This is just haremshit for people who think they are too good to enjoy haremshit
This is just haremshit for people who think they are too good to enjoy haremshit
Fuck off . It's a cool harem not a shit harem like dxd
>crab wins immediately
Shut the fuck up.
It's much better than every other "deep" anime you saw, at least the story is well written and enjoyable.
Don't understand the appeal to this show at all.
>MC casually proceeds to dick tease every other girl in the show
How was this even allowed?
It's "haremshit" with decently written characters and a MC who isn't an insufferable, bland faggot, don't you think that makes a difference? More often than not, harems are called "haremshit" precisely because they suffer from flaws which Monogatari lacks. I'm not saying the series is a masterpiece, but it's much better than what you seem to be making it out to be.
It may be a harem, but it's a harem that does a damn good job at telling multiple stories.
>crab wins immediately
And he kisses a loli's boobs next episode
It's a gosth loli, tho.
I remember the threads from 2009
>hurrr, it's not haremshit because he picks a girl
there are more than 2 girls in a show so it's harem
I remember that retardation as it was airing live, the stupidest fucking shit ever.
It's as if people were aware that harems are pandering bullshit and just couldn't admit to themselves that they liked pandering bullshit, so it must not be a harem. Just fucking own it, nobody gives a fuck how shit your taste is.
The harem ends after Nise. Stop forcing this butthurt meme.
>Cat gets formally rejected
>Snail goes to hell
>Monkey is just for bantz
>Snake cuts off all contact and becomes a shut-in
People don't hate haremshit just because it's harem, but because they're usually generic, soulless trash. Monogatari series may be a harem, but it's certainly not generic and soulless.
Most people are like that. Have you been to some harem threads on Sup Forums? They always look for a way to feel special, like "Dude, the LN is so deep and well-written and so much better than the anime".
The best arc is the one with snake and best girl anyways. Doesn't even feature the protagonist.
it's not so bad when you consider that there's people who think Higurashi is a harem
it's the thinking man's harem
Harem deniers are annoying.
Nothing wrong with a harem and nothing absolutely wrong with a good harem.