since none of you right wing dotards believe in climate change, want to explain why it’s 80 degrees in NYC in the middle of october?
Since none of you right wing dotards believe in climate change...
weather isn't climate, retard
You’re just a pussy.
Wanna explain how climate change causes that? Post a link fag. Do anything to further your conversation
because new york is supposed to have hot weather in the late seasons once every 11 years or so.
i lived there for 28 years.
i know exactly how the weather goes in ny.
God is punishing NYC for Drumpf.
it's human manufactured climate change to make a wider range of the planet habitable by the preferred pet, the nigger.
We've had two warm winters in a row opposed to the usual jack frost skull fucking we usually get and a few niggers have appeared. I pray to god we get a regular winter so they fuck off.
Hurricane Air Currents.
>t. Meteorologist
Weather doesn’t affect climate dumbass. Besides the Earth goes through cycles of being warm or cold every couple hundred years or so. Manmade climate change is literally affecting the climate by a margin.
cause 9/11 heat remains
because the mass of every fat burger citizen creates alot of heat
especially when they do extreme workouts like reaching the top of the shelf because there is promotion of bacon today
or simply by BLAAAAAAARF'ing
by doing that they emit a high density gas that is so dense that sticks to the ground and walls thus creating better environment for heat preservation
i hope i'v explained this phenomena to you
Because of the many fags. They are so fucking faggy and gay that they cause the city to heat up. Get rid of fags and it gets cooler.
>admitting that gays are hot af
something Sigmund Freud something
I know global warming is real and don't care. I hate the coasts and the people that live near them. I hope the oceans rise and wash you people away.
80 is cozy in NY, wtf are you on about? If it's about humidity then don't live near the ocean or great lakes.
>if you don't like something it means you want to have sex with it
Back to your containment board.
Ok, then read.
It's called "weather"
There's a reason the term Indian Summer exists you faggot.
>Indian Summer
Same in Bavaria August, September and Ocotber are often the months with the least rain and most sun days.