German police release images of four-year-old girl after seeing her in child porn video on the 'dark net' in bid to...

>German police release images of four-year-old girl after seeing her in child porn video on the 'dark net' in bid to find child who they fear is still being abused
>Federal police and a cyber crime unit searching for girl, aged between 4 and 5
>She was seen being abused in videos found on an obscure part of the internet
>German police believe that she has been abused since about October last year
>They also fear she is still being exploited as her abuser has not been identified

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Why did they care about this one girl so much... im sure there were countless more on the same website sadly, why not care about them to?

Already a thread faggot

What a cock tease

I strongly believe that they they saw the body of the abuser on video, and he must be white, other wise they wouldn't go after him.


she's hot

many of's users are peddlers of child exploitation videos. vk is almost deliberately slow at removing the videos. look into those users' accounts.

she looks like a balkan child. they usually have dark eyes like that.

just wanted to say, looks serbian

I do not understand how people can do this. Why dont we execute them publicly? No trial?
If i didn't have a job and family, i would no doubt hunt them down ansd kill them.
Like 8mm movie.

Probably because her face is clearly shown, so she should be identifiable.

Your life is meaningless anyways might as well kill some pedos

actually she has a clearly German skull/jaw

; ;

>If i didn't have a job and family, i would no doubt hunt them down ansd kill them.

No you wouldn't.

Obviously some mud slime has a boner for her and wants the cops to deliver her to him

They need to provide more images.
The background of the set.
The perp's face would help too, and any possible tattoos.

anyone recognize the furniture in the background? Looks like idea tier furniture.

Press S to spit on her abuser

Child abusers should be executed with a bullet to the back of the head.

highly likely theory.

Would this happen during the Reich?

pretty sure they'll never "find her" if they find out the abuser is a foreigner

they wrote he never showed his face
but the whole pic would help. they could just censor the bad stuff

honestly, the stuff they are providing for us is almost a redherring.

>Grainy out of focus
>screen caps of the victim only.
>tight shots/close ups instead of more clues from the environment.

The uk article has 4 images.

maybe /fa can imput on the clothing.

hitler literally had a loli harem senpai.

They ask for help, but then make it as fucking hard as possible. Need to see more backgrounds images, seems like they really do not want real help.

its the same as they do here
just posting individual items and not whole images
makes it really hard to help

Okay 1: this is unforgivable, but 2: (I'm going to hell anyway) doesn't the upper right look like the "I showed you my dick now answer me"?


I've found some similar shirts made by
>mary ye

but the shirts stripes get cut where the arms meet the shoulder area.

This. Balkan my ass.