Spain hate thread

The Spanish are Moors who used to be part of a caliphate and their country even has monkeys (only non-white countries have monkeys). Feels good being Anglo.

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You act as if Reconquista wasn't the most red-pilled campaign in European history.

TFW asturian


>only non white countries have monkey
>forgets that he is from the UK

you shot yourself in the foot pretty quickly

700 years of fight, thats about to start again in our lifetime

Yea and meanwhile Spain got 700 years of the Rape Pill

>that flag
>that picture

I'm confused.

To be fair, Spain is not homogenous. There are Nordic looking Spaniards, as well as Sand Nigger looking ones. And they are all Spaniards.

Kek, fuckin bongs, you're pathetic.

Gibraltar has monkeys too and it's part of the UK :^)

Modern day Britain, France, and Germany, are more cucked than when Spain was governed by Moors.

Also, kill yourself you eternal anglo. Destroyer of the white race, retarded inbred piece of shit island.

Jihadi is just arabic. Christians can also into Jihad, when the Vatican is uncucked.

The Spic fears the Anglo

Yeah they got raped by the barbaric Germans. The Visigoths.

>Family moved to US during Spanish Civil War

>Family record pre-WWII goes back 3 generations in Andalusia

>Still come out Neon Pale with light eyes and no Arabic features

Either Genetics are weird or Reconquista really did a lot more culling than I thought.

t. 47% white


This is the absolute state of Europe

"nonwhite in one generation"

Why to reach the modern age and give it all away to niggers shitskins and chinks after sacrificing countless of high IQ whites in both world wars and during industrialization.

t. 100% paki

Fun fact. Briton refugees fleeing the Anglo-Saxons fled to northern Spain in the 5th century AD.

At least America has a right wing party. It's doing pretty well considering your retarded people flooded us with niggers upon our founding.

Just meme flag.
I crave for a new reconquista.

Where's your wall? :^)

daily reminder that euro spics belong to our gene pool


Catalunya was never under real occupation lying manolo scum

Just take out the flag. You don't what is the Shadada written on it, don't you.

>(only non-white countries have monkeys

Those are Portagees who strayed cross the border.


Watching Anglos and Spics fight it's like watching retards fight

No I don't, whats in it?

t. Grekoroach
You "people" come to Catalunya and Madrid in masses to suck off the jobs, goods and services. As much as I dislike Aragonese and Castilians, they are thousand times better than your pathetic mongrel low iq kind

Gib is a British oversea territory

spreading racist memes online is a criminal offense.
come with us

Plz watch



Based Iberics

The eternal anglo strikes back.

pd: The only place with monkeys is gibraltar.

Galicians are preddy based irl.

Kings were absolutelly obsessed with the blood purity.
Being the grandson of a converted muslim could enough to not be allowed to marry an older christian woman, evento be expelled por burnt in case of the jews and lie in your ancestry.
The recovered lands were repopulated with northerns. There are Galician/Asturian castros in the center of Spain, and towns with Basque names.
In Charles I times, german people was brought to repoplulate the southern areas. That's why there are some blue eyed blondes in Andalucia. Pic related.

Fucking corrector...
Sorry for the mess.

You're next, bong. Don't forget to pay جزية next time you come to London.

Spain doesn't have monkeys you daft cunt, that's Gibraltar which is part of the UK. And they're not even native to the rock, they're native to North Africa and were imported at some point centuries ago.
Also, whites outbred the muzzie genes that began to spread in al-andalus once they reconquered Spain in the name of Christ and kicked out the rest during the reconquista.
Besides, it's not like Muslim families were coming in droves to settle al-andalus, most of the inhabitants remained as they were. I'm certain if there is a portion of Spain with Muslim genetics, they're all relatively around andalucia.
It's the same as many other countries that have come under Muslim rule in Eastern Europe. Don't forget that the Ottomans stretched all the way up past Hungary and into Slovakia. Do you think them all shitskins too, you inbred shit?

If only you lot had the balls to apply it...

>Do you think them all shitskins too, you inbred shit?
greeks are not white goy!

Why are Celts so based? They've never been the most powerful or civilized group, but these faggots never give in either.
In OP pic, we have Gallacians holding out against Moors. Caesar had a lot of trouble with the Armoricans. The Irish won back their freedom. The Scots are still fighting after literally a millennia long struggle with England.
They refuse to relinquish their national identities, even after hundreds of years of subjugation and attempted cultural genocide. They'd rather die.
Say what you want about Celts. If their will to survive could be somehow transmitted to the rest of Europe it might have a chance.

You are not noble or royal, manolo

THIS. And gibraltar is anglo land lmao you fucking brits and your monkeys


What the fuck is that? Still waiting for an answer

Both my surnames are "de" surnames and both are dated before the reconquista in León and Asturias. By the 16th century almost every single old Castillian was Hijodalgo or any other low nobility like Knight in those places. So the probability is high. Anyway I don't give a single fuck and is not related to the question I answered.

>In OP pic, we have Gallacians holding out against Moors

You mean Asturians? And Basques?

And before you say "b-but muh southern Euskalherria!". Nope, they're maketos and therefore not true Basques like northern Basques. They don't even speak Esukara.

Are you fucking retarded? It was the brits who brought the monkeys, as you do with niggers and pakis.

ffs just look at their eyes, they are from south america

>they are from south america
We too struggle to tell you apart from spics in Barcelona. Not like there is any difference

I also forgot to mention the Canary Islands and likely Cueta & Melilla might have at least quantifiable Arab/North African genetics. Moreso than Andalucia, I imagine.

fuck off faggot

Shahada is declaring Maomet prophet and the creed an monotheist stance of Islam. It is also used as first step to revert (be converted) to Islam

I am a moor and cant testify, we were there.
We don't hate them, they are our brothers.
Come home iberian friends, we miss you

>We too struggle to tell you apart from spics in Barcelona
You're just a dumb cunt, then.

Why Italy is so mixed?

It was the visigoths that liberated ibera.
Also there no records of the visigoths being removed by spaniars, the visigoths are the modern day spaniards

They have somalian blood

saged and reported :)


I would fuck the one on the right so hard she would have to convert

you must be fucking blind then, the mother looks like Gloria Estefan and the girl on the left has a nigger nose and indian eyes.

Bump for more diversity.

Visigoths gave away Hispania. Read moor (pun intended).

Because of shitskin invasion, sicilians have some african blood in them. Nothing to worry about.

Why do you hate us so much Etarra? Your gf got PERCEBE´D?

Still Whiter than Moortugal. Your shithole is a gypsyland comparing to Andalusia even
>nothing to worry about

How does it feel to have an SJW party at the government?

You just mad because we are a decent country

>comparing to andalusia
nigger shut the fuck up and stop insulting my Portuguese friends, they are as arab as anyone else


Show your flag you cunt.

What are you talking about mate? Galicia has PP in charge, as always.

1. Spanish are white
2. The monkeys of Gibraltar (British territory) were imported from North Africa, dumbass.

Lmao anglos are literally niggers!!!!!

You do realize that the very same could be said about brits, right?


kek. soon you will be ours.

I thought Podemos was your country's biggest party?

Looks shopped to me

No my man, Galicia has a right wing government. Who told you those lies?

>we are a decent country
You are a shithole of mongrel gibsmigrants shitskins even comparing to Spain that I hate.
Works is in progress. Soon there will be Catalan flags all over pol

Euskalherria will rise again!

We resisted...

>Maketos that order, and many other groups in between. Then we joined Espainia and proceeded to culturally enrich you Manolos, and spread our superior seed far and wide across not only the Iberian peninsula, France, and other parts of Europe, but also across the sea in the American continent.

Stay mad.


That map is shopped. Some turko-french kike tried to hide their dank kang blood drops.

That's what Sup Forums believes for some reason. PP has been in power for 9 years. They are cuckservatives but better than literal commies. Podemos made a shitty coalition that lost votes last election. Somehow Sup Forums believes Podemos rules us.

>Occitania and Catalunya
>nigger genes
EU kike lies. They tested manolitos and diasporas in France and Catalunya


Also made up entirely imo. I mean, if the guy who made it was reliable, he would have fucking closed the parenthesis.


Feels good to be 100% Aryan

I don´t give a fuck about your resistance boner, I´m asking about your hate over Galicians. It´s not healthy to have bad thoughts about the superior Iberian race.

Godspeed Basquebros.

>100% aryan
choose one

>When you're a pure breed Asturian.