomore

wtf Katie

Actually, the law makes intentionally spreading ANY disease a mere misdemeanor.



So now one of the worst things in the universe they've bitched about for decades is now the equivalent of a bounced check or a DUI. The ride never ends. Pretty soon keeping a sex slave will be legalized and they'll come full circle on that one as well.

Outbreaks happen in crowded cities ...

Please let that shithole of a state get Sodom and Gomorrah'd. Biblical plague that shit and then when they're begging for release, nuclear hellfire.
Please please PLEASE.

Quite the opposite actually. Gays with hiv are glorified in some circles.

Those people fear incorrect pronouns more than deadly stds. I guess it's because the latter is inclusive.

>Diseased gayfags summon Nurgle

t. Californian

Dropping this here.

Hmm, now this activates my almonds.

It's hard to explain. Any culture or subculture is honest when they're within their group, but dishonest when they're outside of their clique. They want to protect their clique's image because they don't want you to think poorly of them.

If a heterosexual normie thought that AIDS was bad, then an LGBT person would agree with him as they're afraid that would look bad. However, if a LGBT person thought that AIDS was bad, then another LGBT person would disagree by stating a huge number of excuses (i.e. "it's not a death sentence as you have healthcare", "don't be judgemental how would you feel?", "you can fuck people with aids through safe sex", "you have a lower chance of obtaining aids if you do it unprotected").

I'm in the community and they don't take it seriously. In fact, they encourage it. They find deadly STDs less degrading than incorrect pronouns and mean pastors. It's insane.

Burn in hell sodomite