White people are inherently evil and sociopathic
Because he was insane....
He didnt.
YOU said that Goyim.....not me....
dude if you spend hours everyday thinking about an event that ultimately doesn't really involve you at all you probably have a mental illness and need treatment and also get a fucking job christ dude stop being a fucking drain on society
That news cycle is over. Now we wait until the next coordinated news event.
>MegaAnon is knows.
it was a weapons deal gone wrong. old guy aged 62 has lots of money, no history of owning weapons or mental illness, commits the worst mass shooting in american history. he also worked for the government his whole life. i have no reason to commit suicide so if i die remember this post
Mental illness.
He was too smart for his own good.. and mentally he had problems that were undiagnosed. It is good he is dead, but sucks that he took 58 people with him.
Yes it is disappearing from the news cycle, which is tellin in and of itself. There is definitely some kind of cover up going on, MSM is being told to back off on coverage. The only logical reason is that it must be something that would look really bad on lefties or muslims. That's who runs the media. If there was any indication that the shooter was right wing the media would be all over it 24/7. Worst mass shooting in us history and one week later it's old news. They are pushing "we may never know" themed stories. It's insane. It is literally unprecedented. Both the shooting, the circumstances, and the cover up.
just look at how much more white people care about things like animal rights and have compassion for other peoples.
on average white people are much kinder
Bottom line. Comped to much sushi, high mercury content,lead to early onset of demntia
It was all a distraction so trump could deploy his nuclear subs
After reading parts of his deposition in this article I'm leaning towards him just being a psyco.
Think about it - the media is run by alt leftists, who are now in bed with the muslims. They literally protect Muslim terrorists.
Lonely, bored, bitter old asshole psychopath with a lifelong misanthropic hatred of the human species. He was bored with life and decided to finally act out the violent fantasies he had been throwing around in his head for decades.
kys autist before you shoot up a school
oh sweetie
When will the info come out from this money pit.
It's some mk ultra shit. One big psyop to try and change the paradigm
What do the voices in your head tell you?
Bad childhood from a bank robber father, definitely sociopathic genes.
Probably an arms deal gone wrong in the plaza.
He predicted this
Maybe he did it to cause people to go insane over not knowing why he did it?
nah thats gay, why troll if you dont live to enjoy the troll?
Faggot of magnitude
When Stephen wants comps he gets comps. End of story.
You have much to learn about trolling
What if even he didn't know? It was just a strange compulsion he didn't understand.
he doesn't like people or himself so he killed both.
Why does it even matter? Pictures from the crime scene showed some note on the table, maybe that's it but police are not releasing that info.
What are you guys talking about? What is this? Did something happen in Las Vegas?? What? Diet Coke & Snapchat
The Jews
What you say doesn't matter
need i say anything else?
>registered democrat shoots up crowd of republicans in a time where mainstream media is portraying all republicans as gun toting Nazis
>"lol it has nothing to do with politics or guns, he didn't want to kill a bunch of you and take your rights, and nothing funny is going on even though a bunch of (((coincidences))) happened like all the hotel cameras magically not functioning that day. He just snapped, and this is proof of how badly we need gun control you fucking stupid goyim"
We're probably about to have a civil war
You don't have to stop living because of it. At some point you have to stop obsessing & go back to real life. Doesn't mean you forget- Noted and filed for next time.
Fuck the news. They're just liars anyway.
please I know everything, trolling is a art for simpletons.
Dude! Football and Kneeling. Also Coke and Kardashians.
best guess, this
ps He didn't do it. That's become obvious.
I accept now it was dementia.
Fast and Furious 3: Return of the Botched Deal.
a series of tubes am i rite
He actually planned to attack a different event later in the week.
The tannerite was intended to be placed at the base of the jet fuel tanks in order to set it off after causing leaks. He complained to the hotel the day before the shooting about noise levels from the guy below him. My guess is the country music concert pissed him off so much he said fuck the plan and just fucking shot it up instead of hitting the concert he was planning on
He’s an America. He did it because he could. It was freedom. A true second amendment enthusiast.
>arms deal
>nuclear bomb
So why could it be all these, but when someone simply states he's a psychopath, people call you a shill? Being crazy is a lot more common than a arms deal going wrong which supposedly got 50+ people killed.
Which is why we owned all other races as slaves. Bringing all the savages up from filth. Imagine if white people took over all of Africa and third world Muslim countries, they wouldn't be savages by now.
Wrong, he had multiple hotels booked at the same time around the country, my guess is he figured these might distract anyone who was potentially monitoring him, so they wouldnt be sure where he was.
He obviously didnt do it, retard.
Even the normies who usually
accept things at face value are questioning it.
We cant do anything about it, because any evidence we find is magically "debunked" by spooky authority types.
they're all around you, youre all going to die tonight.
Haven't heard that one before. Maybe he went early because he was worried about getting caught then. Still doesn't explain why he left the tannerite in his car instead of putting it in position, or why someone trying to not get caught would bring 23 guns to their room instead of 5 or 6
Like CNN said, the motive doesn't matter. Now move along like a good goyim.
He took the sushi piru and saw the damage americans did to grorious nippon BANZAI TACO BERR NIGERS
>must be something that would look really bad on lefties or muslims
Or the alphabet agencies/government/casinos
Never mind this whacked out mass killing with no info from authorities
Disregard the bump stock ban
What about that szechuan sauce incident at McDonalds?
>Still doesn't explain why he left the tannerite in his car instead of putting it in position,
It was meant to explode so he could escape
>why someone trying to not get caught would bring 23 guns to their room instead of 5 or 6
So the investigators, when reaching the room, would panic and think a team of people did it, instead of him alone, or possibly even assume he was kidnapped or something.
The only part thats weird is, I assume these hallways have tons of cameras? Paddock would have known this, so trying to fake a team of shooters...how? Unless he knew the cameras didnt cover the hallways properly?
He did it because hes a straight white male and realized why he had to date a foreigner.
That's because he didn't do it and the CNN and the FBI can't invent a plausible motive for the normies to feast on.
Poor CNN. So pathetic. Why does anybody watch them.
Or fox
Or cbs
Or msnbc
Or abc
Or npr
Why does anybody even turn it on?
Mods on Sup Forums
We have 30 'le motive' threads on here a day, this isn't political at all, it's /x/ quality shitposting. I'm formally requesting that this conspiracy theorization be bannable or that you move these threads to /x/
>He's an America!
you tell em cunt!
What are you talking about? There's been fuckloads of news coverage about niggers "taking a knee," disrespecting the flag, and spitting on military personnel.
kinda like the missing malaysian airlines flight, Theatre for the masses, get them used to large scale events happening without explanation
Kill this meme
His brother dropped some bread crumbs that I think help to corroborate the CIA gun-running aspect.
His brother mentioned that John was the reason he and their mother were able to retire. My guess is that he took care of his family while getting that comped lifestyle.
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise that Vegas is used as a site for illegal operations; the casinos are almost air tight with cameras everywhere.
The death toll was supposed to be much greater. Tannerite failed to explode, so the spooks were forced to mow down as many people as they could. Going back to Eric and his love of comped sushi I think there is a carrot stick in play.
If John P hadn't gone through with it, They would have likely taken out his family. John P knows what happens when you don't follow orders, and also is aware that if he isn't the trigger man, They will find a replacement.
He warned us, maybe he botched it on purpose. Now is brother is trying to answer questions with the information available to him, but as far as I know a "government employee" even a senator, doesn't get flown all over the place and get treated like royalty.
The loose end that was hastily tied up is John Beilman. Things keep getting more and more bizarre.
I think something went wrong with his plan, particularly that he had some major falling out with the person/people he was meant to be doing it with, and ended up just sperging out that night instead.
take a look at africa my boy. still practice cannibalism
Party hats pissed him off.
Especially since Sup Forums doesn't post pictures that use the hats in a fun way.
90% of the threads on this board are conspirecy theory shit
If paddock was trying to fake a team of shooters he would have fired multiple guns at the same time. Even just for a short amount of time. Very easy to do this, but he did not.
>It was meant to explode so he could escape
There was no detonator though. Interesting thought actually. He was shooting at the fuel tank, no? Did he think someone had put the explosive in place for him and he was attempting to detonate them?
I struggle to think he wouldn't know that just shooting the container wouldn't do anything.
There was talk about that he might have filmed himself. Is this a fact?
Or maybe all you sheep need to just realize not everything is about politics and you can't find a way to force every major incident to conform to you warped world view, as you have been led to believe is the norm by all of the subversion agents who post on this forum with the sole purpose of brainwashing you.
I saw Colm Meaney in Dublin a while back on Exchequer Street. His head is frigging huge. It hink he's one of these guys where the head keeps growing as he ages. Always been a fan of his.
The fuel tank, depending how many times it was hit, could have just been inaccuracy, not targetting the tanks tho.
he was rich he could have bought a 50 BMG to bust the tanks open.
maybe that is why he didnt get a real full auto, the inconsistent bump fire did seem like it could be multiple shooters.
he was rich he could have bought a pre-1986 gun no problem
someone accomplished their mission -
well done, freaks.
Shut the fuck up you kike
>breaks an easy opening window
This shit is kino
That's literally what the left does.
How about you go hang yourself nigger
Very true, I haven't thought of that before. Nigger was rich as fuck he could have afforded to buy a goddamn arsenal of full auto. Either he wanted to use bump stock as a message, to give others ideas, or didn't want the scrutiny that comes from purchasing full auto weaponry
Who the fuck is you nigga
Im sure I read he was specifically aiming for it at one point but I might be wrong.
What are you guys talking about? What is this? Did something happen in Las Vegas??
>the inconsistent bump fire did seem like it could be multiple shooters
ahahaha he thinks it was bump fire. Haven't you seen any of the videos from that night? That was full auto. Bump fire stocks just happen to be the thing they want to ban using this shooting as a justification. They had nothing to do with the actual shooting at the crowd.
Did anyone see the Steve Wynn interview on Fox News Sunday morning?
It sounded like he was trying to drop some clues.
He volunteered that Paddock and Danley NEVER drank and seemed quite adamant about it.
There was also a weird remark about the use of unsupervised service elevators that came from out of nowhere.
yeah, basically he was saying he's a muslim
Because there's way too much shady shit going on behind the scenes and we're being intentionally left in the dark, plus the media burying it.
>or didn't want the scrutiny that comes from purchasing full auto weaponry
Possibly, but how could he be so certain buying 30 fucking rifles in october wouldnt raise alarm? that wasnt very cautious of him
Saudi owns vast swaths of the media
I'm sceptical. His brother doesn't seem to think he used them and I'm inclined to think he knows more than he's letting on and the feds are giving him the rope to hang himself with.
can't post from computer because of cash me outside posting
He took the "Chad Rampage" too "leaves nothing behind to keep them guessing"
Too seriously.
never, then you'll know what their capabilities are, never going to happen