Photoshopped image?

Does this image of Paddock and alleged GF look like it has been tampered with or is this BS? .... I don't know if this is the original photo or if someone shopped the original photo to help spread a photoshopped theory.

Picture and article in question seen here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Look at the elbow. Thats some shit tier photoshopping, my man.

Looks like Weekend at Bernie's type shit.
Steve was already dead in the photo.

Compare that to the dead guy. All I can say (ironically) is Valium must be some kind of miracle drug.

Lets talk about Mari-lou and Geary Delaney her ex Husband.

Mari-lou has a daughter to Delaney

A shot of Geary Delaneys Facebook likes.

Even in photo Paddock looks like he's holding a poker chip in his hand and he's smaller in stature than the ladies ...maybe this is an image of him from a distance shopped in, idk.

Did he do some type of medical research, psilocybin? Remember reading something about it. Very strange.

Pretty sure her face is shopped in that pic. Something seems off about it. Good catch OP.

yes it's real
she has no face

Look at her elbow tho

He's manspreading. Her elbow is resting on his leg

I think that relates to Micah Linton, Geary Delaney and Mari-lous daughters boyfriend/husband. in this pic

I think her face is a better place to start

What is the orange arm band on their arms..this is the sort they give out at events but where and what?

Older ladies have loose skin on their elbows, that’s all you are seeing.

damage control?

Interessting to see paddock with what seems to be alcohol.
Steve Wynn pointed out that the only thing special about paddock was that nobody in over a decade visiting vegas ever watched him or his GF drink the slightest bit of alcohol!

Doesn't look like loose skin at all

It's not loose skin. She's resting her elbow on his pants.

That guy they are comparing to Leland Yee looks more like an islander or Hawaiian Asian type

How are people this fucking retarded?

His leg is in the foreground.

Her elbow is resting BEHIND his leg.

The "straight line" of her elbow is actually the straight line of his leg.

All you technologically inept faggots need to stop playing internet detective.

Both these are Pictures from the same event.

Arrows follow the crease in his pants