/cath/ - Catholic General

Here are your daily readings

Community links, such as recommended media, are now below in pastebin links. Remember to recommend things to add to the lists!
>Catholic Encyclopedia
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.K)
>Directory for Finding a Latin Mass (U.S/Can)
>Director for Finding a Latin Mass (Ireland)
>Latin Mass in Hong Kong (wait 30 secs or so)
>Laudate App
>Recommended Movies
>Recommended Books
>Recommended Music
>Beauty of Creation
>Tales of Love and Virtue

Other urls found in this thread:


The Dominican sisters literally just got back to me about that SheIsCatholic video:

>Dear HKanon
>Thank you for your inquiry as to the You Tube videos uploaded by Sister Mary Jordan before she entered our community.
>You are right in presuming that the videos were taken down so that she is free to live the new life the Lord has called her to as a consecrated religious.
>The videos are no longer available; Sister does not have access to them.
>If you encounter people who are interested in learning more about the Latin Mass, you could direct them towards the St John Cantius Society in Chicago – their community promotes the Latin Mass and is in full communion with the Church. >I know that the Western Dominican Province of St Albert the Great also does some promotion of the Old Dominican Rite.
>Thank you for your prayers for Sister and our community. Please be assured of ours.
>In Jesus and Mary,
>Sister Maria Gemma, OP

Should have guessed, I supposed- even if the video still exists, she's not going to be able to access it.

If anyone does come across it, give me a shout. I'll see the this uploader called AirMaria has a copy, he uploaded lots of her stuff onto Dailymotion. Other than that it's just luck if it's still there.

Guess we'll just have to make our own user's Guide to Tridentine Mass, could be a fun project

On another note, I feel like if we get enough of a consistent community here (this thread so far notwithstanding), we should probably start looking into making our own content.

There are a couple of /ourguy/ Christian podcasts like the Godcast and Mysterium Fasces, but little enough Catholic-specific content, even blogs or book reviews.

Anyone got any idea, or is anyone working on something at the moment?

Actually, rereading that, it doesn't sound like she's all that au fait with the Trad scene.

Directing us to some random church in Chicago (they're based in Michigan or somewhere iirc) presumably means that's the only church she knows that does it.

Think that may be somewhat typical of the older generation of Catholics. Still, kind of her to get back to me.


Clearly states it is dogmatic.

>But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind.
Very clearly claims that Christians and muslims worship the same god. No way to deny it unless you resort to semantic perversions and handwaving rationalizations.

This is a heresy, and since the heresy is proclaimed dogmatically, this makes the church internally inconsistent and falsifies all claims of being the one true church.

Therefore Catholicism is a false religion QED

The church of paganism*

Fresh from plebbit:


>Massive liturgical changes expected in 2018
> Reliable sources close to the Holy See have indicated that sometime in the second half of 2018, the Novus Ordo Lectionary and Calendar are to be imposed upon the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Mass.
>Fraternity of Saint Peter and the Institute of Christ the King will apply for exemptions but probably be told to fuck off
>SSPX will probably get it because they'll schism again otherwise

For all that it's (((Reliable Sources))), if it's true then it means Their Goy in the Vatican is about to start forcing the Latin rite to come into line with the Novus Ordo mass, which is pretty terrible.

Why does the Vatican have such contempt for their own church, I don't get it

How do you anons say the rosary? Are you supposed to contemplate the mysteries through visualization (that's what I do)?

1) It is dogma
2) That which is dogma is not heresy
3) Therefore, it is not heresy

That's how I do it anyway

It can get pretty intense with the right mindset and atmosphere

>People of the Book, do not go to excess in your religion, and do not say anything about God except the truth: the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was nothing more than a messenger of God, His word, directed to Mary, a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His messengers and do not speak of a 'Trinity'—stop, that is better for you—God is only one God, He is far above having a son, everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Him and He is the best one to trust. (Qur'an, sura 4 "An-Nisa", ayat 171)
>not heresy
This is what Catholics believe.

God bless, user. Daily reminder that the RCC is the one and only true Church. Catholicism is the truth. Renounce the hateful ideologies of fascism and national socialism. Christ is the only correct way!


>Renounce the hateful ideologies of fascism and national socialism

Now lets not get ahead of ourselves, brother

Love for one's family and love for one's people go hand in hand

Maybe it's not the good thread to ask but I'm currently reading the confessions of saint Augustine. I've just read the part about evil and learned that there are no inherently evil things because verything God created is good and it's because they are good (rather than perfectly good) that they can be corrupted. Sin is also the result of our own free will choosing to adore the lesser things God's created instead of God himself

Is it correct so far? How do calvinists explain sins as, from what I understand, they don't believe in free will?
Also is it worth it to read the entire City of God or can I go for secondary texts instead?

t. knows nothing of religion

Because one liberal Pope makes an entire institution irrelevant. If you were paying attention you would know that Pope Francis is one of the least popular popes among Catholics in the last few centuries. Leaf BTFO.

Fascism and national socialism are based on a us vs them structure. Catholicism literally means universalism. You cannot be a fascist AND a Catholic. While you can argue for segregation, you cannot deny Jews and niggers their basic human rights.

>You cannot be a fascist AND a Catholic. While you can argue for segregation, you cannot deny Jews and niggers their basic human rights.

Fascism is based on love for one's people, and a desire to protect them from harm.

Derek Vineyard-style hatred for everyone is an attitude popularised by the media, and adopted by frustrated retards.

Segregation is the logical extreme of what most hardcore rightwingers with any education would propose. Same with those who want to defend Europe, their position isn't to deprive migrants of human rights, just to send them home.

That's why Francis makes right-wing Catholics so angry, in his rush to show kindness, he is exposing his own people to danger, which he doesn't seem to understand. It comes from a good place I suspect, but he needs to stop.

City of God is an excellent piece of literature, I would advice you to read some St, Thomas Aquinas too. Calvinism doesn’t make sense to no one so don’t worry too much about that nonsense.

Pope Francis comes from Argentina and has literally no idea what is going on in Europe. Just like every leftist idealist, he is blind to the grim reality that is today’s Europe. I don’t hate the man but I can’t wait for him to abdicate.

Meh, a better translation of Catholic would be "complete." The notion that it means "universal" or "of universal interest" didn't really show up until the 1550s.

You and me both, man. He's probably a good dude at heart, but he's ultimately a boomer leftist, not what Europe needs right now at any rate.

Not sure who's next though, Sup Forums were shipping Shonborn, though I seem to remember Dolan being in with a chance last time

i skipped mass last sunday i'm sorry

thats a hole with garbage in it

>Catholicism literally means universalism
No it doesn't. That is another Papist lie. The word "catholic" comes from the Greek kαθολιkός (katholikos), which means "complete" and "lacking nothing of the whole". When applied to the Church it describes the original structure of many local churches headed by a bishop and being complete in themselves and equal to the communion of churches in their entirety. This is reflected in the Eucharist where communicants eat from one loaf and drink from one cup but all receive the fullness of the body and blood of Christ (even if it's just one crumb and one drop). It also alludes to the teaching of Jesus: "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them" (Mt. 18:20). The Orthodox Church still has this kind of structure, but because the Papists do not they had to invent a new meaning for the word "catholic". Greek also has a word for "universal", it's not "kαθολιkός".

To clarify, I agree that you can't deny the humanity of others based on their race and still claim to be a Catholic. Just saying that I don't think "universalism," as it's understood by the Unitarians, for instance, is the best translation.


NOT the best translation. I'm retarded.

Also the word that is translated into English as "church" in the original Greek is ἐkkλησία (ekklesia) which means "the called out ones" and "the assembly of the called out ones". Literally those people set apart from the rest (clearly implies something that is not indiscriminately universal).


ITT Cathocucks get BTFO again


Off to bed, gents

Keep this thread alive or you get excommunicated

Lads, I could use some help. I have been feeling a lot of impiety as of late; I have allowed myself to feel bitter about existence, my parents, my self, women, and have even (seriously) doubted whether God is really good. In my intellectual wanderings, I have consumed books from just about every walk of life, but the Satanist literature in particular seems to have left an indelible mark on me.

I don't really know what I believe at this point. My mind feels frazzled to a crisp, and I am constantly fighting despair about the world. I mostly just want to lie down and an hero, but I know that the Church condemns suicide. I have many doubts about the Bible, God, Christianity and the Church. Reading Jewish literature has also undermined my confidence, and I am at somewhat of a loss.

>still being catholic

Not being degenerate, as rare as it is, is kinda the point of this board isn’t it?


wanna go to Lourdes one day, sounds comfy

Bless us all.

Stop praying to men and just pray to God.

First and foremost, get rid of all bad literature.
Read the gospels whenever you can.

Read these:

I think you'll get some good answers if you ask this on the /lit/ Catholic thread

>that photo
>not degenerate

Watch Jordan Peterson videos

I have, but he isn't Catholic, and his view of evolution is somewhat outdated.

This is why Catholicism and fascism can never be united. We actually consider the other 90% roaming this world human too, you hateful dipshit.


There's your problem

Have you read Valentin Tomerg? His books sure helped me when I was confused

Bad literature is a gateway to the demonic. It opens you up to demonic influence, because you open your mind to their way of thinking. This is extremely obvious with satanist literature.
Confusion, despair, and doubt are signs of the evil spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us peace of mind and hope in God & salvation.

Putting yourself in situations where you are bound to be tempted towards sin is called "tempting God". Evil literature is a serious occasion of sin. Don't let your curiosity get the better of you.

You have to pray for deliverance. The absolute best way of freeing yourself from it will be to make a good confession and receive the Holy Eucharist. The grace to make a good confession is the first thing you should pray for. Reading bad literature is something you should confess.

>the beasts of the field

Then why are you posting on Sup Forums? Go virtue signal for upvotes on Reddit. You might have better luck there.

>catholics! :( and on a catholic thread no less :((

They pray to God and go to Church and are therefore God’s children too. If you are too proud and arrogant to share that Church than consider being a hell-bound protestant. Surely they know better than the creator of the universe?

The bible says niggers are beasts of the field. But a Catholic doesn't read the bible so I can understand your ignorance.

Look m8, I may be having a rough go, but Catholics/EOC are the only Christians with a defensible claim to being the original church. Protestants don't read history, and it shows.
> 'Valentin Arnoldevitch Tomberg was an Estonian-Russian Christian mystic, polyglot scholar and hermetic magician. T. H. Meyer and other Anthroposophists claimed that Tomberg was the 20th Century incarnation of the boddhisattva who will in time incarnate as the Maitreya Buddha.
Sounds like a heretic.
I just wanted to know truth. I was raised as a Protestant, and if I hadn't been allowed to intellectually roam, I would have never come to consider the Catholic faith. I want to know why they are wrong, not simply to run away.

I'm a gnostic Catholic

Perhaps it is hard for you LARPing fags too believe but not everybody is a fascist on this board. I am a firm believer in segregation but would never murder or behave unjustly towards a black or Asian brother.

>Confusion, despair, and doubt are signs of the evil spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us peace of mind and hope in God & salvation.
t. Jesuit diviner of emotions

This is false. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14), so how you "feel" about something is irrelevant. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (John 15:26), not the spirit of feeling good (that's satan).

>Sounds like a heretic.
He was an ex-occultist actually. Helped bring many people like him to the faith - I used to practice ceremonial magic myself at one time

>I just wanted to know truth. I was raised as a Protestant, and if I hadn't been allowed to intellectually roam, I would have never come to consider the Catholic faith. I want to know why they are wrong, not simply to run away.

Examine yourself and see if that is actually the case, i.e. are you reading this literature because you want to critically analyse it and bolster your faith, or are you reading it just out of habit or curiosity?
It's OK to "intellectually roam" when you are discovering the faith, but then at a certain point you have to intellectually commit to the faith and marinate yourself in it until you have fully absorbed its teachings. Once you are stronger in your faith you will be able to go back and deal with apologetics/polemics against false religions and ideologies; but for now you should focus on building yourself up in faith. You might have arrived at the point when you know that Catholicism is true intellectually, but now you have to actually live it.

Well if you know what St. Ignatius / the Jesuits say about the discernment of spirits, you'd know that they make that exact point that the devil disguises himself and gives us good feelings in order to deceive us.

>Third Rule. The third: With cause, as well the good Angel as the bad can console the soul, for contrary ends: the good Angel for the profit of the soul, that it may grow and rise from good to better, and the evil Angel, for the contrary, and later on to draw it to his damnable intention and wickedness.

>Fourth Rule. The fourth: It is proper to the evil Angel, who forms himself under the appearance of an angel of light, to enter with the devout soul and go out with himself: that is to say, to bring good and holy thoughts, conformable to such just soul, and then little by little he aims at coming out drawing the soul to his covert deceits and perverse intentions.

>Fifth Rule. The fifth: We ought to note well the course of the thoughts, and if the beginning, middle and end is all good, inclined to all good, it is a sign of the good Angel; but if in the course of the thoughts which he brings it ends in something bad, of a distracting tendency, or less good than what the soul had previously proposed to do, or if it weakens it or disquiets or disturbs the soul, taking away its peace, tranquillity and quiet, which it had before, it is a clear sign that it proceeds from the evil spirit, enemy of our profit and eternal salvation.


Also, I never said that it's a matter of feelings.
>Confusion, despair, and doubt
Are not mere feelings - they are sins, or at least temptations to sin. They are a source of disturbance and evil for the soul, and as such are a sign of evil spirits.

>EOC are the only Christians with a defensible claim to being the original church
Yes. But not Catholics.

>cardinal dolan is coming to my church on saturday for the 100th anniversary of the sun miracle
Should b gud.

Think he blew him afterwards or just blew a load in some seven year old boy and thought about him? Wew lads, looks like we got ourselves some Catholics.

>Below I discuss why God led me to the Catholic Church rather than the Orthodox Church. [...]

>1. The Poor Record of Constantinopleple, which was not founded by the Holy All-Praised and προτοkλήτος (First-Called) St. Andrew the Apostle (martyred 11/30/60),{1} has a long history of heterodoxy, and she extended her patriarchal jurisdiction via gross caesaropapism.{2} The see was polluted by three Arians (Eusebios, Eudoxios, Demophilos), one Semi-Arian (Macedonios I), one Nestorian (Nestorios), five Monophysites (Acacios, Phravitas, Euphemios, Timothy I, Anthimos), six Monothelites (Sergios I, Pyrrhos, Paul II, Peter, John VI), and seven Iconoclasts (Anastasios, Constantine II, Nicetas I, Paul IV, Theodotos I Cassiteras, Anthony I Kassymatas, John VII Lecanomantos), one Calvinist (Cyril I Lukaris)–though some idiosyncratic commentators dispute the charge of Calvinism against the latter, who was murdered after he occupied the throne seven times—and one Freemason who declared Anglican orders to be valid (Meletios IV Metaxakis). The other three sees have similar records, and they often servilely followed the policy of Constantinople. By the standards of the Orthodox themselves, the see has had even more heretical patriarchs: one anti-Palamite (John XIV Kalekas) and more than five Catholics (John XI Bekkos, Joseph II, Metrophanes II, Gregory III Mammas, Cyril II Kontares, and many others, according to the old Catholic Encyclopedia entry “Greek Church”). Many of the Patriarchs of Constantinople were not merely desirous of reunion with the Catholic Church, but confessed the dogmas of the Catholic Church to be true.

read more -


Anyone have advice on how to come back to the Church?

In highschool, I proclaimed myself a deist, and that continued until after college.
After that, I started to question my previous rejection of organized religion.
I'm attending Mass irregularly, so I know one of the first things to do is attend weekly.
I'd go more often, but I feel like I have no right to be there since I've forgotten a lot about the faith.

To make things worse, I'm getting married in April to a non-catholic woman.
I'm stuck trying to figure out if I should try to get the wedding to be recognized by the Church, or if I should return to my faith first, and look into a convalidation later.

Has anyone here gone through something similar?

Never said I denied the existence of races. Sure, the average negroe is dumber than the average white person but you don’t kick or hate your dog because he is dumber than you too, do you?

The first question would be if you did the sacraments before you left but it you didn't, your local church should have adult education to get you back in.

In other words, the discernment of spirits has zero value because how you feel about something is irrelevant and on the basis of feelings alone you cannot possibly determine what is from God and what is not, and the only way to know if something is from God is to test it against the teachings of Christ and objective standards for truth, which is exactly what I said. But moreover, in practice, Jesuits and people formed by Jesuits don't heed the dangers inherent to trying to perform divination of emotions and are basically completely under the control of demons.

I was confirmed.
I also never really left explicitly, just stopped attending mass.
Even when I was telling people I was a deist, I also said I was Catholic, even if only out of habit.
I think that's why I feel a little like an imposter now that I'm trying to return.

You're always welcome to come back. Now I've noticed a lot of people coming back into the church in the past few years. Just go in and give yourself a bit of time to get comfortable again.

Talk to a priest and explain your situation, he will surely help you. Your wife doesn’t have to be Catholic in order for you to marry in a Catholic church, she only has to agree to raise your children Catholic. Attend RCIA meetings, even though you are a Catholic already, you will learn the basics again.

A roadside shrine to the Virgin Mary was desecrated in Ireland over the weekend. Very sad.


Thanks, anons.

>Now I've noticed a lot of people coming back into the church in the past few years.
Everyone's waiting for Nietzche's reincarnation to proclaim the death of materialism.
Man can't survive without God, it's just that not everyone has realized it yet.


pic related

>you don’t kick or hate your dog because he is dumber than you too, do you?
>But He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” (Mt. 15:26)
This is a false dichotomy. I don't have to mistreat my dog or hate my dog just because I recognize the dog is fundamentally different in nature from me.

Read more:

>irrelevant bullshit
The Patriarch of Constantinople (New Rome) is not analogous to the Pope. The Patriarch of Constantinople is just a bishop like any other bishop and has no authority over any of the other autocephalous churches. Furthermore, in Orthodoxy there is no belief that any man is infallible, so a bishop can believe/teach something that is wrong but it can be tested against what the church has consistently taught/believed and if it deviates then he can be called out on it.

>read more -
I just finished reading the whole thing. This is a bad blogpost that relies entirely on out of context quote mining, casuistry, and strawmanning the Orthodox Church. For example, the Orthodox don't believe in the Immaculate Conception because they don't believe that anyone is guilty of original sin, not that Mary is also guilty of it (as your linked article falsely claims about Orthodoxy). (Orthodox however do believe in the ancestral sin of Adam which caused the created world to fundamentally change, but not that anyone at conception is personally guilty of someone else's sin requiring an atoning sacrifice in order to be forgiven by God for something they did not personally do, which is what Catholics believe about salvation.) If the Roman Catholic Church is the true church, why resort to intellectual dishonesty?

Notice that there is no reply from Cathocuck cowards.


I plan on returning to Mass after having not gone since the 2nd Bush admin. I know I need to go to reconciliation before receiving the Eucharist, but confessions at my church are only held 30 minutes before mass- so I would like to schedule a time with my priest (it says by appointment on their website).
I'm pretty autistic how should I go about asking to sit down for confession with a priest, will he want to talk with me afterward? We sort of things do I need to know before going, and what prays do I need? Thank you, we have daily mass and I have been going 3 times a week for 3 weeks now, but haven't gone up for the eucharist.

Sometimes we just want to discuss our faith in peace without your autistic screeching.

Do not worry brother, don’t feel awkward. The priest will be more than happy to help answering your questions. All you need to do is ask!

what happens when I show up at the church and I cant find him

Most parishes have a website, send an e-mail and ask if you can meet him.