Nordcucks BTFO
Nordcucks BTFO
Celtic master race reporting in.
are you retarded? it just means a tan, which is an indicator of wealth.
typical. nordcucks deluding themselves as always.
At leat you didn't imply blacks by 'darker men'
>Those tanned eyes
>That tanned hair
>med master race
>it just means a tan, which is an indicator of wealth
ha ha ha... haha
Nothing surprising
Blonde hair looks homo on men
Yes. Women should not have the right to seek out aesthetic preferences in their partners.
Hmmm it's almost as if decades of media shilling foreign men has had an impact.
It's really sickening they try and push sex preferences as a prejudice.
You just *know* they're eventually going to try that unless you don't suck [x] dick you're a racist/phobe.
Fuck these people and not in that way. More people just need to tell them to fuck off, they're unreasonable.
Genuine question. Are Meds and Celts similar genetically? Ginger viking rape babies aside. I had a French mate in school and we looked like we could have been related, especially if I'don't been out in the sun.
I don't get it, are women saying it is racist that THEY prefer white men, or it is racist because white men somehow make them prefer them? Either way this is fucking retarded.
On top of that, I've noticed the coalburners I've known exclusively fuck black dudes and don't ever consider any other type. Are they racist because they only fuck one race?
HA ! Ilarious , nordkind masters of cuckoldry what a surprise !
either of them could have any woman they want.
and neither of them would worry about putting effort into keeping her because there's still hundreds lining up outside
>female opinions
you might as well kill yourself, cuck
I'd*. Phonephagging.
Not celts, but a lot of people in irish have med and arab ancestry which gave rise the the black irish. Celts are ginger or blonde.
haha, not so fast, celtboi
Delete this
blue eyes are the most popular, get over it
neolithic farmer ancestry increases the more west in Europe you go(at a given latitude), that's what's responsible for dark med-like Brits
Celts are a chief western people ergo compared to Germanics they can show more med features
>Nordcucks BTFO
Not quite, my hair is dark and I tan easily unlike all those pig skin Brits who turn red after a minute in the sun.
>tfw dark haired white in sweden
Never had to try to get female attention, they come to me.
Idiot. Darker skin means you don't show blemishes, wrinkles or cracks like you would with light skin.
I love myself some pale ass women but you can see every single blemish and wrinkle whereas say, women with a Brazilian tan look smooth as fuck.
You realize you just pulled absolutely nonsensical information out of your ass there? Literally not a single element of it correct.
R1b is indigenous to Europe, you cuck.
The man on the left is Celtic-Germanic, not part negro subhuman from southern "Europe"
not an argument
didn't mention R1b, which came into Europe during the mesolithic from the east but stayed seemingly east of Germany
Graph immediately says the opposite of what you said. Dear god modern italians really are a different ethnic group than those who gave us the renaissance.
>med-like Brits
That's a look and scull shape typical for Britain, Southern Germany and Austria - not your roachlands. Unlike Germanic and Celtic-Germanic "Mudteranian" is not a race, but an umbrella term for mongrels based on geography only brown manlets from PIGS use on this board . Spaniards and Italians for instance are dissimilar genetically and that's a god damn fact, whereas the Dutch, Schwabians, Swedes and the Irish have far more similarities.
it doesn't, clearly shows Brits have more LBK-like ancestry than Europeans at the same latitude
modern Italians are the same as ever, can't say the same about inbred mongrel trash like yourself
love your butthurt and lack of arguments mate
>still prefer chad
fuck 'em
He is right, in the past it was the other way around but now worker work in factories all year around and rich people go to South Europe on holidays and tan.
You said as you go west there is more, when the graph quite explicitly demonstrates the exact opposite with greater early neolithic genes in eastern and southern europe.
Talk the nigger from the state of Londonistan
Bravo Italy.
your subhuman IQ is showing, I clearly stated the more you go west AT THE SAME LATITUDE
try sparing Britain from other low iq trash like yourself and don't reproduce
Scots usually more commonly have black hair and darker features but have less amount of Neolithic farmer genes. Yamnaya ancestry is the one causing light hair.
I grandi italiani e latini dell'epoca furono tedeschi. I loro nomi tradiscono le origini germane.
Donatello Bardi viene da Barth ; Giotto è il tedesco Jotte ; Alighieri è Aigler ; Bruno è Braun ; Ghiberti è Wilbert ; Santi è Sandt ; Vinci è Winke ; Vecellio è Wetzel ; Tasso è Tasse ; Buonarroti è Bohnrodt. E gli spagnuoli Velasquez e Murili o furono Velalrisch e Moerl.
La storpiatura di questi nomi è così evidente nella sua artificiosità che non v'è bisogno di perder tempo a confutare.
yeah im sure the guy on the right gets rejected all the time. roasties need to be banned from using all forms of media
hai bisogno di un esca più grande
Tfw Nord with blue eyes, blonde hair and a black beard. 6´3 tall as well.
Beat that, faggots
>Scots usually more commonly have black hair and darker features
I'd like a citation on that, pretty sure scots peak in blue eyes from what I remember
T-that's me, right?
t. Light skinned Arab
Che fottuto negro....
Ta, interesting shit indeed and does make sense. My family look similar to me, and my friends family were from Brittany. My current theory is my family have a Breton kind of makeuperson. Interestingly I've just read "Breton is a Southwestern Brittonic Celtic language."
I love the fact in Europe we can usually take an well educated stab at our origins without dna testing. Not the case in USA I feel bad for them.
Turns out you did, I was wrong - still the effect is nothing whereas the gradient going south is remarkably strong. As is arab and african admixture.
Never surrender leaf , never surrender
pure coincidence, I wonder what could be causing this /s
However I think blonde hair on men is kinda fruity.
After being raped by the rape babies of the rape babies of the lowest trash from the steppes you have the audacity to call anyone a mongrel? Artyom Muslimovich Mongolev?
>modern Italians are the same as ever
Because there is a historical evidence to suggest that every single roach that came to Italy after the edict of Caracalla was removed. Top notch thinking mongrel. The swathiest Anglo or Austrian is White, whereas blonde blue eyed Italian is a mongrel
Fail to see any evidence to the contrary for Germanics are the superior race. It probably flies over your mongrel head since you are notoriously short, that you are absolutely subhuman tier neighbor people are tired off. Stop coming to Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Benelux and Australia you piece of shit. Those are Germanic lands our ancestors built for us
See flag
your tears are delicious mate
Find a better map, any one stating italians are 20% mediterranean whereas the british are 50% is evidently garbage.
No shit
Ever heard the phase "tall, dark and handsome"? It's referring to dark hair, not eyes or skin. its why all Disney princes have dark hair.
Blonde has only ever been seen as a truly desirable trait in women, even nazi germany and hitler were indifferent to hair colour with men
I'm not talking about eyes, I don't have a citation, I'm basing it on my observation. Scottish and Irish people from what I noticed can have jet black hair, it's not very uncommon, in England it's quite uncommon, it's even more common in Wales I think. here's a map that often gets posted on Sup Forums, don't know how legit is.
we have quite a lot of sample from Britain in time
we already know neolithic Brits were basically Sardinians, and we know pre-anglo saxon Brits were closest to Welsh, who in turn are similar to Bell Beaker-like peoples who displaced neolithic Brits in mass
Disney princes used to have blonde hair and blue eyes quite frequently in the era of Walt Disney, odd that that changed after the company was reshaped under Jewish ownership.
Its funny how subhuman Greek mind thinks that proximity with nonwhites means interbreeding. You see, Russians never lived with mongols, but Greek roaches are known to cohabit and breed with all the inferior races from Ethiopians to gypsies during Rome, Byzantine and Ottomans. Doesn't take a genius to tell a Russian from a Greek apart.
Tears of what? It's not Russians or Germans that have to prove to people they are not turks and arabs
>nordcucka btfo
>survey show white men are most attractive
what did he mean by thi?
can confirm. am blonde and decent looking, I got rejected by a 38yo today because "she's into darker men"
Younger women (and men) have lighter hair than adults, blond chasers are crypto pedophiles.
for illiterate faggots maybe
Mediterranean ancestry in Italy is complex and from different sources, particularly in the south which has strong west asian ancestry aka neolithic-iranian like ancestry
white women prefer dark haired white men but blonde/blue eyed white dudes get more Asian, Indian, black pussy.
All the colored bitches want the blonde/blue eyed white dudes.
Before Scandinavians chicks started banging Arabs and blacks, they used to prefer blonde dudes so they could produce hot looking white daughters.
Britain : no nigger blood
Italy and Sardinia : plenty of nigger blood
The one race clearly
But Nordic people tan really well unlike Brits and other pig skins. That actor on left has Finnish heritage if i remember correctly.
It says Atlantic-Med, Italians aren't Atlantic.
Herding sheeps on the steppe while on horseback with your dog and you gun looks nice, nothing trashy about that.
97% of women would gladly wife up the blonde guy. 99% of women would sleep with him. Based on looks alone of course ...if he's a flaming jackass...well....looks only matter so much. The study said this is a preference based solely on're putting way too much thought into this. Most men prefer big tits a tiny waist and a nicely shaped butt...what most men date and marry are not nessercarily all of those things....if any.
I already would of guessed this. Blonde haired women look absolutely amazing. Not so much with men. Even though they prefer darker haired men I bet they still prefer them to have blue eyes etc. and not brown.
>we can't tan
World btfo
Mediterranean isn't an ethnic class, it's a phenotype and geographical classification. Italians are 100% mediterranean, the question is to what degree are they part african and arab. The answer is a significant amount and a great deal more so than the peak of their ancestral successes.
>women would rather date an aesthetic Italian/Greek/Spaniard than some kind of Slav or Scandinavian
Wew colour me surprised, I did not even need statistics to state the obvious
>Britain : no nigger blood
oh sweetie :)
I prefer Hispanic-looking Men because although I pass for “white,” my father looks Mexican and there has never been a blue-eyed person anywhere near my immediate family. So I relate to blue eyes as being EVIL or DEFECTIVE and a form of ocular albinism. I wouldn’t have a blond, blue-eyed man if we were the last 2 remaining people on Earth!!!
Blue eyed men are the Devil!!!
How does that make you/them feel?
Western France is celt you dolt, and the north in general isn't med.
Basically France is a mix of all euros, they are just as med as the are celtic or Germanic.
Fucking kek
Absolutely this. Blonde hair looks best on women.
Non-whites worship Nords and make out every dark haired, tawny white as the White Devil.
Blonde/Blue Eyed Nords... those blonde people that like having sex with coloreds and give people free gibs.
Brown eyed/Brown Haired Brit/Spaniard: The White Devil oppressor with his beady eyes. He thinks he's white as he oppresses us, has traits of a Chinaman.
The future is brown
Not correct either, brown eyes attract women's gaze for longer.
>Hispanic female (or faggot) prefers Hispanic male
Nothing wrong with that.
>aesthetic Italian/Greek/Spaniard
t. low payed subhuman immigrant manlet that only gets to fap after his shitty low-payed NRW job after a guy by name Hans bullies the shit out of his ape ass during the working time
genetically there is no such thing as a monolithic Mediterranean
there's west Mediterraneans, whose ancestry is basically from neolithic Europeans
and then there's east Meds, who have increasingly high ancestry from neolithic Iranians the more east you go
>The answer is a significant amount and a great deal more so than the peak of their ancestral successes.
I don't care about your sexual fantasies or how you get an erection, try to keep to the subject
Checked and rekt.
Absolutely not!!!
Mine are brown and I would NEVER accept anything less from my significant other!!!
No light eyes for me!!!
looks like the right one would have the same skin tone if you put him under the same light-environment as the left one. kek.
bullshit this is what the average woman wants
This is what the neolithic White Man looking like.
Motherfuckers were from the Steppes hung out with the progenitors of the Chinaman. Earlier cousins left for the Americas.
Ancient White Man was from the steppes, nigga. Don't shit on the Steppes.
Swift horse, falcon on your wrist, wind on your hair.
The real story is tanned vs pale. Men are more attracted to pale women and women are more attracted to tanned men. It's not a white vs black thing. This is fake news.
Oy vey. Good goyim. Only blonde women are acceptable. Blonde men are weak faggots. But never forget the worlds fucking dead millions. I swear. Another holocaust cant happen soon enough. This is why i cheer for people like steven paddock. Fuck this world. You fucking retards.
>tfw when a rural (and regular) Russian woman is stronger in every way than all these Western nu-males
You still prefer stacy.
It does mean tan, but it's not really an indicator of wealth.
Tall dark and handsome always was just a sign of good health, security, and breeding stock. So y'all start working out and getting a tan.