Why does pol hate Israel? Its pretty much pol, the country:

Why does pol hate Israel? Its pretty much pol, the country:

> all citizens are warriors
> qt girls
> leader is a highly decorated commando
> has both nigger AND sandnigger walls
> proud nationalist ethnostate
> best high tech development outside silicone valley
> easily BTFO shitskin neighbors when they try it on
> all the major holy sites
> white sand beaches and banging nightlife

Why does pol hate it so much? Jealousy?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it is the home of people who advocate for multiculturalism for every country but their own, effectively destroying it from the inside.

They also use us to fight their wars (Iraq, Syria)

Rubbish, netanyahu supported the wall and soros is barred from the country. Israel supports every far right party in the western world

Research why Hitler hated the jews. Same shit different centuary. Unless the jews stop jewing they'll be in our sights

>proud nationalist ethnostate
then why is the dome of the rock currently a mosque?

>all citizens are warriors
Topkek, even Germany has more population with military training than you kikes.
> qt girls
Cherry picking, huh
>leader is a highly decorated commando
Everyone against the goyim is an enemy
>has both nigger AND sandnigger walls
>more like: hates everything non Jewish except foreign money and gold
>proud nationalist ethnostate
Maybe you should look up the definition of an ethno-state. Israel is even less "ethno" than current Germany or Sweden.
>best high tech development outside
Your shithole wouldn't even exist without US and German support for the last decades. Do you even produce any truely relevant technology for the world that can't be found somewhere else?
>easily BTFO shitskin neighbors when they try it on
That's like kicking in niggers sandcastles

I won't even bother at that point. The only thing that would make Israel more beautiful than other western countries would be when the entire ground consists of glass.


the only jews who support globalism are the jews from outside Israel.

Protected by the (((united nations)))

Soros is barred from the country because he's a traitor to his own people

Do we really need this thread ten times a day?

>literal kikes
>pol, the country
Show your flag merchant

>USS liberty
>AIPAC and ADL lobby
>Murder Inc ignored by media, while italians and (((russian))) mafia is promoted on movies
>Hollywood promoting Israeli propaganda and white guilt at the same time
>Israeli NGOs importing millions of rapefugees and Islam into Europe
>Same shitty behavior since Alexandria and ancient Egypt
>Used their lobby to push their war golem (Amerifats) to fight the muslims
>Used their lobby to push their war golem (amerifats) to unmake governments on the entire muslim community


pick one

Not shilling but, you're wrong about technology. It's not necessarily jews, but tons of major advances come out of Israel as they have strong technology r&d. Ever heard of Windows, or cell phones? Israeli r&d.

Seriously, other than the multicultural thing in Europe, Israel is based as fuck. You all just hate jooos too much to look at it from an unbiased perspective.

Meme flag jew.

>larp flaggot
have you been to izril? or the middle east? theres a reason we go play war in shithole semite countries. and thats because theyre shitholes filled with incestuous semites you fucking faggot

Japan is Sup Forums the country

I like Israel user it's a nice place

Well expect for the missile strikes and terrorist bombing that happen every other week

burn the muszrats to hell

Rule 1 never trust jews.
Rule 2 never trust jews.

Is this true?

We don't hate israel and we don't hate jews. We hate jewish supremacists.

>Ever heard of Windows, or cell phones?
Neither windows nor cell phones are an Israeli invention... Especially cell phone technology started progressing around 1910 and from there on, it was progressively improved.

Slide thread is slide.

>Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat


The Talmud tells me I can't believe you..... ever

don't forget the palis

sorry, i dont like genocidal states except for the third reich.

because they do their best to prevent us from doing the same thing as them while stealing our money and dumping shitskins in our countries

Stupid jew. Having sayanim control every country outside of Israel is the jews greatest weapon. If your statement were true, msm jews wouldn't be shilling for Israel daily.

>Qt girls
So kikes kidnap eastern European sex slaves and have interned with Europeans for centuries...
Think I'll stick with the non-mongrelized race (my own)

Because they are at war with us. My country is controlled by their foreign agents.

Personally, I have never met a Jew I didn't like. I know that's not popular to say on here, but it's true. I like Jews and find them to be easy to get along with and intelligent. It's sort of the culture on pol to shit all over them, though. A higher percentage of Jews are outliers of success as well. Like Hitler, a lot of people are just jealous.


>Jews were forcefully removed from over a hundred countries because people are jealous
>They good boys they dindu nuffin
Yeah you are a shill.

hello schlomo show us your real flag

I don't hate Israel at all. I just want them to GTFO out of America's business. ALL the way out.

The Jews you and I meet aren’t (((them))). They are nobodies. We are nobodies.

(((They))) run the Fed, media, entertainment, and Congress

>qt girls

stop posting propaganda photos you kike. the majority of jewesses are ugly


Israel wants what they denied to Aryans.

being this new
being this retarded
being such a faggot
being such a shill
fuck off nigger faggot

Found the idiot!

Rope culture is some of the most autistic sperglord shit I have ever had the displeasure of reading. It makes the toddlers on TDS look normal.
On the day or the rope, all NS faggots will be rounded up and hung by the neck until dead.
Keep yourself safe.

>qt girls

>On the day or the rope, all NS faggots will be rounded up and hung by the neck until dead.
Do you even know who came up with that?

Have you ever actually *read* the Turner Diaries? It's like if the sperglords who write MLP fan fiction instead read Mein Kamf and wrote an ode to it. It's fourth rate literature at the very best, and a prime example about why people who thing they are genetically superior are so often the very worst examples of their gene pool.

Why? Because Israel told you to? Kys faggot. Go suck your master kosher dick.

Literal niggard


> mfw calls rubbish and then refuses to address any point made by the op in his reply

nvm pic way to small

Pic related to this slide thread

Fuck off and go climb in the oven kike

> (((3kb)))

Yeah when will he face facts

Actual Jewish women

>It's like if the sperglords who write MLP fan fiction instead read Mein Kamf and wrote an ode to it.
I'm screencapping this post

Jewish version of a first lady.
Genetic sewage


You are absolutely right m8...but that’s the only country we got after all those years. I’m sorry for my arruganet brothers who lives in deep denial.
it’s not their fault they are just normies who got brain washed.

non-Christians, Christkillers

I like israel.

Israel is the reason Arabs Muslims negroes and Jew are flooding into Europe.

>Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past.
>Hasbara represents only one side of propaganda, as it is mostly aimed at foreign audience. The use of the Hebrew term Hasbara in a critical context, rather than “propaganda” or “public diplomacy” (the title of the Wikipedia entry on the issue), is necessary, because Hasbara efforts are wider and their goals much more ambitious than any similar activities taken by all democracies and most non-democracies. Hasbara targets political elites, opinion makers and the public simultaneously; it includes traditional advocacy efforts as well as more general appeals made through mass media, and it is carried out by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, lobbying groups, private citizens, students, journalists and bloggers.

>Why does pol hate Israel?
I don't hate Israel. In fact, I don't care about Israel at all. I like it how they trigger leftists, UK and Muslims, but I wouldn't be very sad if someone nuked the place either.

This. They advocate for the mongrelization of every other nation while telling us to respect their ethno-state.

>Why does pol hate it so much? Jealousy?
Aside from stupid kikes promoting the jews are qt myth ad naseum? We get it; you're the white people of Arabs, now go get gassed sand nigger.

Because kikes are disgusting, like plague rats. Infest and destroy.

>Sup Forums is one person
I love Israel

Israel wants humans to fight its enemies for it

im crying

j e w s


Pol shouldn't hate Israel!! They need to wake up and see it's Islam that they need to hate. Muslims want to destroy ALL non Muslims! Israel needs to be saved from the muslims! Europe needs to be saved from the muslims! Look at the U.K.! Look at Londonistan! Acid attacks, stabbings, vehicles ramming people, and they won't even admit its Muslims doing it any more! The media in the U.K. Is now calling muslims "Asian". What the fuck is happening?!?


It's genetic... proof on picture!!!

When will these fucking retards learn this? Jews aren't just one single entity. Just like how the Brits aren't one single entity. Plenty of Brits for example also push for mass immigration and multiculturalism while others do the exact opposite. Why would Jews be different? Do you think they send signals through their huge noses or something to each other?
Yes I know Jews are over represented in pushing shit like multiculturalism and degeneracy but that doesn't mean the Israeli Jews are. Think for one fucking second

>qt girls

>>Do you think they send signals through their huge noses.
No kike through the control over the media.

>All citizens are warriors

I love Israel. Once Jews go to Israel and have to work their own fields, complete their own labor, etc, they are no longer an intellectual elite. Their iq has dropped significantly within a generation and they actually act like humans instead of fucking vampires. I think all kikes should go there permanently.

Jews own the media.

I'd buttsecks second from right

>Why does pol hate it so much? Jealousy?

Yes. Also because nordcucks are too weak to combat supposed subversion by the Jewish master race.

>BTFOs shitskins and sandniggers

Israel is the only country that publicly supports Trump.

Fix yourself, God damn despicable cuck.

What about us tho, he loved it here


ffs the more you complain about liking israel the more we fucking hate it

What's OPs name?


I don't care about Israel because it's so far away, but I can understand why their neighbours hate them. They're like North Korea without communism and dictatorship.

Aryan Nazi here. I 100% agree with you. Only Muslims hate Israel.

>all citizens are warriors
They don't even have the right to refuse to die for their country.
>qt girls
Wow, you mean some women in a country with millions of people fit common definitions of attractiveness? That is earth shattering.
>leader is a highly decorated commando
Who served Jewish overlords and is himself a Jewish overlord
>has both nigger AND sandnigger walls
But condemns the goyim for building walls
>proud nationalist ethnostate
But condemns the goyim having ethnostates
>best high tech development outside silicone valley
I doubt that claim
>easily BTFO shitskin neighbors when they try it on
You are saying that like it is an accomplishment
>all the major holy sites
There are numerous holy sites outside of Israel, also "if you want to go to your holy city you have to pay us Goyim."
>white sand beaches and banging nightlife
What does this have to do with anything?

Evangelicals are the most cancerous group of people in the US.



trust jews

Wew that's about as bad as America, except in America the minorities are more civilized. It must be bad, at least there are walls.

it's called industrial espionage, you have a long track record of it

>Proud nationalist

Not even one of those is bangable