'Allah,' 'Ali' writing discovered in Sweden's Viking graves

Can Sven ever recover from this?


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and this means anything why?

Compare that fast forward to the modern Sweden, the refugees are meant to be here like always.

Most bullshit archeology article I've read. No discussion on dating. Also doesn't mention that Vikings actually did travel as far as turkey for trade and raids. With no proof that they could read the script.

Also bonus swastika with Allah / Ali text once again proving meme flags are Muslims LARP

Also Islam did not invent the concept of life after death which existed in Egyptian, Roman, and Greek myths.

Wow, it's almost like Vikings traveled all over the world, trading. It's almost like we learn this in school when we are 10.

Kill yourself, sandnigger.

This is from the most northern Iron-age site in Sweden. Does this mean "WE WUZ ORIENTALS N SHIEEEET"? No, you FUCKING DUMMIE.

"In addition to the remains of furs and textiles, the archaeologists have made use of bronze costumes, bronze and glass beads, iron axes and knives, iron, bone and stone arrows, and five coins of silver. Some of the fittings were of oriental character."

But hey, I don't blame a goat/sister-fucking sandcoon to understand, you are BARELY human.


>Christian relics found in Viking grave
Christ confirmed Aryan, Jews btfo

I suspected late period but garbage article doesn't discuss it. The article is fucking weird I. How it pushes a out of no where speculation of Viking religious tenants originating from Islam.


How far did the Vikings get, Sven?

oh then its totally ok to flood the country with pakis and africans....because a word written in a grave...guess that land doesnt really belong to them right?

Fucking love old IN FLAMES albums!

>soundtrack to your escape
>the jester race

In northern Europe Christan cross and Thor's hammer pendants were sold side by side. So common I would guess would explain why molds ended up having both symbols readily produced together.

>sweden already known for rewriting history in favor of the terror import
>then fucking dailysabah

kiss your sheep goodnight and go to bed mohammed.

someone is mad huh

Vikings went as far south as Mediterranean Sea reaching turkey. And as far as West as reaching parts of North America.

Vikings may have traveled parts of Africa but found nothing of importance and turned back.

i dont really like the new albums. . .
happy i got to see them around 2008 though, was a great show

whoracle is their best

Of course they traveled all over the world. The vikings originated in arabia and africa and settled in scandinavia after all.

Makes sense they would of had interactions with Muslims, since the late Viking Age Scandinavians went to Constantinople to serve in the Byzantine Varangian Guard.

this is not really surprising. it is well known that the vikings were trading with early muslims. they even found islamic currency coins in viking remains last year.

arabs stole Scandinavians and used them as slaves 800-1200 years ago.

The norse "pagan" culture and beliefs predates islam by A LOT dumbasses, the "viking" age itself is pretty short in comparison to how old their culture was. Also the norsemen were avid traders all across the world, one of the most proficient groups of people in the world by boat aka they were pretty much the ones who did it the earliest and their ship building skills were incredibly sophisticated for that time, so they REALLY got around due to being able to utilize the sea. And also raiding several places. They traded themselves to various things like there's an old buddha statue somewhere in a museum in sweden aswell does this mean they were buddhists? ofcourse not. More than likely some attire they traded themselves to in the muslim world and didn't give a shit what it meant.

jesus christ you've got to be retarded. I'm guessing the vikings were also secret christian converts in their early days of landing on the shores of britain, slaughtering whatever christian they can find. pillaging their churches and burying the 'foreign treasure' with them to take over to valhalla?

no they just continued to murder, rape, steal and bury what they could find with them to take into the afterlife..rinse and repeat.

why do muslims have the minds of small children? it's irritating how stupid they can be.


>Of course they traveled all over the world. The vikings originated in arabia and africa
It's sad to see that the more immigration we get into the west the more bullshit stories we seem to get about our own peoples, from these very morons.
Can't everyone see what the points of these types of stuff is? To pretend that muslims always were in europe and that somehow northern europeans are middle easterners now, give me a break.

Have you morons never heard about souvenirs? When you are a trader or you go visit various places being the globetrotters that the norse were by boat, you pick up souvenirs from various cultures and people.. cause they look pretty or whatever. There was also an article posted a while ago about some ring in arabic that said allah on it, and they went "oh muslims in northern europe".. NO.. a norseman probably traded the ring caused it looked pretty and gave it to his wife like "look what i got you babe, all the way from middle east!" "oooh.. nice! come here you!" But to these GENIUSES who keep writing these articles this must mean that northern europe were muslims or something.. Idiots.. idiots all.

>be swedish viking in 12th century ad
>be part of the varangian guard and work as a merc for the byzantine state
>enjoy your time in anatolia and once you get back have your grave marked with a little shout out to your noble enemy
>get called a turk and a muslim and proof that sweden was always a muslim country hundreds of years later by your cuckholded modern swedes

meanwhile in middle east countries the west is genociding consanguinous mudshits out of existence

This is how they're rewriting history
Soon enough, they will be saying Sweden was always a Caliphate.

How the fuck is anybody surprised that violent vikings weren't somehow related to Islam? Murderous retards.
>>inb4 we wuz vikangz

>we were always muslims
Is sweden rewriting its history ?

yup, now they are shitty xgames music

Fucking bullshit article. Pic related is just some fucking coincidence, for example Latvians have a shit ton of old symbols and signs that look like swastikas,the star of david and a bunch of other shit dating back centuries. This shit is just some confused retards trying to accept their miserable lives.

Canada’s Inuit traded with them and they settled in Newfoundland. Before evil bigot racist natives and boredom sent them packing.

They very easily could’ve explored south from Canada for less shit climates.

>see something, instantly believe it.
Burger education.
>Is sweden rewriting its history ?
Well let me explain to you just how preposterous this notion is, islam started around circa late 600's, the norse people were in what we call scandinavia before recorded history and for practical purposes as long as anyone knows back these people lived there, traded with people but mostly kept to themselves. IN the scandinavian soil has been found and continues to be found intricate artifacts and so on from TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO.
Now just realize what a doosey it is to proclaim that 7th century islam is responsible for the beliefs of a group of people that go that far back in history.
No the norse were pagans they believed in nature and actuall the actual norse beliefs and things are quite interesting and beautiful. They believed in nature and the elements, trees and growing things, so a giant tree became ygdrassil the tree of life, and since it rained a lot in scandinavia they had a thunder god thor who rode around on a chariot in the sky and threw down lightning cause he was pissed off or whatever.
Can assure you that none of these things were invented by muslims and bestowed on norsemen.. unless they had a time travel machine.

Right, I'll just ignore they people that went to school for years to learn about the language and history and believe some asshole on Sup Forums

so vikings were muslims? that explains the raping and pillaging

weak bait, faggot

>Vikings convert to Islam
>immediately start raping and pillaging Europe