Why do right wingers defend Trump from sexual harassment claims while attacking everyone else accused of it?

Why do right wingers defend Trump from sexual harassment claims while attacking everyone else accused of it?

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You mean the same kind of hypocrisy from Democrats defending Slick Willie?

In many cases...you get what you give.

Because Gloria allred you fuck sage


Wasn't it a bush that released the tape in the first place? Right wingers don't defend trump

I wouldn't be shocked if Trump has sexually harassed someone.

All I'm asking for is the proof.

They do it with a straight face
Yet for some reason it's wrong when we do it

Bet there is more than just accusations against Weinstein.

No proof of podesta ever doing anything wrong

That's the problem when you get invested in looking at court documents of allegations. No evidence and not even real names. Jane Doe's.

>Muh Trump too powerful

Explain Clinton accusers publicly maintaining claims for years.

"cause Trump's sexual escapades fall within the perfectly normal range. Duh.

some other user pointed it out to me a couple days ago and I cannot unsee it anymore:
the only strategy they ever have is claim of hypocrisy. that is all they ever do. X did a wrong thing and is rightfully facing consequences for it? well, X shouldn't because all those years back Y did the same thing but wasn't facing the same consequences!

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/Why do right wingers/i;boards:pol

Enjoy one less type of bait thread on Sup Forums

The proof is in the pizza, friendo

Yeah it's basic projection. So the accusations the left makes if the right make sense when seen as projection of their own qualities.

So? The left constantly holds its advisories to codes of conduct it does not follow itself.

It is reasonable for the right to point this out

You're right Skippy

You think yer hot shit, dontcha

that's not how it works you failed abortion
x did something wrong: faces consequences
y did the same thing as x: should be facing similar consequences
you're accusing 'them' of hypocrisy while being willfully ignorant and spouting half-truths

It was all bullshit, we proved most of them were fabricated, they all got paid at least a million dollars for their stories, the only thing they had on him was one lewd comment.
If Trump wanted to be like Harvey Weinstein he could have, but he's never been like that. Notice how the worst they could come up with out of anyone he's actually had real influence to exploit was that he called her Miss Piggy and (probably not true) Miss Housekeeping and made her hit the gym to keep her title? Trump's a better man than most, thats what enrages liberals more than anything else, the guy has decency.

Even when they stepped off that bus and that pervy Bush faggot was saying "C'mon Donald, get in there give her a hug." The first thing he did was name drop his wife saying "I can do a hug, my wife Melania said thats ok." setting the tone, and then he even tries to get Billy Bush to walk in between them so she'll stop hanging on his arm. The woman even admitted she wanted him but Trump was too much of a gentleman, which is exactly what you hear from about a thousand of the other most beautiful women in the world... Notice how nobody will say the same thing about anyone else in show buisness?

You lefties either don't watch the complete unedited videos of anything to do with Trump, or your really desperate for anything that could vindicate you for being assholes all this time.

Because the claim was "he said something" which we duly checked out and discovered a hilarious situation in which two guys were bragging to each other about women and then went silent when a real woman said "good morning" to them, like the spergs they really were. Trump even artlessly tries to take a breath mint at one point, it's almost endearing.

TL;DR? The internet wrecked that particular narrative by making the incident fully available.

/wants to deport this/i;boards:pol;op:only
/she has a point/i;boards:pol;op:only
/Why do right wingers/i;boards:pol
/rural and suburban retards/i;boards:pol
/City people all voted for Hillary/i;boards:pol
/Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here/i;boards:pol
/I TRIED SO HARD/i;boards:pol;op:only

yes, but that is not how they argue. they are using flukes in the system to try and weasel themselves out of the consequences. they don't demand that other cases should be reopened, they demand that you should show lenience when it comes to this one because they found some other situation where the system failed and didn't apply the punishment that should have been dished out.

in this case they don't even use a legit case because all the accusations have been dropped.

pretty sure slate is not right wing, user

Because Trump didn't sexually harass anybody, unlike the countless pervs on the Left.

Is there proof of this or just more left wing lies? How's that Russia thing coming along?

Yeah, what did happen to those thirteen women that accused Trump of sexual harassment the moment after the "grab by the pussy" audio leaked?

How did a dozen or so accusation of serious crimes that were being heralded by the media just suddenly evaporate after the election with no one questioning it?

Wetworks, map to Scalias murder, saying he was for making an example out of the leaker before he was murdered... It goes on and on man. And don't forget he WAS in the area when the Mccann girl was kidnapped just a few hundred feet from his best friends house AND ALL OF HIS BEST FRIENDS PLUS HIMSELF ARE ACTUALLY FUCKING PEDOPHILES!


Maybe because the claims against Trump conveniently started while he was running for president and people were rightly skeptical. Notice how they all disappeared after thr election.

when they are forced to call out one of their own, you know its true

You were supposed to FORGET user.


>accused of calling vaginas pussies
>accused of raping 8+ movie stars

makes you think.


Hypocrisy and a lack of shame.