Brazil will inevitably dominate the entire world. We will are the only country that is capable of integrating every single race worldwide and maintain our catholic culture. We will inevitably become the leader of the free world and unite the whole world through racemixing and sex. Brace yourselves for the brazilian millenia
The white race will form a racially pure ethnostate, and ensure genetic superiority be selective breeding. The state will be surrounded by favela monkeys.
>We are the only country that is capable of integrating every single race
Except for whites who refuse to be corrupt.
Those seem to be the minority that refuses to integrate.
vai se foder filho da puta
Reported for hate speech
>whites who refuse to be corrupt
você não é português né?
If I wanted to have sex with brown people and animals I would just go to Canada
>We will are the only country that is capable of integrating every single race worldwide
You are welcome to the millions of Indians and Paki men... feel free to keep them!
>maintain our catholic culture
Umm...about that...
catholics are rising due to pope francis
>Brazil will inevitably dominate the entire world
you'll rise now and then, during full moon nights, when you'll distinctly chimp out
but is all
Some has to keep the niggers in check
But the definition of white in brazil in thin
I am considered white but i look like a fucking beardless less brown jihad
>am considered white
Nothing in Brazil could be called integration. It's just shit piled upon shit.
>a world of pardos
please no, i'd rather kill myself
Ummm...about that...
I think he meant straight sex
how about yes
also the supreme court allowed catholicism teaching in all public schools starting next year
That'd be nigger Africans and indians, both breed like rabbits .
The fact Brazil is the future of the US is immensely depressing.
>tfw no brazillian gf (male) to have sex with
>buggeria incarnate
You seem to be under the delusion that the schools and the pope are helping Catholicism rather than hurting it.
Hey bby.
Please stop embarassing us, Marcelo.
Huehue gibe moni pls
there are worse fates
What? They are just pakis
Brazilians are white, black, asians, native indians and mixed.
>Rule the world one shit-cup at a time!
>ITT fags still think they can avoid this.
uhm? wjy do you think that? we are not americans you know
> "culture"
Whew, laddie.
A pedo cult of anally raping 6 year old boys just isn't for everyone. Definitely isn't going to world domination.
Well as long as the UMA is DELICIA I suppose most people won't mind.
>doesn't even know continents exist
brazil, sim
>Those perky nipples poking through
It's degeneracy but I can't help to be aroused
>tfw a fellow macaco acts fucking retarded again
Any pr0n of this lass?
The Pope has alienated the traditional Catholics in favor of cafeteria Catholics who support abortion, gay marriage, birth control, and tolerate Islam. Catholic schools are also notorious for their poor teaching of Catholic doctrine, resulting in the aforementioned beliefs being prominent among Catholics.
Truth. Stopped going to Mass; it became almost like a Marxist university with a smattering of Islamic boosterism.
They have some of the best bestiality porn; I hope they legalize it wherever they take over.
You got it from us Brbro, why do you think nobody has a issue with portuguese guys worldwide despite us working everywhere.
You already know the answer.
read the whole post, surrender monkey
Show feminine penis!
Pretty sure you just have the best trannies
I find it funny that you keep on applying american logic to my country, your "catholicism" is different from ours
Pic related this is a typical Brazilian barber shop
>dominate the world through sex
Okay, OP. I'll let you dominate me. You can start by spreading your legs, you fucking tranny.
I'm moving to Brazil.
Love you fuckers
Best you can hope for is a Starship Troopers future and then you get hit by an asteroid.
i know a Brazilian girl who attractive but I think she a escort. So do you guys send your women to be prostitutes abroad then send the babies back home?
daz it mane
Is that a Brazilian woman?
probably a Brazilian "woman".
yes. half nipponese.
>your "catholicism" is different from ours
You do realize that Catholic doctrine is universal, right? Homosexuality doesn't become not a sin because you're in Brazil. This is my point, you're church and your schools have done such a poor job of teaching you Catholicism that you don't even know what it is!
thanks mi friendo
>your "catholicism" is different from ours
"One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic." By definition, there is only one catholicism. There can be cultural differences in different parts of the world regarding things like what is appropriate dress for Mass, but there can be no differences in dogma or teaching. But I wouldn't expect you to know that, because "catholic." You're right, you're talking about something else.
>i look like a fucking beardless less brown jihad
Considering your possibly moorish ancestry, that's not an impossibility.
I never said it isnt a sin here, but same could be applied to our country. A Christian country where people believe that paying having more money is more important tham giving another person basic healthcare. Having guns is more important than having free access to university. How is that christian at all? I mean even your catholics are more jewish. Also you are forgetting that pope francis is a jesuit, and jesuits use this relativisms to spread faith and slowly convert them to the right ways, saying you accept fags to be believers of the church doesnt mean it is ok to be gay
sure, but even tho you can clearly see there is a distinction between catholics from catholic countries and catholics from protestant countries. If anything your catholics are basically closeted protestants
>A Christian country where people believe that paying having more money is more important tham giving another person basic healthcare. Having guns is more important than having free access to university. How is that christian at all?
Forcing other people at gunpoint to pay for your healthcare doesn't make you more "Christian", it just makes you a self asshole. Voluntarily giving your money to help people get healthcare is how you act Christian. And given how protestants are acting more charitably than catholics within Latin America right now, it's not wonder Catholicism is growing.
>suits use this relativisms to spread faith and slowly convert them to the right ways
But it's not working. You're moral relativity has allowed the decay of morality and Christianity within your church. Catholics aren't giving to charity as much, they aren't placing religion as important in their lives, they aren't going to church as much, they aren't witnessing miracles. This strategy has failed.
>catholic culture
reino de deus e o ministério evangelista não é católico seus burros da caralho
>joao my son
top kek
how is the white race going to secure an ethnostate when they can't even secure women to reproduce?
Shoo shoo Satan!
By force.
All aboard the rape train, chu chu motherfuckers.
So paying up taxes isnt now a way to voluntary giving up money to help people and society get going, simply because someone says you should do it? But being a billionaire that exploits thousands of people and inflict poverty on everyone and donate a few shekels to have good image is. oh wow
>it is not working
if it wasnt for the jesuits we would never be catholic in the first place you stupid fat american
protestants here are literally the most corrupt lol
>So paying up taxes isnt now a way to voluntary giving up money to help people and society get going
No, by definition it is not. Do you even know what taxes are? How the fuck are they voluntary?
>if it wasnt for the jesuits we would never be catholic in the first place
Well it looks like they failed then because apparently people would rather follow Christ and become a protestant over being a Catholic that worships money and vanity.
dude you're talking about taking over the world through sex? please shut up with your liberal non sense 'if you don't agree with me you're not a troo catholic'
No, you are a bunch of fausto-fausto's and nothing more
He's a Catholic, he's not even taught what Catholic doctrine is. Protestants know more about his religion than he does for petes sakes.
>maintain our catholic culture
fun fact
Brazil is the worlds largest producer of piss porn, scat porn, fart porn, vomit porn and also bestiality
it is one of the only countries where bestiality is legal to produce,sell and consume
muh catholic culture
you degenerates deserve to be nuked
To be fair, those are all the things we would expect out of a Catholic culture.
so by the definition the only way to help people is to say fuck society, it is my money I do whatever I want? Isnt that a bit twisted? How is that christian at all??
>they failed
ah yes we clearly arent the biggest catholic country in the world, you are so delusional it hurts
>Catholic that worships money and vanity
lol you are talking about protestants
Your country is corrupt as fuck and will probably collapse soon.
>so by the definition the only way to help people is to say fuck society, it is my money I do whatever I want?
No, what you do is you volunteer your time and money to help others like a true Christian would.
What you DON'T do is point a gun at someones head and say if they don't help other people you'll kill them.
>ah yes we clearly arent the biggest catholic country in the world
A position which is quickly declining thanks to the aforementioned increasing protestant population.
I went to Miami last month and there was a group of Brazilian there. At this point I only seen Brazilians in porn and movies I though they were good looking with the hottest girls....., Boy was I wrong most Brazilian are fucking ugly. If you see a dirty ugly Mexican he probably Brazilian
>lol you are talking about protestants
Pic related is what a Protestant church looks like. We don't build elaborate gilded churches that flaunt our wealth and status because giving to the poor sounds like a better use of that money.
South american protestants are just poorer catholics.
hey BR friend, can you tell your subhuman countrymen to stop playing DOTA and war thunder in the US servers
Pic related is what a protestant church is in Brazil lmao. You are so stupid it hurts
Seems good to me. Big, plain, and optimized for maximum capacity. Doesn't waste money on needless frills like statues and painted windows. From the looks of it it's been converted from a preexisting building.
>volunteer your time and money
clearly an effective way to care for those in need. I mean anyone can volunteer to give a pet scan exam or cure cancer. I mean I gave them pennies I already did my part now excuse me while I buy my semi auto rifle with my tax-free money or my much more important credit card bills. The government cant be trusted after all they are thiefs just like the rest of the population which I as christian trust them so much to the point of giving them a free meal once in a while!
>unite the whole world through racemixing and sex
That's exactly what I fear. The complete descend into dumb mongrelized mulatto people.
nope it was built from scratch. it costed millions of dollars and is the biggest church in the americas. But yeah clearly they dont care about money at all
>tfw we are destined to become elves living in small paradise clusters as the world is run by dirty lesser races.
I’m fine with this desu
Why did AIB have the Sigma letter as their symbol?
this is your brain on protestantism
>clearly an effective way to care for those in need. I mean anyone can volunteer to give a pet scan exam or cure cancer. I mean I gave them pennies I already did my part now excuse me while I buy my semi auto rifle with my tax-free money or my much more important credit card bills. The government cant be trusted after all they are thiefs just like the rest of the population which I as christian trust them so much to the point of giving them a free meal once in a while!
What the fuck are you talking about? You need government for some things you dumb fuck. Jeez you ancaps are retarded.
Seems efficient.
because they wanted to sum all races into one creating a brazilian race capable of dominating the world. They are basically what I said in thr OP
So do you agree that having universal healthcare is a more efficient way of helping other people?