Why I'm proud to be WHITE and why you can go fuck yourself

We invented the first manned airplane (Orville and Wilbur Wright)
We invented assembly line production which literally every company now uses for efficiency (Henry Ford)
We invented the automobile (Karl Benz first invented in 1885/1886 in Mannheim)
We invented the television (Logie Baird, Scotsman, Charles Francis Jenkins, and Philo Farnsworth)
We invented the telephone and metal detector (Alexander Graham Bell)
We invented American Sign Language (Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet)
We invented the bicycle (Baron Karl von Drais)
We invented movie theaters (John P. Harris and Harry Davis, 1905)
We performed the fist heart transplant (Chris Barnard, Dutch)
We invented carbon-14 dating (Willard Libby)
We invented animation/animated films (Charles Reynaud)

If you want people to stop "appropriating" your "culture", then you do the same and remove every one of these things from your life or you're an absolute hypocrite.
All of this is WHITE culture. THIS is what we've done and what we've accomplished and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Think about that for a moment.

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Now thats what I call autism

Cumskins stay livin in the past xD

>lol us white people invented everything

Baseing your self worth on the actions of your white ancestors is like niggers saying "WE WUZ KANGZ"

this from thugs live matters lol
noticed how the democratic party basically dropped you like a hot potato after the election loss, cutting all funding and only talks to you fools when they get identity politics out of it?

I'm not saying it constitutes my self worth, I'm saying I'm proud to be white and none of you faggots are going to convince me not to be. Again, if you're claiming it's racist for whites to appropriate other cultures food, dress, or whatever then you need to live by your own standards and stop appropriating our culture. It's really that simple.

"Whites" merely took the ideas and inventions of others and took credit for them.

What's autistic about my post exactly, you cuck?
Do you even know the definition of autism or do you just have no logical rebuttal to what I've laid out? If you're too stupid to contribute to the thread then take your hands off the keyboard and lurk moar you fucking faggot.


Shouldn't you be at work, oh mighty mighty white man? Or is that Xbox One not gonna play itself allday?

Show proof of your claim from the list I've provided or you're absolutely full of shit. We'll wait for you to refute the inventions I listed. I don't expect to see another post from you ITT because you know you're a liar.

Has the gubberment finally produced weaponized autism

You're a fucking joke, and your bait is awful.

For a board full of losers on the spectrum, you take the cake (and probably eat it in one setting due to your autism) buddy.

I'm at work right now, but ok. I don't stand at a cash register or stock shelves I know it's fucking mind-blowing that people have careers where they can fuck off at a desk for a few hours and still make 6 figures. Keep crying about it.

t. Nigger

digits btfo

>still no rebuttal
>hurr durr it's bait
It's not bait, it's just flat out facts that you obviously can't refute because you keep falling back on autism like half a retard. Address the topic at hand if you think you can you sad shill fuck. You're the same faggots who say "white culture" doesn't exist, yet I just proved that it factually does exist and you can't logically refute it.

Bait, and calling me a shill?

Are you even trying?

Hidden and going to let this slide.

Lol, and some people have a trust fund.

Oh, I am laughing.


>still no logical response
Kid, you're pathetic. Prove me wrong instead of just saying autism 100 times. You can't. Still waiting.

What do trust funds have anything to do with the OP or myself? Are you literally retarded? You're babbling nonsensical bullshit right now.

We are also generally much nicer to animals and care about animal rights and environment protection

Your autism is showing. lol

Must suck having to work everyday, and not having family wealth handed down to you, eh?

I'm bi racial by the way, and will never have to work a day in my life again.

Ps Sage.

PPS- I'm not going to rebuttal, cause none of this matters lol.
I just like laughing at weirdos, ya know, like you.... LOL

This is also true.
Wait, so first you were shit-talking me and assuming I was unemployed, now you're shit-talking because I have a career and work every day? Take a step back and look at your comments and how fucking stupid you sound really. Nothing you've said ITT has at all contributed to dialogue on the subject and you just crying "sage sage autism autism" makes you look like a fucking fool.
>I'm not going to rebuttal
Because you know you can't. Next.

Not even reading your bait, just calling you an autistic sperg, and sage.


You're trying way too hard newfag.

Still not reading it wagecuck.
Get better bait, and quit watching anime you weirdo.
Knew you were autistic.

>being this ass-blasted about white culture

I didnt say anything about culture or food ect...

You know what, you are right, my father may be a black puertorican but my mothers ancestors cane over on the ORIGINAL mayflower. When you think about it, im more of an american than you :^)

Excuse me but Richard Pearse invented the first aeroplane

Nah, you're not, but I'm not going to indulge your stupidity when all you're trying to is derail the thread.
First manned airplane. Learn to read.

I can read, Pearse's plane was manned

bait but
>living in the past
>black still upset about slavery

says the we wuz kangz / we wuz slaves braindead nigger.

How am i not? I am literally the product of the original white colonials that cane here, and i can trace it back that far. What do you have to be proud of? Your probably just some bastard child of a potatoe nigfer that came through ellis island

Post proof that it occurred prior to the Wright Brothers flight. The burden lies on the person making the claim, although I'm sure you know you're full of shit.


what about you, cletus? what have you contributed?


you didn't do shit. you and your redneck faggot friends & family are just bible thumping parasites that suck down yankee tax dollars like its going out of style. only pathetic cucks cling to the achievements of better men. no wonder you worship at the feet of trump like a raging homo. your dad was probably a cock taking queer just like you.

There is literally no evidence he actually flew the plane, he simply claimed he did

The wright brothers have photo/video proof of playing a plane


>I can trace it back that far
And I can do the same. Not really sure what you're point is. This entire thread you've just tried to attack me from any angle and it's all failed.
>hurr durr you got no job
>oh wait hurr durr you gotta work all the time
>hurr durr stupid to think about stuff from the past
>but oh wait my ancestors came on the mayflower
You contradict yourself with every post and just look like a straight up idiot ffs.

LOL "We" like you're somehow included in any of those accomplishments.


All these ass-blasted shills who hate whites but will fall back on "we wuz kangz" in a heartbeat. The hypocrisy is palpable ITT. Why are you faggots so afraid of White culture?

There's also the testimony of locals saying that he did fly it and the fact that the machine could fly, it's not proof he did it but it is proof that there's a decent possibility

To all African Americans and different races in general:
Honest question:
I like to sometimes assume all races are equal.
Looking at current geopolitical and socioeconomic standards and behavior in the black community, where do you see the world and the overall human development going.
Do you honestly think that Europe being taken over slowly by Arabs and Africans will help and progress humanity as a whole?
Do you really think that the way we are currently going regarding to social policy in relation to different races is the best for all?
Is it not possible we could mutually profit by being separate but still cooperating on a global scale?


I'm a direct descendant of one of the inventors mentioned in my OP. Why are you so scared of whites being proud of their heritage?

>Santos Dumont invented the first motorized airplane.
>The Wright brothers only made a shit glider.

Dumont is true father of aviation!

>irrefutable photo and video evidence vs. "a decent possibility"
I know which one I'm putting my money on. I could go tell a bunch of podunk villagers in the middle of nowhere I invented the a-bomb, just because they believe my horseshit with no evidence doesn't make it true.

Again, first manned airplane, faggot.

>hated whites

where did i say that? i'm white myself, but i dont take credit for the actions of others just because i happen to share their skin color. you know, because i'm not a raging cuck like you. why dont you focus on getting a job and raising a family? too much of a pathetic queer? that's a shame.

your post is literally "WE WUZ KANGS"

First manned shit glider. It wasn't an airplane, it couldn't fly by itself, only glide.

>I'm a self-hating white ashamed of my heritage because I've been brainwashed by minorities and jews
k, glad we got to the bottom of that

There's no question as to whether he built an aeroplane, there have been reconstructions of it and the plane flew, the question is whether he flew it before the Wright brothers

Post proof of your claim or go back to hiding in your favella, paco. You faggots keep making all these claims with literally no proof whatsoever posted ITT, it's hilarious.


And, again, you've got no proof that he ever did, ergo you're wrong. Science and tech isn't based on "a decent possibility." You should educate yourself.

Ironic that white folks who often claim to be against multi-culturalism will claim the accomplishments of people from various cultures under the banner of race. They aren't against multi-culturalism they're just racist.

>Cumskins live in the past by honoring their ancestors achievements

>Shitskins live in the past by crying about their ancestors weakness and subjugation


>missing the point this hard

and this is exactly why the folks in your post invented things like airplanes and calculus, why you and your inbred family will continue greeting niggers at walmart for minimum wage. SAD!

>Science and tech isn't based on "a decent possibility."
Much of the time it is, and we're not talking science and tech, we're talking history, more evidence exists for Pearse's flight than there is for the existence of Jesus, Socrates, Plato, Cleopatra or a whole host of other historical figures that you no doubt take as granted did exist.

I make 6 figures, faggot. You're the one who claimed to be a NEET. You have no point, you're just babbling about nothing and it's hilarious because none of you can refute the evidence I posted. Not a single shill is up for the challenge. Pathetic.

>found the self-hating nigger

So, according to your logic, you should have no problem telling nigerians, somalis, yemeni, canadian niggers, and US niggers to not associate with one another. You can't have it both ways, faggot. Your bullshit goes out the widow anytime it's convenient for you, that's why no one respects idiots like you.

>more evidence exists for Pearse's flight than there is for the existence of Jesus, Socrates, Plato, Cleopatra
But not the Wright Brothers. Get fucked, loser.


>The Brazilians challenge the assertion that the Wrights were first to make aviation history with a true airplane since they used a launching rail.

>Santos-Dumont's 14-Bis, as the craft was called, satisfied all the criteria of the Federation AĆ©ronautique International (FAI) as the world's first airplane.

>A) the flight should be done before an official organization, qualified to ratify it;
>B) the flight should be done in calm weather and over a plain ground, and properly documented;
>C) the machine should be able to take off from a designated area by its own means with a man on board;

Wright brothers' shit plane couldn't take off on its own, it had to use another device! Thus it was no true plane!