Rothschilds calling for Trump removal and jailing

Guys are we really close to the ultimate happening or WTF is going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

The tick tocks are gonna be a letdown.

this, has Hannity EVER broke any major stories?


Hannity: biggest bullshit LARPer since WHAnon.


The Rothschilds are just getting in on the fad of "trump bashing"

Nothing is even real anymore I wish I had died years ago

>we will impeach him for sure this time!
>uncomfortable sweating


>rothschilds call for someone to be put in prison

these jews are pretty fucking funny

Oh fugg

When you see something like this, it tells you that you voted for the right man. When this bitch her friends and her faggot husband are upset we did the right fucking thing. Fucking commies and democrats

You know that you hit a sore spot when the main-kikes are starting to call the President.

>Go on Bill rally the GOP

This is what happens when the deepstate and ultra-jews feel threatened. This is nothing but confirmation that Trump is the right man for the right reasons.

Drumpf BTFO for sure this time ammirite guys?

Where will they draw the line and JFK him Sup Forums?

Rothschilds saying anyone but them should be in jail.


*prints more fiat

disarm the goyim

[Jewish hand rubbing intensifies]

Are these kikes this fucking dumb? If you denounce a politician while belonging to a 0.000000000000001% banking family, the politician is clearly on the right track.


Who is Rothschild and why would America listen to her?

>yes goyum. Pay no attention to the kikes behind the curtain.

Trump didn't put enough Jews in his team. More Jews! and Rothschild is happy.

Liberals don't understand this though

Says who? Liz Covfefe? That is your source? Fuck out of here kid

Hannity said countdown T minus 7 like 12 hours ago.

cousinfucking rothschilds vs trump, rothschilds ate fucked

This, cause it aint happening anything anytime!

>Who is Rothschild
Hi there newfriend, to avoid shitting up this board with your stupid posts, please, for the love of God, LURK MOAR.

he broke that Mike Lindell was sending over 10,000 My Pillows™ to the Hurricane Harvey disaster relief effort

thats my queen right there


The white man is known for its mongolian tier violence.

Here are some examples of white violence:
The native american genocide
The native australian genocide
The nuking of japan
World War I
World War II
Hitler and his attrocities
The genocide of the palestinians
The genocide of the Syrians
The crusades
The spanish inquisista

The white man is cancer upon the planet and deserves nothing but genocide itself.

White men killed more people in the last 100 years than the entire history of the superior asian people.

>rothschilds on twitter

Lolwut? I thought they were supposed to be all secret n shieet


How could you own the whole planet and still be this ugly?
>Asked my little sibling about the gender of this creature
Is this a man or a woman, i asked
said it was a dude



I'm kinda pissed at Hannity too...he has demonstrated that he will back off legit stories under pressure (O's fraudulent documents and Seth Rich)...that being said, it looks like he has the trust of higher-ups in the WH right now. So, the question is not whether he will break any story, it whether he is hinting at inside guess is that he knows something.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

Kabuki. All of it.

she is just a whore who marries rich man , she has no power

fake acc you retards

ew dude youre still brown gross


Yeah, just release what you got Hannity, you fag. The longer you hype something up the bigger the letdown.

>>rothschilds call for someone to be put in prison
>these jews are pretty fucking funny
fucking disgusting only becuase the leftist ae now going to rush to deep throat rothschild, lizard cock.

even if Hannity had anything (((foxnews))) (((sponsors))) wont let it ever see the light of day. Hannity would honestly be better just leaking ehatever info he has here or infinite if he ever wants it to see the light of day

>Liz Covfefe Maga
Now that's what I call a reliable source.


thats a fake rothschild twitter account you retards

Nice digits


Woman told people in the crowd:

"They are all around us"

"You're all going to die tonight"

>"They are all around us!"

>"You're all going to die tonight"


Don't stop don't stop!

>liz covfefe MAGA

Holy shit i hate trump supporters so much.

We are outing the Los Angeles Rothschild link today.


liz covfefe MAGA

Lmao stay mad you little bitch

>You know that you hit a sore spot
CCCChecked. Wow. Bumparino.

When the cockroaches risk the run through a well lit kitchen you know that they are desperate. The Rothschilds have more to lose than just about anyone here and will be ruthless once cornered.
Roaches are an evolutionary step above Jews

>The nuking of japan
>World War I
>World War II
>Hitler and his attrocities
>The genocide of the palestinians
>The genocide of the Syrians
Ahem. All financed on both sides by the Rothschilds, at interest. Time to end the Fed and seize their assets.

Antarctica isn't what you think it is. Makes a great hiding place to be honest, especially with it being off limits to anyone that hasn't been approved by the Antarctic treaty.

Thank you user...
Keep the board on track.


Hey, isn't CompBro in Vegas today? I hear a loud sucking sound of all our sushi going to Steve'sBro.

This bitch is going to get a big surprise soon.

Na kurcu te nosm

>tfw no more antarctica threads on pol

They know.

Lynn de Rothschild still bitter that she put all that Rothschild money into Hillary's campaign and she still lost to Trump.

Who? What? When? Where? Why?
I think I know the answer to my last question but go ahead and answer anyway.
Thanks sempi

Definately, only nothingburgers are coming out of rhetorics like this one.

what a waste of quads
hang yourself

Bill Gates and Janet Reno's child.

good one

It's probably where they have their secret bunker just in case they jewed a little too hard.

Who is this?

>implying any of theae are bad things

There's nowhere else for them to hide.

Game is over Rothschilds, tick tock.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Is the Lynn de Rothschild Twitter account even real? Or is it a long con troll?

Liz Crokin is mai waifu

Can't argue with those digits.
Are we in the end times.

curve is clearly visible in the picture

No there isn't. For the Earth to be a globe it must curve at a rate of 8 inchs per mile. It doesn't at all, infact it is perfectly flat hence sea LEVEL.

Can prove the absolutely lack of curvature yourself with a friend, a laser pointer and a large body of water.

What if the earth IS a globe, but it's a way larger globe then we think it is in our Truman show bubble?

Explain how the sun works

>some fag pretends he can determine 8 inch per mile curves

flat earth theory is for gullible retards, pretty much rick and morty tier autistic garbage

Underrated post

Brewing my coffee to have a read :)

>earth curves that much over 6 miles.
If you're truly one of those fucktard flat earthers, you might want to consider not using this pic, it's even more overtly retarded than the others.

Not saying you're wrong, but in the globe model sea level has a semi-consistent distance from the core of the earth. Level does not always mean flat.

Yes we should all brew some coffee

coffee doesn't work for me anymore

Also the biggest star on the MSM

His audience is American tv watchers, what did you expect?

Dont hate the player, hate the game

do you know what a fish eye lens is you retard?

You can still see individual trees from this altitude, of course you can't see the curvature yet.

>Bill Gates and Janet Reno's child.
Good one.
I was going to say a tranny Bill Gates

I think the Rothschilds are losing their grip. They are falling for the bubble. Should mean their collapse in the future.

Why did some globalistst jews start the 'de' thing like the Rothschilds, Alain de Buton etc?

>A family who've held almost total power over the west for 300 years will collapse because of a radical political candidate

yeah no, they aren't going anywhere, ever.