Ideal Europe Thread

Post maps.

Thanks for enlarging Monaco.


wait what happened to germoney

How is it like to live there?

I like it.
Fuck off Leaf, can't wait until the last Prussian rots in Hell


Exterminated as it should be

Gas yourself, kike

looks pretty gud, would not change a thing

Stop dividing the Volk shlomo.
Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer!


ja bitte

That Russia reminds me of Europa Universalis 3. Makes as little sense as well.


That's bait. Very very obvious bait.
This, however, is not : a discord server : aQYdw6 Everything will make sense once you join. Everyone will love you.



Gib template

Merkel Akbar!

template for a reason, it makes most sense.

>See nuckear wastekand
>Reeeee internally
>Then see Israel


Merkel needs to hang.

Dumb mountain Nigger

>kurdistan exists
>greater isreal is achieved


>giving anything to r*ssia
kill yourself poltard


>britshit's opinion

into the trash it goes.

Yeah fuck anglos.

>Scottish Highlands ViKHANG

Dont think so hun

>Meme flag
>Nordfag detected

You little cheeky cunt.

Atleast we didn't end up as a big LGBT flag.

pic related would be perfect

anglos feed on hate. it makes them stronger

anglos regard europeans with derision and contempt. to be hated by them validates the anglo creed.

Did you know that a jew wrote that poem?

True, good enough.

dagestani spotted

Eh, almost good, we need some land from the frenchies tho. Nice and Corsica for sure, savoy maybe.

>giving parts of my Norway to Russia

his map is all kinds of fucked.

Can't forget the best

Russia can have the inner parts of Finnmark, but the coast belongs to us

They changed it a lot since back then.
And no fucking way you mean veneto is austrian clay.



That's good except Israel should be Iran.

Australasian confederation would be so fucking comfy.

You idiots. There isn't russia in that picture, only Kingdom of Finlandia

This is why NATO still exists lmao.
Take southern ukraine if you really must, it's probably the only legitimate historical claim ghengas Putin has.

>it almost was
>we ruined it

why has Sup Forums become a bland 'i hate anglos/russians/germans' snorefest?

>Carving the British Isles into seven nations
Fuck off you cunt

>not the Great Mongol Empire

You are too high on western shit my asian brother.

>NATO should exist
Somebody really thinks this way

Because the european spirit is slowly coming back from the grave.

red is swedish soil

You wish Ahmed, that is clearly norwegian territory

Because everyone is too busy sucking BASED Poland and Hungary's dick.

this is literally the best europe
prove me wrong

Did I do a good job?

That actually is fucking beautiful.

save europe

I get that you try, but why does everyone always give italians their clay on only one side?
We have claims on both french land and croat/slovene land.


I gave part of South Tyrol to Germany. kek

This is the only map of Britain that will matter in the coming century.

Your time is up, Euro-PEONS. Every last HANS and DIETRICH is going to get refined.

>all this unironic pannationalism and Großgermanium autism
bery goncerningg

yes if blue is sweden it is great, sweden will stand until the last finn has died

>croat/slovene land

use the eraser tool and remove sweden.

My sides

I leave Sup Forums for like 2 months and you all turn into faggots. awesome.

What if blue means ice and cold stuff not Sweden?
What if blue means Norway? ;)

>central italy
Even if we assume Padania is not a totally made-up country (it is) it for sure wouldn't be like that

In order of priority: Istria, Fiume, Zara, some islands in Dalmatia

a man can dream

fuck you norskjävel

>fai una mappa con le terre irredente in italia
>non metti savoia e i cantoni svizzeri
6/10, ci hai provato

Sweden will be given control if they become cool like they were in the 16th and 17th centuries.

No it's a united Scandinavia controlled by Finnish people


Anti-American (formerly Turanid-Eurasian Security Pact)
Turanian Empire/United Arab State, Neo Japanese/Pacific Asian Nations Treaty Organization, and El Grande Estados Unidos de Mexico/ Aztlan and Nu Africa.

Globalist USA and clients:
Polish bloc
La coalicion de tradicionalista de sudamerica

>viking people
>Misunderstanding what "British" is
>United KINGDOM of Ireland, Iceland and Wales
>No kings
Found the immigrant

Stop dividing Belgium

found the template

>No it's a united Scandinavia controlled by Finnish people
Only a burger would be stupid enough to believe that Finns could ever be in charge of other Nordics. Historically us Swedes ( yes, we were vastly superior in terms of military force and bravery, among many things) dominated and controlled f*nns for 600 years. We also controlled Norway. The natural hierarchy must be reinstalled when the cleansing is done, and then it will obviously be Swedes who are in control again.

Border is too close to St. Petersburg

Belgium shouldn't exist. kys

(I know our royal families are related and the UK and France invented your nation)

>literally every country loses land
>Ireland gains land

We belong with Lithuania, not Estonia.
Sort of this

like that ?

I used to really like Baltic countries until I see what they think about Russia.

someone post map of HRE


First Reich best Reich

>northern northern ireland

>>we ruined

No they did by declaring war on us

>guilt tripping
Vodkanigger please, have you listened to your own media about us lately (or ever)?


7/10 too much Germany